Part 18

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Its "YOON..........." bastard......... is he the reason why yn is ignoring me...... oh wow yn nice i thought you were stressed but no i think this is the work you got....... when i shouted his name he saw towards me and smirked i think he knew me....... "hey aren't you the KIM TAEHYUNG " he said mockingly which made my blood boil..... "hello i knew you " i said "ofcourse you'll knew me because im that popular cuz im the crush of Lee Yn " he said which he was making my anger to peaks...."you know what im working here from two weeks and yes didnt you know we are living at the same roof from today... and thankyou for taking care of my yn Mr.Kim" he said thats it i loosed my control and i took his collar.

"how dare you talk... and why would she live with you and why are you testing me isnt it enough for you that she face so much because of you......" i said in an anger tone "Oh! calm down Mr.Kim taehyung... she is the one who took the same apartment which i am living at..... im just thanking for what you have done to her till now whats there in catching up my collar" he removed my hands and smirked at him thats it i gave him a tight long punch on his face which made him spill some blood from his corner of his mouth..

Yn pov

im at my apartment where i shifted and rested on my peaceful sofa then i got a call from my secretary....."hello anna whats the thing" i said "Mam! please come to the office its urgent here yoon and someone are fighting mam please come fast" she said hurriedly in one breathe.. "Whatt! Anna take care im coming dont worry" i said and took my keys and went to my office its a 15 min journey ... i came running into my office and seeing the scene my jaw dropped and went towards them....yes tae and yoon are fighting at my office.... god what i thought that it shouldn't happen that is happening ............

i went running to them and separated them both....... "just stop both of you." tae did noticed my presence and went back keeping his head hung and does yoon " are you both mad.... do you think its a public place to do this fishy things here... huh?" yes who would'nt get mad if they are fighting at your place that too youre professional place....

"whats wrong with you Mr.Yoon dont you know how to behave with the people who visit our company... this is what you learned here....?" i said to him "Im sorry mam!" he replied "both of you in my cabin!" i said and they both followed passing death glares to each other.............

"now tell me whats wrong with you two guys huh?" i asked "Baby see your friend started it first and your blaming me" he said then i saw tae looking at yoon with wtf expression i know what that expression means...... "Excuse me Mr.Yoon didn't i tell you to not call me with that words... are you insane or something...." i yelled at him "And Mr. kim whats the sudden visit to my office and whats all this why are you fighting with him" i asked he didnt reply me anything "hello Mr.Kim... are you listening answer me!" i asked but no response... "babe why being so nice to him he beat me to death because i only said that you are shifting to my apartment today and thats it he came holding my collar and beat me...." yoon said.. i remained shock and saw tae.... i saw his few tear drops from his face........ he didnt say anything just listening the convo.."" i said and thats it he went running out of my cabin running down from the stairs.....

i immediately went following him....... god i know i messed up things please let good things happen....... i screamed his name out of my lungs but he didnt stop and went out running out of my office.......... i was running behind him "tae please stop just hear me once... tae!!! wait..." he ran ran ran and sat near a park on a bench crying like a kid..... i went and sat beside him " tae im sorry i know i messed up things just listen to me once" i said resting my palm on his... he immediately jerked off his "WHAT DO YOU WANT NOW... YOU ACTED GREAT INFRONT OF ME AND ENOUGH YN I CANT I WAITED FOR YOU DAILY EVENING TO EAT DINNER WITH YOU AND GREAT YOU ARE WITH SOMEONE SORRY THE ONE YOU WANT WITH AND ENJOYING ... AND ALSO LEAVING ME WITHOUT TELLING ANYTHING... GREAT AND YES YOU CAN GO NOW I WONT STOP YOU " He said where tears started flowing from my eyes ............ "tae its not what you think just hear me once......." i said "please give me sometime and leave me alone yn..... " he said and went taking his car and drove off...... i just seeing his disappearing figure and tears down my eyes....

Tae pov

i was hurt deeply....... yes why she wanted to change her home. Isnt it not enough for her? oh okay she got her love back......wait what am i even thinking.... no i cant do this i should have listened to her once......... what have i done ...... i went to my home and plopped up on my bed and thought of yn and took my phone and checked the messages...

Winter bear🦋💞

tae... im sorry its not what you think

give me a chance to explain

its not and nothing btw me and him

tae pls reply

im sorry for not telling you before tae



oky lets catch up evening at 7pm at xxxx cafe.

yes i will thankyou...

yes i want to listen and yes i dont wanna loose her cuz i cant imagine my life without her..... i want her explaination.........


will they both makeup again........ what do you think?

thankyou for reading support me guys

i love you army

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