Part 16

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Time skip after 3 hours

Author pov

Yoon reached to the hotel and freshened up and went to the company where Yn works... He entered into the company and asked the receptionist for yn cabin.... He made his steps close to her cabin. Switching to the 14th floor he took his way on the lift. As hearing the lift sound he made his steps through her cabin.... Knocking the cabin door he himself excused him and with a agreement call he went into the cabin.

YN pov

Im doing my work while I was disturbed by a knocking sound of door "Excuse me..!" they said i think i heard this voice... "yes come in" i said while the cabin door twisted while my head too.... its Yoon... huh! Im tired of his nonsense.... 

yoon: missed me baby girl! (he said while smirking)

me: why would I miss you.. and i said to stop calling me that ....

yoon: what if i won't baby....

me: please.... dont test my patience... Now lets discuss about the work you have come to... Shall we Mr. Yoon?

Yoon: of course Ms. lee... You are looking damn sexy in your office look you know

he winked at me?

me: Excuse me? Mr. Yoon go out and see in the clubs you find damn more sexy girls than me. If you are here to give your fucking compliments to the CEO's the door is damn open you can way out! 

Yoon: oh! c'mon babe... cool down have some water. Acting too bold aren't you? 

me: shut your filthy mouth and will you let me tell about the work i should give you or you want me to book a return flight for evening back to Korea huh?

Yoon: woah calm down babe... let me relax for a while... I just came an hour before and I didn't take any rest and came to you cuz I missed u a lot....

me: Missed me my foot! Yoon please not this time huh! Stay in you damn limits. I'm tired of you and your lies.. I knew the reason why you came here and please... if there is any thing you wanna do i think its your waste of time....

Yoon: do you think I'll leave you that easy baby... no not at all.... you  ruined me... its time for payback baby girl... let me pay you back....(he said laughing evilly)

me: im just sparing you because of my dad... or else-

Yoon: or else what baby... what you will do...? huh nothing... you cant do nothing to me okyy you are a loser... i will see how much stamina you have to run a company by own... and see what im gonna do to you....!

I got tears in my eyes when he said those words.. am i that cheap that he say what ever he wants... no i will not show you that i am weak.... dont cry yn... you can face this moron...

Me: huh? will see Mr. Yoon... and here is your documents.. you will working as an assistant manager in my company for experience purpose... and its for 6 months after you can develop your own company here..... and you can join the office from are your belongings and that's your desk. thankyou

Yoon: thankyou Ms. Lee..... willing good luck for further.... 

he bowed and left giving me a disgusting smile... I just smirked crossing my arms and went back to my work calling my secretary

"hello Ms. Anna we have a new employee here.. and he is our guest so take care and I hope you'll show him our company and tell him about our company.

Yoon's pov

How ungrateful.... did she just smirked at me... what confidence has got into her... just wait and watch yn how im gonna destroy you and your so called company... I will ruin you ....

i went to my desk and checked the company while I was greeted by a good looking woman... she's pretty cute and hot exactly like my type...

"hello sir! aren't you the one new here ..." she asked "yes I am nice to meet you im Yoon".. i said forwarding my hand to her "hello I'm Anna the secretary for the new CEO and also works as Manager here" she said and shaked my hand... "oh oky.. actually im assistant manager so i think we should get along with each other i think so?" i said and she nodded and left my hands "come along with me Mr Yoon i'll show you the company" she said and i nodded.

She looks so pretty I think she is a native here..Her communication skills are pure and fluent. So I think I should get along with her to complete my plan... yes.. she will be useful for me alot. So she showed me the whole company and I went to my hotel and took rest.

Time skip to evening

8:55 pm 

author pov

still yn is in office and tae called her many time to take her to the dinner at evening... she didnt pick up his calls neither his texts.... So tae without saying anything he went home and he got somewhat mad .... so he decided to talk to her at home and went to home and informed his maids to cook dinner for them.....

Tae pov

Why is she isn't picking up my calls from morning.... Arrhhhhh! im getting mad.. yn what happened to you today... why arent you picking up my calls..... i went to my room and freshened up and wore my pajamas and went down to hall and i thought to wait for yn and i thought to see tv untill she comes....

my pajamas

my pajamas

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i put on the tv and sat on the couch watching some comedy show......after some time i got bored and yawned due to heavy work today... then i saw the time its 10:54 pm ..... still yn didn't show up neither texted me or called me till now... i cant now... i took my coat and car keys and was about to go out then the door bell rang indicating its yn....

i went and opened the door and saw her... she is very tired and yet looking pale.... i think she didn't ate anything today.... "yn-".... i was cut " Tae im not in a mood to talk please go and eat... i ate my dinner out... don't wait for me" she said... yes she knew i will not eat dinner untill she eats with me.... with that she went to her room... I was still processing why is she behaving weird these days... I don't think she will handle this on her own... i should make my plan go work.... yes its the correct way that she can be free from stress...she is over working herself... i should immediately talk to my father now.... I didn't ate the food because i know she didn't ate the food too.... i went to my room and closed the door..................

to be continued............


what do you guys think tae's plan is? why is yn acting weird....? do yoon will get his revenge on yn?

please read my story if you wanna continue.....

thankyou viewers who are reading my story....

i love u army thankyou       please support me.........................................

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