Chapter 8

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The Next Day

Peter meets with Mary Jane once again at there local coffee shop
"Hey MJ" said Peter
"Oh hey, I'm wondering if everything's alright" said Mary Jane
"What do you mean by that, I feel the same as I've always been" said Peter
"It's just that, Spider-Man has become a lot more violent lately so I thought that something happened that caused your change in Attitude" said Mary Jane
"Not that I'm aware off" said Peter
"Are you sure cause you look different" said Mary Jane as Peter looked kinda pale
"I know you have the right to be concerned but like I said I'm fine and nothing is wrong with me" said Peter
"Okay but still how's everything, have you talked with your mom recently?" Asked Mary Jane
"Not really cause to tell you the truth I have no way to get in contact with her but maybe she's busy with avengers business" said Peter
"Who really knows" said Mary Jane
"But I did deal with a crazy Russian guy who wanted to hunt me" said Peter
"That's kinda crazy" said Mary Jane
"Well that's my life now" said Peter as a series of police cruisers drove by
"Well I guess that's your cue" said Mary Jane
"I guess so, sorry but I got to run" said Peter who then got up and left
"I see why you like that girl" said the Symbiote
"What are you talking about, She's just a friend" said Peter
"Sure" the symbiote tells Peter jokingly as it completely envelopes his body
"Let's hope that this goes better then last time" said Spider-Man who then shoots a web and swings away.


Eddie Brock is sitting alone in his apartment, thinking about everything that went wrong, him getting the symbiote, him inviting Peter to see it and most of all Spider-Man's involvement in it's destruction
"It's all because of him, Spider-Man, he ruined everything and why would Peter associate himself with him, his photos for the bugle are the closest I will get to having my vengeance and mark my words Spider-Man, I will find a way to kill you" said Eddie as he tears apart the newspaper ignoring the fact that Spider-Man was wearing the symbiote. .


Peter crawls into his apartment through the window after dealing with a man wearing a rhino costume, he collapses onto his bed and the mask retracts
"Man, where do these guys keep coming from?" Asked Peter
"How should I know I spent most of my life being experimented on by your father" said the Symbiote
"Speaking of that, where did you come from and why was Oscorp experimenting on you?" Asked Peter and so the symbiote formed a head to explain
"I am from the planet kyntarr, my species have the ability to bond to a host and amplify there base attributes, I was sent to earth to see if it was that be used as a potential hive for my species and eventually I was found by your father and Norman Osborn where they ran many tests on me, it wasn't until Oscorp fell apart after Norman Osborn's defeat by your hands, I was given to the Brock Boy" said the Symbiote
"But why did you bond to me?" Asked Peter
"When you entered the Columbia university lab, I felt a strong connection to you more than Brock, so when those robbers broke in and attempted to steal me, I knew it was my chance to bond with you" said The Symbiote
"That's kinda strange but I guess I got to run more tests" said Peter
"Do what you must but we have made each other stronger" said The Symbiote
"You're a strange alien creature but hey what's the worst that can happen?" said Peter.

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