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shiz is going to be emotional so be mentally prepared


(sarahs pov)

The speed at which Harry drove was past its limit. He drove faster and faster each time Grayson sped up his own engine. "Harry please slow down." I clenched my right hand over my chest and waved my left hand in the air.

Harry wasn't processing anything I said, so, I grabbed his arm but he disrespectfully pulled away, causing my arm to bruise and turn a shade of purple and blue.

"You want her? Come and get her." Grayson drove faster, smirking and causing Harry to grunt and drive faster. He knocked over bins and all sorts of things along the way, "Shit!" He groaned.

Grayson overtook Harry in the lane, we were now in the back. We started slowing down for a bit. "Harry please stop this!"

"No! I NEED TO GET IRIS OUT OF THERE!" He yelled at me as if he was my father. I felt weak and worthless.

I couldn't feel my bones, I couldn't feel anything in my body. My heartbeat sped up and I was sweating like a pig. My breathing started to get heavier and louder. I couldn't handle this.

He jerked the car and I could feel my head slam back into the chair. Why was he so worried about Iris? Does he still have feelings for her? Seriously.

"HARRY!" I screamed, pressing my hands on Harry's thigh.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP SARAH!" He kept his eyes focused on the road and clutched his fist into a tight ball.

I stayed quiet and turned the other way. A tear escaped my eye and rushed down my cheek. My face turned red and my body started to heat up.

Before I could say a word, everything went black.



"..Sir..sir! wake up!" paramedics surrounded me. There were two ambulances, and several stretchers. I stood up from the bloody floor and searched for Sarah.

I found her being carried into an ambulance on a stretcher. I really fucked this up. "Hey! Wait!," I charged up to the van, "Is she going to be okay?"

"We're not sure, she hit her head pretty hard. Her skull was damaged." The paramedic stared down at the papers and files she held in her hands.

I can't believe this just happened, I watched Sarah in the ambulance get driven off to some faraway hospital.

"You're pretty hurt yourself," she pointed at the cuts and damages on my legs and arms, "Come on let's get you fixed up at the hospital."


I sat down on a broken chair and stretched my arm out. She grabbed a box that had medical appliances and tools in it.

She stitched the cuts on my arms and the openings on my legs. "There you go, now don't hurt yourself like this again. And don't drive fast!" She smiled and packed the tools away.

"Thanks." I replied giving a small smile. "Where's Sarah?"

"Sarah Michelson? To be honest, I don't know. But what I do know, is that she's going for surgery."

I sighed and felt my heart drop to my stomach. I couldn't care less about Iris and Grayson. The most important thing right now, was Sarah. Only Sarah.

"You need to get home, get some rest." The lovely paramedic ushered me out the hospital and waved me one last goodbye.

"Shit I don't have a car," I pressed my hand against the wall, and punched it, "I guess I'll just walk."

I knew Sarah wasn't going to be okay. I really screwed up this time. What would her father think of me? Sarah could be dead for all I know.


"You could never trust him!" Jack rudely pointed at me as tears formed in his eyes.

"I'm sorry okay!"

"Sorry is not going to fucking fix this Harry! She could be dead!" Elma leaned against the wall and slowly slid down and exhaled.

"Clean yourself up and we'll go visit her." Jack gave me a dirty look and sat down on the sofa.

I cleaned myself up and discovered old clothes in Sarah's dresser. I threw it on feeling a sadness build up inside of me.

"Let's go." I said huskily.

The drive was quiet and uncomfortable. I could feel the anger and tension that traveled around us in the car. We finally arrived at the hospital.

We stepped out the car, all slamming the doors shut in unison. Elma and Jack looked heartbroken and just miserable.

I felt way worse. She could be dead. The love of my life could be dead. "Sarah Michelson?" I said, clearing my throat.

The woman at the front desk typed in Sarah's full name on her computer and directed me to the room, "Go straight down the hall and it's the first one on your left."

We all walked down the hall, approaching the room. The hospital smelled like the deceased, it reminded me so much of my brother.

Everyone in my life is either dying, already dead, or terribly sick. I walked into the room. I felt grief rise in my chest. I felt like crying to be fair. I had never seen her so sick in my life.

"I-is s-she.. Is she d-dead?"

"No, she's in a coma," the nurse replied frowning, "We don't exactly know when she will awaken, but we did the surgery and this is the result."

"She's in a coma, again. Look at her Harry, LOOK AT HER. This is your fault. This is because of you." He was right, this is my fault, and I felt like killing myself for it.

She looked so dead, and pale. There were tubes running through her nose and to places I couldn't even see or notice. She looked terrible. And it was because of me.

"Who knows how long she'll be in a coma, a few months, maybe a year." Elma brought her hand up to her mouth and clasped it over as she burst out into tears.

I grabbed Sarah's hand as I sat down on the chair beside the bed. Elma and Jack slowly walked out the room watching me. "I love you, I'm sorry for this." I placed my head on her hand and started sobbing.

'She could be dead, she could be dead. She. Could. Be. Dead.' Is the only thing I thought as I watched her in her death-like sleep. I ran my hands through my hair and took a deep breath. I glance at Sarah and thought about everything we had.

The day we met, she didn't really like me, I annoyed her, and that was adorable. I love her so much. Why did this have to happen? I shouldn't have raced that dick Grayson.

If I didn't, none of this would've happened. Sarah and I would have been laying in bed and watching movies, I would be holding her and whispering things to her that she wants to hear. Instead, she's in a coma, for who knows how long.

A man who looked about 24 years old, walked into the room. "My name is Timothy, I'm Sarah's older brother. I heard you're her boyfriend and you got her in this mess." He didn't look too angry, just disappointed.

"Uh hi, I'm Harry. Harry Sty-"

He raised his hand in the air and interrupted, "I know."

I cleared my throat and before I could politely reply, Timothy intervened, again, "I think you should go, you've done enough."

This is just great.



JK. But sadly, the end is near and soon to come :( i really hoped you liked this chapter ! it was such a plot twist, and sad to write.. but yeah i love you guys all xx thank you so much for reading and for 300 reads! So close to 400
tysm! x

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