Part 9

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Tae pov

Its been half an hour , she is still sleeping . I didn't want to disturb her sleep. She is so cute while sleeping. I'm just admiring her all the time. "Why she is being a crybaby all the time while she looks so pretty while smiling. She is indeed a beauty the way she is." I was in my thoughts while she is still sleeping like a baby.... while these two love birds are enjoying their quality time....

Yn pov

I slowly woke up after sometime. I turned aside and called Rose but she did not reply so i turned backed side and opened my eyes and shocked "TAEHYUNG!!" I shocked. "hey cool its me not a ghost" he replied. Then i  remembered that Rose went to Jungkook tent then i was interupted by taehyung "Mmm are you feeling better now?" he asked "hmm much better". i simply replied. Now we did not talk and stayed silent. After the hell 10 min he broke the silence and "Mmm yn are you  worried or something.. I mean your're crying the hell out yesterday.. Is something bothering you?" he asked "No nothing taehyung  I-m.. I-m fine.. I-mm good there is nothing to worry." i replied. "Its ok to be comfortable with me. You can share your problems to me. I swear I will not tell your secrets to anyone". he asked I was like crying.

 NO one in the world like this to me. I felt like a light weight in my heart for his words while tears are dropping out my eyes..... "Hey are you ok! its ok take your time to say anything for me.." he said but i didnt reply and letting out my tears. He then suddenly took me into his embrace and patted my shoulders. "Its ok yn~shii everything will be fine soon." he slowly caressed my hair and patted my shoulders. His soothing words are comforting my heart. It was just like a mother taking his child in their arms and singing a lullaby song. 

Yes his words are like that. They are like a song to my ears. I felt like i am in my home in his embrace. I dont know what i am feeling right now but its something different from the feelings compared to Yoon. I used to crush on him. But when he comes close I used to feel something different but not this type of feeling which taehyung was giving me.

Tae pov

She again started crying. I didnt knew why but my heart clenched seeing her cry. I took her into my embrace and patted her shoulders. Then she stopped crying after sometime and she was staring into my eyes while thinking of something . Im also looking into her deep eyes which are deep like a blue sea. Then i thought to apologize to her "Hey I'm sorr-" i was cutted by her "Its ok. Im not worried. Im ok" then she continued her story 

I am so sad and angry of that Yoon who played with her feelings. How dare he hurt her like that . I thought while she continued. "you know he even asked me to spend a night with him" then my jaw clenched and did'nt know what to say.

 "you know he even asked me to spend a night with him" then my jaw clenched and did'nt know what to say

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 "I wanted to be alone taehyung. No one in the world support me you know. All people are same when they use people for their uses. I think being alone makes me happy but my friends cheered me and took me for this vacation. I was all looking at her all the time. She was tearing up all the time she's talking. "Hey dont worry yn~shii Im all here. You can tell me if you ever had any problem then you can share it to me. I will be there to listen you". i said somewhat comforting her.

Yn pov

Im still in his embrace and suddenly i realised  and went back  "oh! im sorry taehyung". i said "its ok yn~shii" he replied. Then " If you dont mind Can we be friends from now? We can chill everyday and go to parties at weekend sand not only you and me  we all can go and gather on weekends. Hmm can we? please yn~shi lets be friends..." he asked whining like a baby.. "yeah sure why not taehyung" i replied. "Promise me that you will always be my friend and no matter what   you will be my side and i will be your side lets make a pinky promise" he then showed his little finger to me. i chuckled to his cuteness.

I chuckled at his cuteness and we made a pinky promise. "So yn can I ask you one last question please" he asked and i nodded "Umm yn you still have feelings for him?" he asked but i didnt reply anything then he stayed silent for my silence and i dont know my heart has still many questions while taehyung asked me... yes do i still have feelings for him even after what he had done to me. i was in my thoughts while Rose came.

Tae Pov 

I think she still loves him. Even after he is her first love. How can she dosent think about him. I think i should do something to make yn leave that stupid dumb ass Yoon. He is not perfect for her. She will suffer more and more if she continues her feelings for him. While i was in my thoughts then Rose came and interupted my thoughts. 

Rose: Taehyung you can go now. Jungkook is calling you. and thanku so much for your help! 

me: its ok ! my pleasure.

Rose: bye taehyung see you later...

me: bye rose bye yn~shi

yn: bye taehyung.

I left from there and went into my tent with deep thoughts while i was interupted by kookie "Hey hyung what are you thinking are you here...?" he asked " hmm yes kookie" i replied.. " By the way how is your quality time did you both spended it nice ? did you kiss her? " i  showered him with my questions. "Hyung stop you are embrassing me!" he closed his eyes and felt shy... "umm i think yes hyung" he replied and i was teasing him as he is blushing as hell. 

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This is my first fanfiction

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