Chapter 9

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As the weeks went by, Peter started to change as he became a lot more violent but to him it didn't matter as he and symbiote were becoming more and more connected almost like they were becoming one person and while most people in neo Tech City didn't really notice but Mary Jane did so she kept track of how much Spider-Man was changing especially when they met up to eat lunch together like they always do
"I'm telling you MJ, I'm loving The Black Suit" said Peter
"Are you sure cause ever since you got that thing, you've been acting so strange lately" said Mary Jane
"What do you mean by that?" Asked Peter
"It's just that you look sick and of course not to mention that ever since you been wearing the black suit, you've become a lot more violent" said Mary Jane
"I don't know what your talking about, I feel fine" said Peter unaware that something is clearly wrong with him
"Peter I'm allowed to be concerned, I'm your friend and after what happened with Harry, the only friend you have and I think that there's something wrong here and it all started after you got that suit" said Mary Jane which pissed Peter off
"You think that some clothing can seriously change a person, how do you know that this is just the new me" Peter angliry exclaimed
"Peter, I know you and right now you're not acting like yourself" said Mary Jane but Peter scoffed
"Whatever" said Peter who then left
"Something is wrong Peter and I'm going to find out why" Mary Jane stated

After Peter left, the Symbiote envelops him and he shoots a web to do some web swinging
"MJ thinking there's something wrong with me, if anything is wrong then it's on her" said Spider-Man
"Your friend is just being delusional, there is nothing wrong, in fact together were are stronger" said The Symbiote
"You have a point but it shouldn't matter to anyone but me" said Spider-Man when suddenly his Spider Sense goes off and then he's tackled out of the sky and onto the ground landing hard on a nearby car
"Ow" Spider-Man exclaimed
"What was that?" Asked the symbiote
"I have no idea" said Spider-Man as the figure who attacked him stood up, it was a man wearing a green body armor with a large tail Grafted to his back
"Great another one" said Spider-Man
"I don't he's that powerful, probably got lucky" said The Symbiote
"So Spider-Man, your reign of terror is over" said the armored figure
"And you are?" Asked Spider-Man
"I'm the true Protector that Neo Tech City needs, I am the scorpion" said The Scorpion
"Another person that thinks that they can beat us, let's make this quick" said The Symbiote
"Yeah let's" said Spider-Man and the scorpion wacks him with his tail but Spider-Man uses his web to stable himself but scorpion leaps at him again and slashes him across the chest before hitting with a right hook to the face
"Not putting up much of a fight huh Spider-Man" said Scorpion
"Hey I'm just trying to get my bearings" said Spider-Man
"No matter" said Scorpion who aimed his tail at up and shot out a toxin at Spider-Man but he jumped out that way and shot some web in scorpion's face
"You really think your webs can stop me" said Scorpion
"Actually it was to distract you" said Spider-Man but scorpion rips the web off of his face and drove at Spider-Man again this time pinning him down with his arms and legs
"Please don't tell me, your going to try to kiss me" Spider-Man joked
"Oh no I'm going to do what my employer payed me to do, unmask you" said Scorpion but the symbiote pushed scorpion back damaging his armor
"That is enough" The Symbiote yelled at scorpion
"Oh now your fighting back, this I'm ready for" said Scorpion who then swung his tail at Spider-Man but instead he grabbed it and ripped it off the suit which caused scorpion to scream as it was very clear that the tail was grafted to his spine as well and then Spider-Man shoots a web at scorpion and then uses him like a wrecking ball swinging him until he get go of the web and scorpion crashes into a nearby building, scorpion tries to get up but it's too late as the police have arrived at arrest him and Spider-Man was nowhere to be seen.

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