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(sarahs pov)

It was a Monday night. I had a tight grip on my fluffy white pillow, I could feel it breaking.

Sophia rubbed my back and I knew she was getting irritated by my depressing mumbles and despite the fact that I was messing up her new sheets with my messy, drippy mascara, she still stayed with me and cared for me.

"I-I can't-handle-this." I sobbed and sobbed, my eyes were red and puffed up. My face hurt so bad. I clenched my fists and tightly shut my eyes hoping this was all one big nightmare.

"It's going to be okay, your mum's in a better place." I could see Sophia's tears starting to run down her cheek. She comforted me and gripped on me. She was like a seatbelt clipped on me.

"I don't want to speak to Harry, I don't want to speak to anyone," Sophie looked surprised, "This is too much for me."

My mum's funeral was the most depressing event I had ever attended. I'd never felt so miserable in my life. I felt my heart break piece by piece.

My mum and I were extremely close, she was the only one I could talk to about my issues. I loved her so much. She was my everything.

Harry: Talk to me, what happened?

Harry: please reply, I'm here for you Sarah.

Harry: ???

"He's annoying." Sophie looked at me as she wiped her dreadful face.

I nodded my head and carried on my endless crying. I really couldn't care less about Harry, I knew I was being mean but my mother just died. How was I supposed to feel?

"Sarah, please stop crying." Sophie wiped my tears.

"I don't know-how."

"You will be okay, think about happy things, things that make you smile. Promise me you'll be okay?" Sophie pleaded.

I nodded and sniffed while throwing my huge amount of tissues away. I felt bad for being so mean to Harry by ignoring his texts. My phone buzzed in my pocket.

Harry: Sarah please talk to me. I'm so so sorry if I did anything. I miss you xx

Me: Come over.

I was afraid what Harry might say to me, he was the sensitive guy. I couldn't give a single fuck about how I looked.

My hair was in a disgusting state, I had a shirt with stains on and my pants were dirty. I looked like death to be honest.

There was a soft knock on the door. Harry obviously. Who else knocks like that? "What?" I sniffed. Harry covered his mouth and stared in dismay.

"What happened?"

I turned away hoping he wouldn't repeat the question. I was so shattered I couldn't even open my mouth. "Please tell me if I did anything wrong," I looked at him and I saw how big his eyes were, it was almost unreal, it looked animated.


"You can't bring back my mother can you?" I started tearing up again. I couldn't stop it.

Harry's mouth formed into a shape of an 'O'. He grabbed me and rubbed my back gently. He made me feel better. I knew that he had sympathy for me because the same thing happened to him when he was younger.

"It's okay, it's okay." He whispered those two words constantly in my ear as he held me in his arms. I knew that it wasn't going to be okay. At all.

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