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(sarahs pov)

It was 3:30 am. My hair was slopped and I had dark circles under my eyes. Somehow, I just couldn't seem to fall asleep.

Why me? I thought to myself.

I felt the cold sweat dripping down my back. I was terribly ill. I sniffed and coughed loudly, keeping Sophia awake.

"Do you mind?" She said, opening the door slowly with her soft raspy voice.

"I can't help it." I shook my head sniffing one more time.

She shut the door harshly and climbed back into her bed. There was a soft knock on the door. Who the hell could be out and about at 3 in the morning?


"Ugh." I muttered, making my way downstairs, gripping on my white fleece jacket.

I opened the door.

"Your friend here really likes to party." Harry stood next to Elma, holding her posture upright.

"Stay here Harold," I grabbed Elma and escorted her to her room. I helped her into bed and made sure she was okay.

I gently closed the door and rushed back to Harry.

"Explain." I curled my eyebrows as I watched him enter my house and take a seat.

"Well. You, Sophia and Elma attended that frat party last night-"

"Hold on, none of us are in college." I moved my hand in confusion.

"My friend Zayn is, and he invited us," he proceeded. "You and Sophia didn't drink, you guys literally drank water. But on the other hand, Elma drank a lot. You and Soph left the party early, whilst Elma stayed longer."

I frowned as I raised my eyebrows. I was extremely shocked. My new housemate's quite the party animal.

"So can I stay here? I don't think I'm going to walk back all alone in this weather." He frowned.

"Okay, you can sleep with me," I stopped for a moment, and realised that, the sentence I just spoke, sounded unintentionally wrong. "Not in that way, Harry."

"Oh well, my hopes are shattered." He said, looking to the ground as he scampered up the stairs.

I shook my head as I chuckled, following him go my room.

Harry tossed his jacket over my table where my gorgeous ring was placed. I took off my jacket and climbed into the bed tugging onto Harry's shirt.

"I-am so cold." I muttered.

"You poor thing," he fake pouted and moved away from me. "Just kidding." He giggled and grabbed me back against his body.

God he was so warm. How could he be so warm, after being outside in the cold, ice weather?

I played with his brown curls, trying not to think about how wasted Elma was. Well is.

"You look so sick." He stroked my arm.

"I am." I said, coughing grossly.

He rubbed my legs for warmth. The only thing he was doing, was making my legs warm, and not his hands warm.

"It's really early Sarah," he turned to face the clock. "I think we should both get some sleep.

I nod my head and stumbled down onto his chest, dozing off as I listened to his heartbeat.

He's so peaceful. I thought to myself.


I sat up from my bed, leaning forward as I let go of Harry's tight grip on me. I stretched my arms, yawning and mumbling under my breath.

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