f o u r

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f o u r

Luke's POV

Me and Ashton were sat in silence for what felt like forever, until I decided to speak up and break the dreadful silence.

"So Ashton. . ." I trailed off

"You can call. . . you can call me Ash I-I mean only if y-you want to" He seemed nervous whilst speaking

"Okay Ash. . ."

"Luke, babe, we can't put this off any longer" He pointed out which made me realise I had to explain everything, this was weird since I haven't known him very long.

"I guess you're right" I looked down playing with my fingers "Well here goes. . ." I attempted to put it off as long as I could

"Look, Luke if you aren't comftable don't force yourself to tell me I would understand if its private"

"No Ash, it's- whatever here goes" I took a deep breath, telling the story feels like re-living it and it was torture. "Back at secondary school, I was badly bullied. From year 8 until I left. I was beaten, yelled at, made fun of, anything they could do to get to me. The names varied from 'ugly' 'fat' 'faggot' 'worthless' 'whale' and I just couldn't take it. They made me believe all of that was true and that I deserved to be beaten by them, I just really wanted to die. But I found new ways to make myself feel better, skirts just make me feel pretty. Since then I just love all the pink and pretty things because they make me feel like iam actually pretty and not fat or ugly"

"Luke. . . you're gorgeous, you don't still believe them do you because none of that is true!" Ashton tried to re-assure me, Cal and Mikey do it all the time.

"No, of course not Ash. Can we just change subject?" I said with a fake smile plastered on my face, hoping he will buy it. Its obvious he doesn't believe me.

"Do you know what Luke, why don't you go and put your pretty little skirt back on and we can cuddle?" He asked, making me feel my face get hot "Sound good?" He asked again

"Y-yeah okay that would definately make me feel better. . ." I trailed off, trying to hide how excited I secretly was and I sheepishly started walking back to the bathroom to find the skirt I disposed of earlier. When I walked back into our room, Ash was on my bed with open arms waiting for me. I was still blushing, hard. I led next to him and he scooped me into his arms pulling me half on top of him, causing a smile to spread on my cheeks.

"Thanks, Ash" I said with a lazy tone.

"For what?" He was just as relaxed as I was, running his hands through my quiff.

"Just for understanding me and not judging me" I answered him, my voice getting quieter as I spoke each word.

"Its alright Lukey, why don't you take a quick nap? Crying can really drain you" He smiled down at me, still stroking my hair. Before I could control what I was doing I felt myself slowly drifting off and the last thing I felt was him softly placing a kiss to my head.

I think I have a crush on Ashton Irwin


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