Chapter 2

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Later that Night

"Okay Parker this is nothing to be nervous about just stick to your game plan man I mean yeah so what your hot she's hot you're both caked in spandex and what was my point again, man I got to be an idiot to be here right now" Spider-Man said to himself
"Hey Spider" said Black Cat
"Whoa okay first of all keep your distance lady second of all putting that huge ad in the newspaper it basically told everyone out there hey come try and kill us" Spider-Man Exclaimed
"Look Spider I'm here to apologize for the other night" said Black Cat
"Hmm for real" said Spider-Man
"Yeah" said Black Cat
"Well okay I guess but this is what I don't understand why do you all this the whole thief thing I mean do you really need all the crap you steal what gives" Spider-Man asks Her
"You wouldn't understand" said Black Cat
"Try me" Spider-Man states back at her
"Okay long story short my father did this he was killed by the police, it was his passion so I took it on, this is all I know so what else am I supposed to do" said Black Cat
"This is sounding way too familiar" Spider-Man said to himself but he quickly got that out of his mind
"You can help people I mean look at you, you're strong, smart, great looking, get any guy you want plus you got these crazy superpowers" said Spider-Man
"I don't have superpowers" said Spider-Man
"You don't have superpowers" Spider-Man stated with Black Cat shaking her head no
"Hmm okay let's see here no that does not make me feel any better about our first encounter sorry" said Spider-Man
"I can get any guy I want" said Black Cat
"Huh oh yeah I mean why not right" said Spider-Man
"How old are you anyways?" Asked Black Cat
"That is unimportant and you" Spider-Man jokes
"Yeah right so you gonna show me what the superhero things all about" said Black Cat
"Lady your wish is my command" said Spider-Man as the two went on a crime fighting spree
"Yes ladies and gentlemen that is yet another night of satisfied customers, hey cat good job tonight were really starting to get into a little groove tonight" said Spider-Man then out of nowhere she pushes him up against the wall
"Can I come over tonight?" Asked Black Cat
"Come over?" Spider-Man said confused
"I don't know what it is about you spider but want you bad" said Black Cat
"Are you serious?" Asked Spider-Man
"Then what you don't want me spider?" Asked Black Cat
"Well yeah but  you don't even know who I am, all you know is Spider-Man, what about my secret identity I gotta think about this" said Spider-Man
"Keep it on" said Black Cat
"My Mask" Spider-Man said confused
"It'd be exciting" said Black Cat
"Hmm it makes sense you know I think it's official you're a genius" said Spider-Man.

The Next Day

Peter enters the daily bugle in a good mood and a big smile on his face much to Betty's surprise
"Oh hey Pete, geez you're in a good mood" said Betty
"You could say a lot of really good things have been happening to me lately" said Peter
"Okay" said Betty who then hands Peter a check
"Here you go" said Betty
"Thanks see ya" said Peter but Betty stops him again
"Oh wait hey this guy called for you earlier, said it was urgent, didn't leave a name" said Betty
"Hmm" Peter stated
"What little Peter Parker isn't becoming a little homewrecker now is he" Betty joked
"I seriously doubt that, thanks" said Peter who then leaves and dials the number on the phone
"Peter I'm glad you called" said the voice on the other end
"Who is this?" Asked Peter
"It's me Eddie Brock Jr" said The voice in the other end
"Eddie Brock, I haven't seen you since you graduated" said Peter as Eddie Brock Jr was an old friend of his back in high school who was a year older then him but was someone who he often hung out with alongside Harry and Mary Jane and often had to be Peter's bodyguard whenever flash was bothering him but eventually he graduated and the three never saw him again after that
"Yeah well I've been busy lately so I wasn't able to get in contact with you or Mary Jane or even Harry after I heard about what happened to your aunt and uncle, I'm sorry about that" said Eddie
"So how've you been?" Asked Peter
"I've been good, college has been a pain in my butt but I've been working on something that I think you would be interested in" said Eddie
"Like what?" Asked Peter
"A little project that our father's starting working before your dad left Oscorp" said Eddie
"What is it?" Asked Peter
"Meet me at The entrance to the Columbia University science lab later and I'll show you" said Eddie
"Alright I'll be there" said Peter. 

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