Dream or Nightmare pt.3

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"Ready for round two?"

Well.. it hasn't been just this one round. There was also the time. I was shoved into broom

closets, fucked like it was our last time and exited said broom closets looking as if I had dealt

with a hurricane that left purple marks adorning my body like a canvas. Or the time we met at

the Perfects bathroom at midnight and stayed in the water until I couldn't walk. Or all the times

he sneaked into my room putting in good use not only my bed but my shower, my desk, my

mirror, and pretty much all my furniture if I am being honest. Or when.... well you got the gist of


All this was a fun experience, but still, there was a gaping hole in my heart. Sure he said he

loved my laugh, the sounds I made, the way I tasted and he did stay with me every single time,

taking care of me. But that didn't soothe my aching heart. The way it stung when all the girls not

just flirted with him but threw themselves at him. He was mine ... wasn't he?

I dismissed all these thoughts trying to focus on Alfred, my potions partner, a Hufflepuff boy that

was struggling with the lesson. He was sitting way too close to me and was trying to have some

kind of physical contact with me. But that didn't affect me. He wasn't the one that with a single

touch he could drive me crazy. Or just his mere presence, his scent, his body heat... Remus on

the other hand, was something.

He was also watching me. His gaze dug holes in the poor boy's head. Soon all this will be over. I

will go back to my room, and take a nice hot shower. And that was exactly what happened. Until

the clock struck 1:23, that was when a thud sounded outside the dorm and a low swearing

voice. Remus, he was here.

He entered the dorm easily, picking up the lock. Without missing a beat, he walked confidently

towards my bed, getting atop of me and kissing me senseless. Discarding my clothes and letting

them fly in every possible direction. Kissing and marking up every inch of my skin, paying

special attention to my breasts. And then kissing a straight line across my collarbones

"You smell like him. His cologne is all over you." Every single one of his movements is done with

precision. His hand startles me as he starts, rubbing my clit with his thumb. "You're mine. Only

mine. If that bastard ever comes close to you ..." I didn't know he could be so territorial. So

jealous. So ... committed.

He is teasing me now. Playing with my folds, using only one of his fingers, enough to drive me

wild and over the brink of insanity, enough to hit all the right spots. Enough to delay the

oncoming orgasm and make this as painful as possible.

"Who makes you feel good?"


"Scream my name, sweetheart. Let the world know who you belong to." He says as a hand

comes hard down my pussy. Making a startled yelp leave my lips.


"What is it, love?" Says the taunting son of a bitch. "Say what I want to hear. And you will get the

special treatment tonight."

"I'm yours. Only yours. Please."

"Atta girl. Now let the fun begin." With this he stands up and walks back towards the edge of the

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