Janitors Closet...

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The bell rang.
Thank God class is over.

I walk back to my dorm where Stella will be waiting for me for our study date. My pace is hurried as I want to escape the crowded halls. People bump into me as I try to navigate through them. A hand grabs me and shoves me into one of the many janitor closets.

It's so dark I can not make anything out. A tall presence looms so close that I can feel a hot breath on my face. The familiar scent that wraps around me betrays him in an instant. Remus, all 6'5 inches of him, is so extremely close. My back rests on the cold stone wall, as he dips down and tilts my chin with his fingers as he kisses me.

The kiss starts off slow and sweet but when he deems it enough, after he has turned me into a human puddle, he pushes me roughly against the wall and my mouth opens as I gasp. He takes this as an invitation, and slips his tongue inside my mouth, dominating the kiss. He bites my lip and lets it pop.

"God I missed you," he says as he starts kissing my jawline and leaving hickeys down my throat. "You saw me two hours ago," I say back.

"Don't care, want you" he whispers as he hooks his hands in my thighs and pats me gently there. So I jump and let my legs wrap around his waist.

"Stay quiet" he commands and rips my uniform open, letting both our jackets drop to the ground and popping open my shirt, letting the buttons fly everywhere. He shoots me a devilish smile that looks downright wolfish and opens the clasp of my bra, removing it and then massaging my breasts.

Breathy moans leave as he bites my nipple and circles the other. "I thought I told you to stay quiet" he whispers with a particularly harsh suck and twists my other nipple. My back straightens as he places both his hands under my tits, pushing my almost bare back against the wall, and gives them his undivided attention. My hips roll against his unconsciously and my mouth knocks into the wall while I bite my bottom lip to stay quiet.

"I can smell you, you know. Your arousal and I can pinpoint the exact moment you are turned on. It drives me crazy, trying to contain myself and not take you against every possible surface, even bend you over a desk. Do you know the effect you have on me? The way you drive me crazy, the way you leave me throbbing each time you argue with me?" These words were delivered directly onto her skin as he left a hot trail of kisses towards her centre.

He placed her on his shoulders with a swift lift manhandling her clothed cunt directly in his face. Winking at her and then burning his face underneath her school skirt. Kisses and long licks were delivered in her panties. Teasing her as always. "Remus", was the soft sigh that seemed to have been screamed to her roaring ears and encouraged him to continue.

"My God, you are dripping. I have to taste you now." He hummed, letting the vibrations of his voice draw out muffled moans. He bit her panties and tore them with his teeth. As soon as his tongue came in contact with her bare skin he moaned and tightly grabbed her ass, bringing her as close as possible. His tongue entered her and she fisted her hands with his soft curly locks. He pressed his tongue flat against her clit after he locked her up and down, collecting anything he got in the way. Her back arched. He started moving it in figure-eights and her hands tried to find something to steady herself. Her hands brushed the ceiling.

Her hands brushed and scratched the ceiling.

It was as if a silent conversation was happening between the two of them. Every one of his actions caused such loud reactions, making him pick up his pace.

"Rem- I ... close... please". Her toes curled and scratched his back as her knees raised. The only thing keeping her in place was the wall and his hands that pushed her against his face so he could devour her. As she came he continued eating her out making her see pure bliss. As she calmed down he set her to her wobbly legs and started dressing her.

When he was done he let her rest on him until she gained some of her strength. "Kiss" she demanded. He chuckled as he kissed her lips and her forehead, mouthing "bossy as always".

"Don't you-" she asked.

"No, I got all I need. Plus, I'll see you later, won't I?"

Yeah, yeah he would. She couldn't contain herself from all the things she imagined that he would possibly do to her. She shuddered and answered "See you at 10, dear" as she exited the closet and threw a kiss his way.

Her escape though was cut short as he wrapped his hands around her middle and brought her to his front. Tickling her side and dropping kisses on her neck and shoulders. Her laugh echoed in the small room that barely fitted them both and he basked in her happiness.

I wish I will be able to hear this sound for the rest of my life.

The thought scared him but didn't catch him by surprise. He had thought about it before. She was his equal in every way. And one day... he would have the courage to propose with his mother's ring that he kept hidden in one of his drawers.

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