Chapter 13

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Eddie Brock returns to the esu science center in order to gather his stuff when he sees Spider-Man in front of the chamber the symbiote was kept
"Spider-Man, you're returning the symbiote" said Eddie
"Unfortunately" said Spider-Man
"You know what this means, I can get my scholarship back" said Eddie but he quickly realizes that Spider-Man is changing the temperature of the chamber
"Wait what are you doing, if you do that you'll kill it" said Eddie
"If that's what it takes from anyone using it to hurt anyone else" said Spider-Man
"You don't understand, this is my father's legacy" said Eddie
"I'm sorry Eddie but it needed to be done" said Spider-Man who then left
"I thought you were a hero Spider-Man but your nothing more than a fraud, you're now worse than any villain, I'll have you suffer for this if it's the last thing I do" screamed Eddie but then at the corner at his eye, he sees the symbiote move
"Wait you can understand me" said Eddie as the symbiote moves in it's chamber revealing to Eddie that it's not dead and so Eddie opened the chamber and the Symbiote bonds with him

In Eddie's mind, the symbiote talks to him
"Eddie Brock, I have sensed the anger in your heart" said the weakened symbiote
"Why and how?" asked Eddie
"I have been betrayed by Spider-Man as well, I made him stronger but instead he rejected me but together we will make him suffer" said The Symbiote
"But how are we to do that?" Asked Eddie
"I know all of Spider-Man's secrets even the ones he keeps from those he cares about" said the Symbiote and so it shows Eddie all of Spider-Man's memories especially his secret identity
"Peter is Spider-Man, he had the symbiote this whole time and now he tried to destroy what our fathers created, he cost me by chance and I got kicked out because of my so called friend, didn't realize how selfish he really was" said Eddie
"Yes and now Join with me Eddie Brock and together, Spider-Man will suffer and we will make him pay" said The Symbiote
"Yes" said Eddie and so the symbiote envelopes eddie, the two becoming one being with a single goal,
"We we have our vengeance against Spider-Man, now you face venom" said the combined being.

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