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A few weeks passed and everything was calm. Too calm. This calmness was satisfactory for Yoongi for he thought he had scared his rival but y/n was the one feeling unsettled. She tried warning Yoongi, she did, but he had his own way to distract her, to make her forget everything but his name and not even that, at times.

Another week passed and came in the information about an infiltrator. He was presented before Yoongi in his throne room, a dark unsettling room, but calm, nonetheless.

It was kind of a cliché royal set up. A gold and gem studded throne with dragons carved on the armrests, set at the very end of the room after crossing a long corridor; black dragon carved pillars placed closer than needed, more than needed; seats similar but smaller than the throne placed between the pillars, for his teammates to sit, and finally, few servants serving very essential, alcohol.

The big black doors of wood opened and everyone present in the room stilled their movements. Standing up in respect of the king, they lowered their heads a little. There he came, in all his glory, black pants and shirt doing justice to attractive, well-built physique as the silver clad hands looked ready to choke or pull the trigger. The gold gun shining at his waist was such a compliment to him. he walked as his brothers, partners, friends walked in behind him in two rows of three. On his right were RM, Min and V and left were J-Hope, Jin and JK. All of them matched their leader in black, the only difference being choice of style.

RM chose half-sleeved shirt while V chose a t-shirt, matching with Min who had glittery denim jacket over as well. J-hope had on a leather jacket with skinny jeans. Jin chose to wear something lighter, combining his white turtle neck with grey jacket. JK chose for himself a black shirt that covered his tattooed arm and wore a golden masquerade mask to conceal his upper half of face.

Suga walked to his throne and stood with is back to it. A servant took the jacket placed over his shoulders and hung it on the side, carefully. As his partners also reached their seats, right by the side of his throne, he sat along with them and then everyone.

He leaned back on the seat, his arms placed on the armrest confidently and he crossed his legs. "Where is he?" he asked in a dark voice.

Then walked in a guy at gun point. He was stumbling as his hands were tied to the back. His limping gave away that his leg was broken while the shirt he was wearing was almost torn. There were several bruises all over him but no dried blood on his body except healing wounds. He knew they had showered rather dumped him in cool pool to wash off the filth accumulated while they tortured the truth out him.

Suga titled his head to the side, assessing the guy before him. trying to find the way to break him. the guy was soon kicked to kneel on the floor and raised his head to find the coldhearted man they had titled as king.

"I'm sorry suga. I'm sorry. Please, one chance, just one chance, king. I have a family to raise." He began begging even if he knew suga didn't have a heart towards those who betray him.

"family?" suga asked a little too calmly, raising the bar of hope in his heart.

"yes king, please, I have a wife and kids at home. Please spare me. For my family."

"I can, but only if you tell me how much you ousted to python. List it down, every singe thing." He pressed with an unfamiliar soft expression. He was shocking many present but those 6 who knew him inside out, who knew what he would do.



"can I go now, that's all I told them, no more." They guy looked up hopefully, only to quiver back in fear at the sight of mad anger in the eyes of man.

"hmm, Jin, help me recall my words again?" he smirked.

"you told him that you can free him."

"oh! I think he misheard it as you will." JK jumped in, enjoying the scene unfold.

"did you, do-shik? Nevermind, how many kids did you tell you have?"

"t-thr-three." He understood he was played. He knew he was going to die, but he also knew, as cruel as suga was, he was the son of his father, he would not make any child suffer because of their parent. "two girls and a boy. Please, king, raise them to be different from me. That's my last wish."

"I will." He promised. "any last words for your wife?"

"please tell her to find a man worth her love." He said and lowered his head, waiting for a bullet to pierce through it but it didn't, his throat was sliced and he painfully choked on his own blood to death.

As the guards cleared up his body, he asked, "what did he do as a cover up?" to no one in particular.

"he worked as a taxi driver, it helped when he was delivering arms."

"hmm, min," min stood up from his seat, ready to receive his order and take off to follow.

"take him and his car to a secluded highway, frame an accident, such that it seems a broken part sliced his neck. After that, talk to the police and make sure it closed as an animal crossing accident. Jin, I want you to supervise his autopsy and funeral personally."

"JK, V, talk to the lawyers and make sure his family gets a sum enough for the education of his kids, his wife gets a job under any of us and draft a will in bis name, for the money and his last words to his wife." A few more issues of concern were discussed with all the mafias and mob bosses, who were practically suga's underlinings.

Just as they were about to move to act on the commands, a guy came in, holding a royal looking scroll. A faint smile made its way to the lips of the seven leaders as the recognized the only person who would go over the top, doing this royal shit.

The guy hesitantly handed the scroll to Jk who was sitting the farthest from Suga who in turned handed the scroll to his brother.

Sultan's humble greetings to the king.

I have yearned to see you, to serve you, that is why, without consulting you, have had the audacity to come to you. Forgive your slave, sir.

Can't wait to meet you,

Your devoted slave, Saadik.

"prepare for a grand welcome. My dear friend is coming." He said and forwarded the letter to others to read it.

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