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(jacks pov)

I knew what I did to Sarah was wrong. It hurt her physically and emotionally. "What the hell wrong with you?!" Elma scampered down this stairs causing loud thumps to echo around the kitchen.

"Nothing, I know Harry from high school," I pressed my hands against my temples and took a deep breath, "He wasn't quite the good guy."

"What do you mean?" She stepped forward as her eyes widened.

"He was a man whore. He went around sleeping with many girls and he was an ass, we used to be friends till he slept with my girlfriend." I narrowed my eyes and literally felt my heart sink.

"Jack," she moved closer to my nervous body and held my waist, "I had no idea." She frowned and ran her hands through my hair.

Our lips crashed into each other. I hovered over her, holding her waist tightly as she tugged onto my neck and tangled her fingers in my hair.

"..guys," a soft whisper cooed from Sarah's room, "can you two not make out on my table? it's kind of where I eat." She gave a small smile and giggled as our eyes met.

"Sorry." My eyes sunk to the floor as I awkwardly scratched my neck.

"It's cool." She slowly and miserably walked back into her room with her head dropped low and her hair disheveled.

I let go of Elma's waist and gazed into her beautiful hazel eyes. She was so beautiful. Her short, light brown-blonde hair that she always pushed back, and the way they bounced on her shoulders, the curves in her body made her even more interesting

She wasn't fat, nor wasn't she twig-like. She was in between, and that made her perfect.


(sarahs pov)

I sat against the wall, listening to Elma and Jack's conversations, "..Elma, you've got to understand that she's sensitive and fragile ever since the accident last year, and Harry isn't good for her. He is dangerous.."

Jack was right, after the car accident we were in, I was in a coma for 8 months and when I woke up, I was somewhere new, new town, new people and new everything. I was much more emotionally sensitive and fragile.

I sighed and slipped down onto the floor. I decided to just rest. I don't deserve this. My sleep was interrupted by my phone. I checked it and the screen read; Harry.

I slid my thumb across the screen to answer. There were loud noises and sounds of glass bottles shattering.


"Come down to the bar." There was an odd female voice echoing in the background. Should I go? Is this safe?

"I'll be there." Before I could hang up, there were screeching girl noises and laughter. I was screwed.

This was a bad idea.

I took out my white blouse and some black skinny jeans. I examined the outfit for a while, wondering if I should wear this. I didn't want to look like a 30 year old woman. I wanted to look and act my age.

I applied a small amount of mascara. I looked like I attended a funeral, my eyes were still red and puff.

I decided to throw on the clothes and straddle my shoes on. They were dirty, as usual. I put on my coat and raced down the stairs to discover Jack and Elma making out. Seriously?

I grabbed my keys and disrespectfully rushed out and slammed the door shut.
The drive was short. I sang along to some of my favorite bands, the 1975 and Panic At The Disco.

I frolicked out the car and locked it. I peeked through the window to find Harry flirting with some slut. She had been stroking her hands on his thighs near something that was mine. She ran her hands through his hair.

I dashed in with anger burning in my chest. I shoved the girl away and grabbed Harry by his shirt collar. We had a heavy make out session in public. Our lips crashed into each other. He tried speaking in between but I pushed him back against me.

I wanted to show this whore who Harry's real girl is. I caught her staring with her jaw dropped. Harry heaved me into his lap, I held his neck tightly as he held grip of my body.

The girl let out a disgusted gasp and furrowed her eyebrows as she scurried off the chair weeping.

"What was that Harry?" I frowned.

"She was hitting on me, like every other slut in this town." He turned away, staring at the lights that hung from the cracked ceiling.

I giggled at his humour and played with the zips on his jacket. "You're so crazy Sarah, seriously." He kissed me on the forehead and pushed my hair back. God he was so amazing. I love him.

thanks for reading guys! i know this update was short and all that but I was really like.. lazy yeah. i hope you enjoyed this chapter :) vote on this one for the next. love you guys all so much xx btw wtf is up with jack uh no haha.
All the love - M xx

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