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(harrys pov)

"And why do you think you can operate the business Mr. Styles?"

"To be honest, I am very sophisticated when it comes to work. I take my businesses very seriously and I am always on time."

"It says here, that when you were in college, you had a lot of troubles?"

"Yes that's correct, but college was very, interesting for me."


It's been two years. Two years since the accident. Two years since I've seen my girl. Two whole fucking years.

Sometimes I just wonder if she ever woke up. If she remembers me. If she's even alive. These thoughts have been repeatedly playing in my head every day for the past two years.

"How did the job interview go?" I felt a warm grip on my body from behind. I turned around to find Haley standing behind me, with an innocent smile lingering on her face.

She leaned into kiss me but I pushed away rudely, "Haley, we hooked up once, and that was because I was desperate, why do you keep on coming back for more."

"I thought we were a thing?" She shrugged her shoulders and dropped her head low.

"No we're not," I spat, "We just live together. We are only friends."

"..okay.." She muttered under her breath walking away slowly.

That's right, walk away. We're only friends and when I realised how much I missed Sarah and how much she actually meant to me, I couldn't be with Haley.

I walked over to Haley's bedroom and knocked on her door. She opened it viciously, and stood in the doorway, giving me a blank expression.

"Do you want to go eat something?" I smiled trying not to say something mean since she tried kissing me after I told her I don't have feelings for her.

"Yeah sure." She slammed the door shut in my face before I could say anything else. How polite.


We went to Sarah and I's favorite café. Sarah used to order her usual, a frappé. It was her favorite. Eventually, it became my favorite too.

I ordered a frappé for myself and a caramel macchiato for Haley. We were both focused on our phones until our beverages arrived.

"Thank you." I smiled at the waitress placing down our coffees.

"So," Haley concentrated on the steam radiating off her macchiato, "Have you heard any news about Sarah?"

"Nope." I replied awkwardly, stirring my frappé.

She hummed and took small sips from her drink. "I'm going to get some sugar, I'll be right back." I let go of my coffee and stepped out of the booth making my way to the counter.

I grabbed two sugars and carefully placed the others back in a neat position. I noticed a familiar girl in the corner of my eye.

She had light brown hair that flopped in her face, a black beanie that looked untidy, a white t-shirt with a denim jacket, and a black pair of skinny's with brown boots.

She sat at the table next to the counter with her MacBook and notes next to her. She rapidly typed things as if she had to be somewhere. I walked over to her tapping her on the shoulder.

She tilted her head up and fixed her crooked beanie that was falling off her head.

And there she was. The beautiful girl I fell in love with two years ago. "Harry?" Her eyes lit up and her voice shook nervously.

"Sarah," I breathed out heavily, "It's you."


never saw that coming. wow okay. there's going to be like.. maybe 2 more chapters? then the epilogue! thanks for reading. love you guys all x

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