s i x t e e n

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Lukes POV

There was silence in our room as me and Ash were trying to fit in all our left over work, the christmas holidays were 4 days away and we didn't want to have to do anything during christmas. Suddenly Calum came barging through the door, dragging a now red-headed Michael behind him.

"Well, look who finally came back from his little run away" Calum sighed "He just wants to talk and I think...well I think we should listen" 

"Cal are you crazy? Why would we want to talk to him?" I shouted, glaring at them both.

"Luke can I talk to you out here for a second?" Ash pulled me into the bathroom, looking back out to the other boys murmuring a 'one sec' 

"What is it Ash?!" I whisper-yelled

"Luke, Mikey has been your best friend for years now! He messed up, I know that! But you can't ignore him forever! Just at least see what he has too say? Please... for me?" He pouted, softly placing a quick kiss on my lips.

"Fine, but I won't even consider forgiving him unless he has an extremely valid excuse for this" I rolled my eyes and dragged Ash back out with me.

We walked out to see that they hadn't moved since we were in there, if we're sorting this out we need to be prepared for a proper chat.

"Everyone come and sit on my bed" I demanded, waiting for them to sit around me. Michael sat next to me with a sheepish smile and then looked down, playing with his sweater paws. I looked at him and realised he was avoiding eye contact. Calum rubbed his arm and gave him a reassuring nod.

"Just tell him what you told me" Cal urged.

"Lu-luke, I didn't mean for any of this to happen" Michael stuttered

"Bit late for that"

"Luke, I know. I deserve everything that's happening because of this- this stupid mistake I made. I lost my best friends because I would of done anything to be with the boy I lov-loved" He whispered the last part, looking away from me.

"W-what? Michael I..."

"I was jealous that this whole time I had liked you, I got no where in as long as a year b-but then the new boy comes along and just gets you straight away...I was hurt and wasn't thinking! Luke, I wasn't hurting you or Ash on purpose, I regret even talking to Aiden in  the first place" Michael pleaded.

"Michael I never knew you liked me more than a best friend, well I guess now I think about it there were some signs, but seriously did you think getting Aiden of all people would make me realise all of this?" I pressed softly, realising now that I've had my fair share of being stupid for what i believed was love. "If you just spoke to me, even if I didn't give you the answer you wanted to hear, then we could of sorted this in a better way"

"I know and I am so sorry! I'll never be this stupid again, I just want to be back to how we were, I just want to be able to make it up to you- all 3 of you!" Michael begged.

"Okay" I answered "I forgive you" I breathed. I am not usually one to forgive so easily but I am not doing this anymore.

"And me" Calum cut in.

We all looked to Ashton, who had been listening over from his bed. He was sat with his legs crossed looking down at his hands. When he realised everyone was staring, he rolled his eyes.

"What?" He protested, after he realised I wouldn't give in he finally spoke up. "Fine, I guess I forgive you too, but if this ever happens again!" 

"Ashton!" I glared, he replied with a quick 'sorry' and we all continued to talk but this time, catching up on what we've missed.


Everything finally seemed back to normal, Luke still had to ask Ashton something quite important. He'd been putting it off, scared of rejection or embarrassment. Which was stupid because this is Ash, he'd never hurt Luke. The blonde walked up to his boyfriend, sitting on the end of his bed causing him to look up from his books. 

"Hey babe, whats up?" He smiled, Luke fiddled with the end of his skirt which he only did when he was nervous "hey Lukey, don't be nervous. What's up?" He placed a hand on his thigh to try and soothe him.

"WouldyouliketocometomyhouseforchristmasbreakbecauseIdon'twantyoutobealone" Luke rushed, speaking so fast it was barely even english.

"Okay, okay slow down" Ash chuckled 

"Would you like to, maybe, you can say no but would you want to come to my house with my for the christmas break because I don't want you to be alone and I know your parents won't be back yet and-"

"Luke" He cut him off from his ramble "I would love that, are you sure your family don't mind?"

"Are you kidding? They are desperate to meet you! They also pushed me to invite you...I thought you were going to reject me" The younger boy blushed

Ashton was secretly hoping to spend this holiday with Luke, but he'd given up on the idea when he realised Luke would be desperate to see his mum since he calls her every week and Ashton's just on his own here so it would of been boring and now he doesn't have to be alone again, getting phone calls from each parent every hour constantly apologising for not being there. He was just so thankful for this boy.

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