Rat in a trap

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Horikita Suzune's Pov:

Morning came as I awoke from my sleep. I looked to my side and saw that Ryuuen was still asleep. He was facing towards my direction as for the first time I saw his expression was softened, almost like a sleeping child who finally found comfort in his sleep.

The events of last night came flooding back in my brain as I recalled everything that happened yesterday. He looked so broken and hurt when he came back home last night, it wasn't like the Ryuuen I knew, this Ryuuen seemed like he was lost and wanted to desperately find a place to belong in this world.

That's why when he kissed me last night I let it happen because a part of me wanted to give him a place to belong. What would I call this feeling? I'm not sure, but I suppose pity would be what would suit the situation.

As I continued to stare at his face I realized something, "he's hurt".

"But I don't know what that is and he doesn't tell me either. I suppose all I can do is wait for him to share this by himself."

I got up to sit in an upright position on the bed. I started to tie up my hair

"Your hair look prettier when they aren't tied up you know?"

He was awake and staring at me with his usual grin. I guess he's back to his old self now.

"I don't recall asking for your opinion, Ryuuen."

"But I love giving it, Suzune, especially when it comes to you."

"Let me make one thing clear, what happened last night was out of pity nothing more nothing less, all it meant was that I couldn't see you like a wounded animal that's all!"

"What do you mean? I don't recall anything taking place last night?"

So he chooses to outright ignore everything that happened last night? Guess I couldn't expect him to open up just because I bandaged him a little.

"You're right so let's just go about our lives without paying this matter much heed." I got up from the bed and started making my way towards our bathroom when I heard him whisper something.

"Guess even the ice queen has a heart, even if it's mostly frozen."

Afterwards we ate breakfast with Ryuuen returning to his usual self which made me have to endure ten minutes of his constant crap talks about random thing ranging from his favourite sexy girl magazines to the kids he loves to bully the most.

We then got ready for school and left our dormitory together as we made our way to the school.

"Ting" As we were walking Ryuuen's phone got a notification. I saw him click on a video, he had headphones on so I couldn't hear what it was but after listening to it he started laughing loudly.

"What's so funny Ryuuen?"

"I just saw something interesting. I never thought I would ever see something like this, it's simply amazing I'll show it to you sometime ahahaha."

As we arrived at school we went our separate ways indicating an official end to all the events that took place between us or so I thought....

Ayanokoji's Pov:

After yesterday's conversation my girlfriend hasn't tried to talk or text me once. I guess the conversation made her really mad but it was for her own benefit since she's the only leader who can be found towards the bottom of the list in the special exam. It's disappointing to say the least after all I saw her as someone with the most potential out of everyone in the school so then why has she produced no results? What is the cause that hinders Kikyo Kushida's development? Could it be, me?

Love born from hatred (Year 1)Where stories live. Discover now