Part 1

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Y/n Pov :

I woke up from the morning alarm. I am so excited to go to the college today. While today is my second semester of college. I woke up from my cozy bed and went to do my daily routine and I heard my mom calling for breakfast. My family is small and sweet I have one younger sister as, I'm the older, so I have many responsibilities towards my family. I went down and completed my breakfast and bid goodbye to my parents and headed to college.

While walking to my college I bumped on to a boy which I didn't expect. He seem to be cool but cold. I said sorry to him and went to college that I'm being late I rushed towards my friends Black Pink and we together went to our classroom. The classes are boring to listen while me and my friends went to the cafeteria for chilling out then started chatting on random stuffs

Rose : Hey y/n let's hangout today evening what say?

Y/n: Sure baby why not!

Jennie: Where shall we go Rose?

Y/n : let's go the cafe?...

Rose : yeah let's go there and eat our favourite desserts

Y/n : ok baby let's wait untill the college complete

Time skip to evening

Author pov:

Yn and her friends went to the bakery and started their chatting and ordered their food while Yn saw a familiar boy who is chilling out with his friends and enjoying. Yn used to have crush on a boy from her childhood and she didn't confess him from long ago while he is her family relative. Her friends used to tease her whenever he appears infront of her.

Back to the story.

While she noticed him, her friends started teasing her while she is blushing hard as her face became so red.
She noticed him passing towards her she put her head down feeling shy. Her friends noticed her and asked her

Rose : Yahh y/n how many days are you going to blush like this ... Huh for your whole life?

Jisoo : Why won't you open up yourself?

Jennie : When are you going to confess your feelings?

Y/n : ahh stop stop guys..... I'll confess my feelings right after my exams completed.
She says while feeling embarassed.

After their little conversation they bid their goodbye and went to their respective homes.

Y/n Pov

After changing into comfy clothes I ate my dinner and headed my room to sleep.
While sleeping I just thought of him and I just started blushing again throwing my legs in the air.
"Why only he makes me feel butterflies while only thinking of him" I thought and went to my dreamland.

Time skip to morning

I woke up and did my daily routine and got ready to college and ate breakfast and ready to go for the college while my father asked me about my daily life

Y/n/f : Hey my sweetheart how are your studies going dear ?

Y/n: Yes appa it's good and I got 2nd in my previous exams.

Y/n/f : Good for you my child. I want you to handle my business after your graduation and learn new things.

Y/n : Yes appa I will do my best.

Y/n/f : That's my child. Okey now go to your college it's being late enough.

Y/n: Sure appa bye love you ❤️

Y/n/f : Bye my dear daughter be safe on roads 🤗

Time skip after exams

Y/n Pov

This is the day I am waiting for!!! I am so excited today while I'm confessing my crush after these many years. Yes I had crush on him from my childhood and I don't know if its love at first sight or what but I love him so damn much. I don't know why when we meet at family gatherings we usually don't talk but still I used to see him  and smile and I didn't have a courage to look at him he used to ignore me and go away from me. But I didn't feel sad or anything as I used to see him untill our gathering ends. Day by day those feelings towards him grew as love and today I want to  confess him my feelings at any cost. And I went to change to get ready.

While I know he daily visits the cafe at same time me and my friends hurried to that bakery for him

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While I know he daily visits the cafe at same time me and my friends hurried to that bakery for him. My friends always supported me everytime. They cheered me up for my day and we are finally at
our destination. I'm so excited and nervous while it's my first time of confession I didn't want to do but my friends cheered up and their encouragement gave me courage and went to him.

Me : he..y Yo..on how are you.

Yoon : I'm good (cold)

Me : Ca..n can I talk to you for some time just ten minutes can you please spare me?

Yoon : I don't have time just do your work (rude)

Me: Pleaseee can you just spare me just 10 min not more than one second

Yoon : okey what is it come on spill it !!!!

Me : Actually...!!! Mm_____

Yoon : will you say or shall I go ?

Me : Sorry .. actu-ally I .. I ... --

Yoon : just don't waste my time

While I was about to say someone comes towards Yoon and she hugged him

She is around my age.. and the way she is clinging on to him made my blood boil as she spoke

??: hey babe wassup? Let's go hangout come 😘

I am confused of who is she and I was about to leave the place...

Yoon : Hey aren't you going to say something... Why are you leaving now ?By the way she is my girlfriend Lucy. Lucy she is yn my family friend.

Lucy: hey hi yn....

Yn : actually my friends are waiting for me I gotta go bye.

I was broken by his words my heart got shattered into million pieces which I can't bear and went away without facing him. My friends comforted me but still I was feeling broken and went to my home and locked my door and cried the whole night. My thoughts are running as his words again appeared "This is Lucy my girlfriend". I can't able to think of it my friends asked me that I'm okay or not I replied with a fake smile that I'm ok. I was broken a lot and I cried the whole night. I don't know when I slept but I went to my dreamland crying.

To be continued this is my first fanfiction I hope you all like it and support me

Love you army 💜💜💜💜💜

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