Part 20

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Its been a month that I shifted to my new apartment and I was always fed up with Yoon's behaviour he is misbehaving with me from a long time... i didn't tell this to tae if i wanted to also because one day when he is misbehaving with me then i  thought to tell this about tae but he took my phone and again started to fear me using my dad.. I was fed up with him... Though me and tae talk very less while only on phone we met two times that too on weekends to have dinner... I know he  is ignoring me on a purpose... so i didn't want it to be complicated so i thought of giving him time... 

Today is a weekend and i thought of to call tae and its been two days i've been talk to him.. I dialed his number and waiting for him to pick up my call but he didnt.. i even texted him .. he didnt even respond them from days... even not seen

                       TAE Bear🐻🦋💜

           22 jul 2023

 tae ... did you eat? call me
if you'refree tc

         23 jul 2023

     tae are you there...? 

     what happened you oky!

       24 jul 2023

   tae are you free?

   lets go hangout today?


I switched of the phone and quickly went took my car keys and drove to his home... i went to his home parked the car and ringed the door bell....... but no response... i rung it many times then ajumma took the door and welcomed me into the home... 

me: hi ajumma... how are you?

ajumma: im fine dear how are you dear?

me: im fine ajumma .... btw where is tae

ajumma: oh dear! you didn't know .. didn't tell you dear he went back to Korea two days before.. he said that he had an urgent work came up there so he went there dear..... didn't he inform you?

i was in a shock that why suddenly he went without telling... oh god 

me: ok ajumma thankyou did you know when he'll return

i asked and she shook her head as 'no' and i thanked her and went to my apartment...

while i was still didn't get to process what's happening with him.. why would he not tell me anything and went like that........

time skip to night

i am now sleeping on my bed staring at the wall and still processing thinking what to do? and was interrupted by a phone call... i thought it was tae but seeing the caller id i dropped my smile and picked up my call. its my dad.


dad: hello my dear daughter..!

me : hello appa how are you?

dad: im fine dear... how are you yn?

me: im good appa and everything here is also good and also there is much development in work and there are also the best dealers here i guess im doing great appa

dad: i know my daughter you always succeed ... oh! btw i called you to tell an important news dear..

me: oh! what is it appa?

dad: you know me yn... i do everything for your happiness.. so i hope you will respect my decision.. so the thing is I want you to get married my dear...

me: what!!!!!!!!!!!!!! appa are you for sure?

dad: yes my dear baby. I know its very fast but listen i have already made every arrangements that you will never say no to my decisions... so i think you will accept my choice. And yeah  I made arrngements there and you are returning Korea after 2 and the marriage is next Monday so i think you will come as soon as possible............

me: appa why this sudden... ok appa do as you wish and what about the company here...

dad: its fine Anna will take care of it and you can rest assured.

me: ok appa i will come for tomorrow flight.

dad: ok my dear take care .. see you soon...

me: ok appa bye

i hunged up the call and without knowing I tears shedded down my cheeks.. yes I accepted my fate .. I know im not destined to love someone or if i love them they wont be with me forever... Yes i respect my parent decision.. I will make myself there and lets see how it'll be marrying someone. Huh! my fate... this wont be good and i dont find love ... even if that soon to be husband... what about him... i think he will not love me at all... what even im thinking why always I expect someone to be loved... I thought of myself and its still 9pm so i thought of to pack my stuff and be ready to accept my fate.

Time skip to airport

I handled the company work to Anna and i informed her that to take care of company and about Yoon he is also returning Korea since his parents informed him but he is coming 2 days before marriage. He already apologized today morning he came to me and.. 

Flashback to morning

while im taking my stuff getting ready to airport suddenly Yoon came to my apartment and took my luggages to car and he came back and when i took my bag and getting out of my room he held my hand and I can see water in his eyes and he's crying

Me: yahh.. why you crying..

yoon: (he wiped his tears and looked at her) yn im really sorry for what i have done... im a big piece of shit to ignore you before... and yes i thought to ruin you completely for taking revenge on you ... but i have realized my mistakes very late yn.. i know its impossible to make feel someone to be loved.. and im very sorry for not recognizing you before.. now i know the real meaning of love because of someone... 

then i saw Anna coming into the room.. smiling at me

me: yahh dont say me that you both are in relation.

i said and they both laughed and i too wiped my tears and laughed along with them.

me: im so glad you met your love of your life yoon.. Im also happy when you are with lucy because whenever you are with her i know you are the happiest man alive but your thoughts and thinking behaviour is not good at all.. and when i caught you and my sister then i didnt take it and you know that all.. Its not my real intention to make you away from her. and im happy for you both.

yes im happy because i know about anna she is a pure soul... i know why he changed that sudden.. i cared for her like a sister and does she.. She always been with me these 3 months guiding me with the work experience she have.. so she gave me good result in return.

Yoon: yn will you forgive me ...?

he asked shedding tears in his eyes and i nodded in return which he returned a smile and side hugged me. 

Anna: thankyou so much unnie (elder sister)

i nodded and hugged her so tight 

Me: so its time for flight ill be going or else ill miss my flight.

end of flashback                         

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