Part 5

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I turned around to see the person. I was shocked to see the person who saved me that rainy day from accident. He suddenly smiled at me which I returned it without hesitating.

? : Heyy!!! Do you remember me?

Without answering him I just smiled and went away from the place without turning back.

? Pov

Three months before

At the cafe where yn and her friends arguing with Yoon.

I could see her so beautiful with perfect features. She is indeed perfect.. her eyes her nose her lips everything seems to be perfect and I think she would be even more perfect when we pair each other. I could sense butterflies🦋 in my stomach when I see her... I think this is what called LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT❤️

She was talking with her friends while me and my friends are chilling here and my eyes are only for her... I could see her feeling sad for something ... I don't know why I felt sad seeing her sad face...

While she and her friends were arguing with some boy ... I was just observing her while her being silent not uttering any words... But her friends are not even wasting that boy words to rescue her friend.... They are the perfect friends I thought.... While the argument was on peak.... She suddenly cried and yelled on her friend and went out I went following her .... Then listened their words .... " Leave me I wanted to be alone" all these words are hurting my heart I don't know why... She went running from there and it was raining as hell.... While she was crossing the road she didn't find a car coming towards I fastly went towards her and pulled her into my embrace

Butterflies Butterflies all over my body🦋

I could sense her heartbeat was pumping very fast... I slowly pulled her and saw her .... She was a crying hell... Her eyes were red and puffy which I didn't like it... I just said "Be careful on roads". She slowly thanked me and went running....

I knew her she is my junior which she was about to get graduation soon.
I just left the college a year before but never in my three years I didn't find her ... I think it's fate.... Now I'm not going to leave her so I wanted to know more about her... Her name and every single thing which belongs to her...

My friends helped me a lot that time to know about her... They gathered all the information and I came to know that the boy at the cafe before I who she crushed over years from her childhood... And he broked her so bad .... I don't know what happened but I wanted to be with her in these situations... But how????

I asked my friends to help me ... I'm happy they didn't hesitate and agreed for supporting me... I came to know about that boy and he is a heart throb and a play boy... I felt very bad for her...

After some days I saw her with her friends she was so sad and I can feel her she was so broken... My heart felt so bad after seeing her in this situation....

They were talking about something....suddenly she spoke...
"Guys I wanted break... I wanted some time to move on ... Shall we go on a trip.for few days?" .... They were discussed about their trip and they decided for Jeju Island it's super cool to distract your mind ....

I looked at my friends they have us a thumbs up and agreed for the trip... So we all are going for jeju ....

When we were here .... We followed them and also took the same hotel as her's.... It's dinner time and we had our dinner.... I saw her walking towards the river so I took this a chance to talk with her.... Finally after days.... I wanted to express how I'm feeling and went following her.... I saw her back facing me and she is enjoying the cool breeze of river.. suddenly I interupted and she looked at me and I smiled and she returned me it

Me: Hey did you remember me?

She said nothing but smiled and went away back to our hotel...


Yn pov

I was shocked seeing the man who saved my life... I was literally wanted to thank him but I'm not in a mood ... So I went smiling at him ... I felt sorry for him... Because he saved my life and I did nothing to return back my saviour....

I went back to my room and saw my friend jisoo who is sharing room with me ... We talked for a bit and she drifted to her sleep... While I was very suffocated for sleeping... I thought many of things .... I was crying the whole night thinking about Yoon... Yes why shouldn't I think of him even he gave me his bad side .... He was my first love and crush... I was feeling bad and at the same time ashamed for loving such person that I wanted to share my whole life with... I was blinded by love and I didn't realise his bad side... So thinking all these slowly me too drifted into my dreamland......

To be continued

This is my first ever fanfiction

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