Part 4

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I don't know why Lucy is texting me at this hour....

Lucy: hey yn .... Can we catch up now ... Please it's urgent.... Let's meet at the park...

Me: cool cool I'm coming wait..

I wasn't able to understand why she wants to meet me at this time but I wanted to go and meet her...

At the park

I found Lucy at the park she is sitting on a bench holding her knees into her head ... So I called her

Me: hey Lucy.... Are you awake...

Lucy : hey yn come sit here..
She handed the place next to her

I saw her eyes were red as much ... I think she cried ....

Me : did you cry Lucy..?

Lucy: Yn..... I'm extremely sorry for words I said you before .. I didn't trust you first ... Now I came to realise the truth I'm so so so sorry yn...  Please forgive me....


After Lucy went out from cafe

Lucy pov

I didn't trust any of the words of yn and I started calling my boyfriend while I wanted to talk to him whether to find out yn is telling the truth or not....... I called him texted him but no response " Why isn't he picking up the call nor answering me. Did something happened to him.... No no no I'll just go to his home and find out"... With that I walked towards his house... It was opened and I walked in to check on him... After coming into his house I couldn't find anyone but I could hear some giggles and laughters from upstairs so I walked through it.... His bedroom door was slight open and I could see two people so I didn't open much but I opened it some and watched..... After seeing that view my eyes and my heart got shattered into million pieces. It was Yoon with some other girl... That girl was naked under him. I was unable to control with out making any noice I went out from there and sat at the park and started crying my heart out.... Suddenly yn words came into my mind.... " Be careful he is cheating on you" . I thought to apologise her and texted her to meet at the park.....

End of flashback

Yn pov

After she said everything...  I was unable to talk it.... I felt ashamed of myself for loving such kind of person. For the first time I'm regretting .... Yes I'm regretting the truth I loved him deep down my heart...

I comforted Lucy and gave some comfort words....she said that she will leave korea and she wants to complete her higher studies in abroad so I think she needs time and things to get settled and I think she needs peaceful mind .....

But what about mee...?
Will I forget him....?
Again will I fall in love with someone who deserves me?
Am I destined to LOVE?

These questions arise in my mind... Yes I too need some break from these shits and I want some break from everything....

After two days...

Yn pov

I'm walking with my friends from the college while it's the last day we wanted to hangout and have fun ..... While we're walking a strong arms dragged me to a corner and shutted my mouth ... I was unable to talk... I saw him he was Yoon but why he would do this is he insane or what?

Me : mmmm.... Leave me you idiot..

I loosened from his grip harshly.

Yoon: stop your nonsense and tell me where is Lucy?

Me: what Lucy.. why are you asking me ... Isn't she your girlfriend and isn't she with you? why would I know about your so called girlfriend Lucy huh?

Yoon: stop your acting and tell me where is she..? I know she met you that day ... What did you tell her ... And why she is not answering my calls or messages??? What have you done you bitc-----!!

Me: will you stop or else shall I kick you for death? First ask yourself what you have done that day? And what's the reason of her going the day after you doing a great job....!!
(I said sarcastically)

Yoon: so I think you all got to know my things?

Me: oh I think you realised it very soon dear....

Yoon : stop it yn... Or else-----

Me: or else what are you going to do?
I said you will regret one day of your things the day is not today... But definitely when the day comes .... Now beg you idiot!...

With that I went without seeing him with tears on my face. I hardly covered in fornt of him once I came out I just bursted out....

Late me and my friends are at the cafe chilling out but I am not in a mood ... They made me laugh but I didn't...

Me : guys ... Listen I wanted some peace of mind... I need some break .... I wanted to go somewhere for moving on from him by myself..... Will you guys help me out?

Rose : of course anything for our little babe....

Jisoo: so where you Wanna goo .....

Jennie: hey visit you grandma home at daegu.. it'll be peaceful and relaxing...

Yn: no Jennie I want a place where no one finds me and I wanted to be alone ...

We talked about many places but they didn't suit mine

Lisa: yn what about the jeju island??

Yn: it's a good option babe!!!!!!!

Rose : yeahh stop screaming and get your bags packed ...

Yn: yeah after our graduation ceremony tomorrow evening we're gonna take the flight ..

My friends: yehhhh.... Can't wait for tomorrow

While we chatted for a while and about to go but I thought of a sudden that someone is listening to us and I don't know why but from some days I feel like someone is spying on me .... I cleared all the thoughts and went to my home and discussed about my trip with my parents and they agreed it...

With that happiness I packed my bag and went down for dinner ... My sister tried to talk to me but I ignored her and done my work.... After dinner I thought some shits and slowly drifted to my dreamland....

At Morning

I woke up and done my morning routine and went down for breakfast and hurried to school while it's my graduation day.... All my family members and friends congratulated me and I was so happy for the day....

Time skip at airport

So I was at the airport and I was about to go my friends all hugged me

Jisoo: yahh finally we're about to go after days

Rose : I'm so excited......

Lisa: yes yes .....

Jennie: come on guys there are announcement is given...

Me: come guys let's go

Time skip at jeju island

Finally we're here .... I can sense the cool breeze of jeju...  It's so relaxing and this is what I wanted...... After some time we took the hotel room and went to eat dinner and after completing it I  just wanted to take a walk near by the river so I  went walking towards the river leaving my friends and I can sense the cool breeze on my skin .... It was so relaxing... While I was enjoying I was interupted by a familiar voice which is deep and husky which gave me butterflies.... and I was curious though so turned out to see who's that and I wasn't even expecting to see him............

To be continued...

This is my first fanfiction
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