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Im laying on a bed, I got stitches on my waist. That bitch almost punctured my stomach. Lucifer was going to be here any second now, I wish Tom finished the job and killed me.

I gripped the bed, as I sat up. "Is she here?" I heard Lucifer yell from the front door, my body immediately tensing.

"Shit," I whispered, quickly laying down and pretending to be asleep. Im praying he just leaves once he sees that I'm not awake. God I can't do this today.

The door banged open, Lucifer grabbed my throat, lifting my head up to look at him. "Wake the fuck up!"

I grip his wrists, he was choking me. "How could you let him get away again!" He let go punching the wall. "This is the second fucking time Daniella, second! Do you even care about this job anymore?" He starts pacing the room, rubbing his eyes.

He stops at the foot of my bed, yanking my legs so I'm in front of him again. He grips my face so I can't look away, "Daniella, one more mess up and I swear to fucking god that I will fucking kill you myself." He let's go and rubs his temples.

"No, I know what's happening. You're not scared enough to do you're job right." I start shaking my head, I don't want to go through that again. "No no, Daniella do you really want me to show you who's in charge again?"

I shake my head, tears forming in my eyes. "Please no, I swear it won't happen again."

"One more mess up and I swear, get you're shit ready because you're going to fucking stalk his ass. I want him dead." He said before walking out, slamming the door behind him.

I quickly walked, sharp pain making me bend down. I grabbed the bottle of pin meds and downed a couple before walking to get my stuff.

Once I was ready I walked out. "Are you sure you can do this Dani?" Asher said, driving me to my location.

"Yes I'll be fine." I was going to camp out at a building next to the hotel the band was staying at. I was going to hunt this bitch down. The floor I was camping at was exactly where Toms room was. "I'm going to blow that bitches brains out." I said, preparing my guns.

"Just try to not make yourself known, Lucifer will kill you if you mess up again." Asher said preparing to leave. "Be careful."

"I will be, I won't let him get away this time." I said sitting down at my station.

I looked through my binoculars, Tom didn't look to be in his room yet. It gave me plenty of time to rest a little. My waist was killing me, i didn't get any rest what so ever.

I looked through my binoculars again, he still wasn't there. He was supposed to be there by now, it didn't seem that weird though. He's probably fucking some bitch, he better not bring her to his hotel room because she's gonna see him get shot straight through the fucking head.

I pressed my forehead on my palms, apart from my waist hurting my head was pounding. I barely got any sleep and the shock from whatever the fuck happened with Tom was killing me.

I couldn't wait to kill this ass hole and leave. I had big plans for my future until my father messed it up. I actually was planning to be something in life but instead I turned into a murderer.

I took another look in the binoculars, and he's still not there. "What the fuck." I say staring at his hotel window. "Where the fuck is this bitch."

"He's right here angel." I feel a blade press onto my back. His hand placed on my lower stomach, "Back so soon?" He teases, placing a kiss on my neck, disgust filling me.

"I should have known the second I smelled a weird stench."

He laughs, "I don't think I should be talking like that if I were you."

I quickly grab my blade from my boot and throw myself on top of him, pressing the blade onto his chest. "You shouldn't be talking if I were you."

He smirks, "Caught me a little off guard princess." I feel his blade press onto my chest, cutting into my shirt. "Thin material, I would have wore something thicker if I was going to stalk someone"

"And I would have stayed in my hotel room if I knew someone was stalking me." I said pressing down on my blade, watching his smirk turn into a smile.

"I like the thrill," he says lowering the blade, cutting through my shirt until he reached the end of my chest area. He opened it with the blade, playing with his piercing. "I also missed these."

"Didn't you say you didn't like dolls?" I flirted, slowly making my way to the gun lying on the floor near him.

"I can make an exception," his grip on the blade loosening, now using his hand to open my shirt.

I quickly grab the gun, just as I did this though he reached for the gun attached to his belt. Now we were both pointing at each other with them.

"I heard what happened to you once you're boss found out you let me go." He said, looking at me now with eyes full of hatred. "I would feel bad for you if you weren't trying to kill me."

"How did you find out about that?" I said, returning the glare.

"I have my ways princess," he smirked, lowering the gun to point at my chest. I did the same, lowering it to his crotch.

He laughed, "Baby I wouldn't do that." He moved his gun to point at my left breast. "This one's my favorite."

I smirked back at him, "You have a favorite?"

"Of course," he said sitting up, causing me to back away a bit. "If I get any closer, you'll fall off this building."

"I won't." I said, cursing out Asher in my head for giving me a floor that didn't have a fucking window. I mean was he trying to get me caught, and what type of fucking building doesn't have a god damn window?

"You don't let me get near you, every time I do you back away," he gets closer, instinctively I back away. "See?"

I roll my eyes, pressing the tip of the gun to his crotch. "If I fall off I'll make sure to blow the tip of you're dick off."

"Mm, I rather you blow it with you're mouth instead princess-" I smack my hand on his mouth, I heard a creak.

"Shh," I say, getting up slowly. He looked at me confused, then his face turned stern as he heard it too. I pressed the gun to his throat, warning him to not try something.

I pressed my ear on the door, the sound dying out. He grabbed my waist and shoved me out the way, what the fuck I mouthed. He glared back at me and quietly opened the door.

He looked down the hall, no one. He closed the door and grabbed my throat, pinning me to the wall. "Do you think I'm stupid?" He said, glaring at me. "There's no one there."

"Yes there was dumb ass, you fucking heard it too." I said, gripping his wrists. "There was someone there but because you're bitch ass shoved me away and made fucking noise, they fucking left."

"Who knew that a doll could have such a dirty mouth," he said smirking. "There wasn't anyone to begin with and you just made it up so I wouldn't fucking kill you."

Now I'm the one laughing, "You really think you could have killed me? I let you try me once, this time it's my turn." I kick him in the crotch, making him immediately let go of me and groan in pain.

I pick up my blade, puncturing it into his waist. "Now we're matching, ass hole." He's now gripping his waist, his other hand pressed to the wall for support.

I walk out, leaving him bleeding in the room. I'm definitely not telling Lucifer about this.


My Target - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now