Part 14

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Yn pov

We came out and tae took his car and we buckled our seatbelts. The car drive was silent untill tae broke the silence.... "Let me know when you are getting off from work.... I'll pick you up!" He said. "Hmm ok tae" I replied and after we chatted some random stuff and he dropped me at my office.

Walking into the big company... I can see everyone bowed to me as being new for the CEO position. I felt something new for the first time... I walked through the cabin and welcomed by a women in her mid 20's "Good morning mam.. I'm your secretary Anna Williams you can call me Anna" she said throwing a bright smile on her face. She is looking pretty. I took out my laptop and started working my very first day ...


It's been a half day while my eyes glued to the laptop and sipping the americano... While interupted by a phone call... Seeing the caller ID I picked up my phone immediately...

?: Hey honey how's the first day of your office...

Me: It's intresting dad.. BTW hru?

Y/dad: I'm good dear... How are you...

Me: Good appa... Im missing you all...

Y/dad: it's nothing my dear ... You'll get habituated daily... Btw did you went for any apartments?

Me: No dad I'm staying at my friends home now.... But I'll soon find one..

Y/dad: ok my dear... Oh! I forgot to say .. your cousin Yoon is going to start the business like you there... So I hope you will come along with him... I wanted them to collab with our company
..  so he'll work with you in our company for some days.....
(You mentally slapped yourself for your Father's statement)
Hello? Hello? Are  you hearing honey?

Me: dad but...

Y/dad: no buts yn.. do what I say... get along with each other well... Gotta go bye take care my sweet heart❤️

Me: yes dad bye...

With that you hung up the call and tears formed automatically in your eyes...
"Why God why? You don't even want me to rest for some days atleast... How much far I wanted to go away from him... That much close he is coming towards me... Arrrggghhhh!!!!" You shouted while your secretary came flinching to your sounds...

"Mam are you oky?" She asked... "Yes anna.. I am " you said and wiped your tears and closed the laptop and went into the washroom and cried your heart out again.... You wanted to say this to tae but you thought again he would misunderstand you like before... So you thought you would handle him all alone...

You snapped out from your thoughts when your phone beeped a text ... Automatically a smile appeared seeing the name on the screen...

                       Tae bear🐻💜👀

Heyaa... Wassup?

                                        Ntg tae.. just work.

Hey... Did you eat?

                                             Yup! Wbu🐻

Yup.. done.. let's eat out
In evening

                                                 Ok taetae🙊

Ok.. gtg buye buye

                                              Bye bye tc💜

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