t h i r t e e n

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The plan seemed simple enough, Michael didn't realise at the time what he was in for or what the effects would be after he did it. The only thing on his mind was Luke Luke Luke, after this Luke would come to Michael for advice on happiness and he would eventually be with him, right? That's all he could imagine.

Today was when he was going to do it. This plan is bullet proof. But the only thing wrong was that Michael forgot it was created by a mentally unstable person. He was so caught up with Luke being his that it slipped his mind, as did what he Aiden did to Luke in the past.

He was going to wait for a couple of weeks, until this morning. When he was on his way to see Luke he overheard a conversation he didn't like.

earlier this morning

"Luke, I know we've only had one date and stuff but I um" The curly haired boy paused, looking down blushing "You're pretty, cute and amazing, I've had a great couple of weeks with you and obviously our first date was one of the best things that's happened to me since I got forced to move. But, now I am glad I did because I met you. Oh god, this is so cheesy. Okay anyway ugh Luke Hemmings will you be my boyfriend?"

"Ash of course I will! You make me so happy, I wouldn't want anything else" The blonde smiled "Just promise you will never hurt me?"


Michael smirked at the memory, yeah he doesn't think he's going to hurt you, yet, he thought. Making sure to go over the plan mentally right up until he reached their room door. He knew Luke would be home any minute, Calum is still in a lecture for another hour this is the perfect time for it.

Michael didn't like the feeling of ruining a new relationship of two people possibly in love but he can't take it anymore. He slowly knocked on the door, smirking when Ashton opened the door.

"Oh hi Michael, Luke's just on his way up now he won't be long" Ash smiled innocently, Michael almost felt bad since this is the happiest Ashton has been since he started the university and he's always been so kind to Michael but then he remembered he would get Luke as his boyfriend and Aiden as his new best friend along with Calum and Ashton would be out the picture forever.

"Actually I think I can hear him coming down the corridor no-"

Ashton was cut off with a pair of thin lips being pressed to his, he went to pull away but Michael kept his hand at the back of Ashtons neck until Luke came, obviously Ash didn't kiss back but to Luke it didn't seem that way.

"Wha-what" Ashton stared at the blonde, in shock. They both had tears threatening to spill except for Michael who had a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

"Luke I swear to you, he kissed me. I tried to pull away but he grabbed my nec-"

"I don't want to hear it Ashton" Luke cut off "I've heard it all before, I will talk to you when I can actually look at you because I honestly can't right now" Luke held the tears back until he was out of sight and had used his spare key to get into Calum and Michaels room. Of course he was going to wait for Cal to get back and just hope Michael had the common sense to not come in and leave him for a few hours. But obviously he was wrong.

"Luke are you okay? Please don't cry, He's a dick come her-"

"Are you actually kidding me right now?!" Luke screamed at the boy, Michael put his arms down in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Michael asked once again in confusion

"Fuck off Michael! You kissed my boyfriend! What makes you think I'd want to speak to you if I don't want to speak to him?!" Luke retorted "I'll just go somewhere else its your room anyways" He mumbled, remembering where he was.

"No no its okay, I need to go see someone anyway you can stay, whatever" Michael should of seen this coming, why would Aiden help him get the boy he also wants?!

"Oh and Michael" Luke quickly stopped him before he left.

"Yes Luke" He was hoping the boy would ask him to stay.

"Thanks a lot, I thought you were my best friend but you have truly opened my eyes"

Now he just wants to punch Aidens face in, he lost his chance and he may have just ruined it for Ash as well. He needs to sort this.

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