Chapter 14

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A month Later

Spider-Man is swinging through the city back in his original suit, swinging that feels much better since there's no alien creature I his head telling him what to do even if he's still recovering from having the symbiote feasting off of him for a couple days
"Man I needed this, all the constant tests I've been involved in really have taken a lot out of me which I understand, after all I'm sure that there are no traces of the symbiote in me for the foreseeable future and that of all honesty is a good thing" said Spider-Man as he landed on a gargoyle, taking off his mask and relaxing looking at the Neo Tech City skyline
"And yet here I am looking at all of this but overall I think things will probably clear themselves up" said Peter and then his phone rings
"Hey MJ, no I'm not doing anything right now but I'll meet up with you soon" said Peter who puts his mask back on and swings away.


Eddie Brock is sitting on his bed in his apartment most likely plotting his revenge against Spider-Man
"I don't understand you sometimes Peter but now knowing what I know now, with you being Spider-Man and how you ruined my life but thanks to the symbiote, I know everything about you and soon you will suffer" said Eddie as the symbiote envelopes him turning into venom
"After all, what are friends for" said Venom.


Peter and Mary Jane are eating lunch together as usual
"Ok so you meet the avengers, like I said overall unimpressive don't you think?" Asked Peter
"Come on Peter, you probably freaked out like a little girl when you met iron man for the first time" said Mary Jane
"Well I did say I'd have him sign my old avengers toys I had when I was younger" said Peter
"There he is, you know you really gotta stop acting like you aren't a fan of them" said Mary Jane
"Fine I guess you're right but how was it meeting my mom" said Peter
"She feels kinda cold but your dad saw something in her so who am I to complain" said Mary Jane when suddenly Eddie Brock walks in
"Hey Pete, MJ" Eddie says to them
"Eddie what's up" asked Peter
"Oh nothing much, just looking for a new job ever since I lost my old one" said Eddie
"Sorry to hear about that" said Mary Jane
"You know it just doesn't feel right without Harry being here" said Eddie
"Well he disappeared not long after my aunt and uncle were murdered" said Peter
"Not to mention that you vanished around that same time" said Mary Jane
"Hey can you really blame him, I mean there were basically his parents" said Eddie
"Well that's not the important thing right now, just that our last meeting didn't exactly end well" said Peter as he saw some police cars drive by with Mary Jane knowing what that means
"Oh it's water under the bridge" said Eddie
"Well okay but I actually have to go, I need to run some errands right now" said Peter
"Well ok, that's kind of a weird way to phase it" said Peter
"Hey it's best to let him do this thing" said Mary Jane
"Alright then" Eddie said with a confused look on his face
"It's weird seeing him do that you know" said Mary Jane
"Well I don't know if he really has a lot on his plate but I always thought that is just how Peter is," said Eddie.


Peter is at a train station waiting for a train, normally he'd be web swinging but currently he is out of web fluid and has to make more hence why he is waiting for a train but then someone pushes him and he lands on the train tracks but luckily he's helped up by people in the train station
"Are you okay?" Asked one of the other people in the train station
"I'm fine, someone must have bumped into me by mistake" said Peter with a confused tone as normally something like that would normally trigger his spider sense but something else must have happened or maybe someone figured out a way to mask themselves from his sixth sense.

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