Chapter 4

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A nearby bank is being robbed by the shocker who leaps through the glass of the front window holding the bags of money he stole
"Hahaha, looks like I'll be enjoying myself Tonight" said Shocker when Spider-Man lands in front of him
"Hey Herman" said Spider-Man
"Oh not you" shocker said annoyed
"Who else would it be?" Asked Spider-Man when shocker hits him with a sonic shockwave moving him forward a bit
"Woh okay, well that's something, although something about that didn't feel the greatest, almost like I was pain" Said Spider-Man
"Oh trust you're going to be in pain" said Shocker who hit him with another blast of his shock gauntlets but Spider-Man jumped out of the way before he could get hit
"Think your losing your touch Herman" said Spider-Man
"Laugh all you what Bug Boy because I got something for you that will blast you all the way to Jersey" shocker screamed as he used his gauntlets to launch himself off the ground in an attempt to escape
"Oh no you don't" Said Spider-Man who swung after him dodging sonic blasts as he does so before shooting a web at him and landing right on shocker
"Have you always been sloppy?" Asked Spider-Man
"Oh whatever" said Shocker
"Now bite off his head" said a random voice
"Hey Herman did you say something?" Asked Spider-Man but Shocker said nothing
"Well that was weird" said Spider-Man who swung away as the cops showed up
"Could of sworn I heard somebody tell me to bite shocker's head off, must be my mind playing tricks on me" said Spider-Man who enters his new apartment where he has been living since his old home in queens is now owned by new people so SHIELD helped him set this place up, he falls onto his bed and takes his mask off
"Boy am I tired" Peter Exclaimed as his phone rings
"Hello" asked Peter
"Hey Pete, it's MJ" said Mary Jane
"Oh Hey" said Peter
"Is everything alright?" Asked Mary Jane
"Yeah just met up with our old friend Eddie Brock" said Peter
"Really how's he been" said Mary Jane
"Well he seemed excited to catch up and then things went south very quickly" said Peter

Later that Night

While Peter is sleeping, the symbiote removes itself from his clothes in the hamper and proceeds to move out of there and onto the bed where it starts to invelop Peter's body starting at his foot before moving up his leg and onto the rest of his body, when he awoke he was hanging upside down in front of a window
"Wait where am I and what am I wearing?" Asked Spider-Man amazed by the black version of his suit
"It must be the symbiote, it didn't get destroyed and must have merged with me but why would an alien lifeform want to bond to me" Spider-Man asks himself
"Well look at you, decided that it was time for a costume change" said Black Cat who appears behind him
"Woh Black Cat, you know it's rude to sneak up on people like that" said Spider-Man
"When do you care about what other people do?" Asked Black Cat
"I guess you got a point" said Spider-Man
"Anyway I'd figured we'd meet up, after all I've got word that some hired guns that work for one of the kingpin's buddies are delivering some cargo to the city" said Black Cat
"Let me guess, it's at the docks" said Spider-Man
"What makes you say that?" Asked Black Cat
"Because it's always at the docks" said Spider-Man.

The two head to the docks where Spider-Man instantly recognizes the type of criminals that are doing the job
"Those look like some of Hammerhead's Guys, didn't even though the maggia were still around" said Spider-Man
"You'd be surprised of the amount of people that have active again in the absence of the avengers" said Black Cat
"Not surprising, Ever since they went global they must have figured that the police would be able handle some gangsters" Spider-Man told Black Cat
"My best advice is to stick to the shadows, make sure we're not seen, after those guns there carrying could cause some serious damage" said Black Cat
"Tommy guns straight out of an old Gangster movie, ok let's go" said Spider-Man as the two got to work quietly taking down Hammerhead's thugs but Black Cat got curious as Cats do and took a key off One Of them after she knocked them out
"Well hello, wonder what you open?" Asked Black Cat
"Probably the thing there transporting" said Spider-Man
"Well want to see what they got?" Asked Black Cat
"I'm tempted but I don't think it's such a great idea to be honest" said Spider-Man
"Oh don't be such a buzzkill" said Black Cat
"I'm just being cautious' said Spider-Man who then followed as black cat opened the shipping container
"Old SHIELD Equipment" said Spider-Man
"Well that's not a surprise" said Black Cat
"No kidding, ever since the goblin war, governments and the united nations have been slowly giving up on them so it makes sense that there equipment would fall into the hands of guys like hammerhead" said Spider-Man.

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