Coffe Dates

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It had been a normal Friday. The summer break finally ally setting on their routines. No more school, no more work. Just lazy days for three months.

Yet that wasn't true for everyone. Your lively boyfriend instead of taking some time off or really just allow himself to relax, still worked at the local cafe. Sometimes staying there more hours than he had too. You were missing him terribly. You had been looking forward to these days all week. Planning and hoping to spend endless hours on the beach. Have small roadtrips in his truck. Just the two of you.

But he had to ruin your dreams once again. He was planning to work all summer, claiming that he needed the money if he was going to leave his home next year to go to college. It was all very reasonable too. What would you say to him? That you just had a concerning infuration with him and always wanted to be together. Or that you were scared that if you spent too much time he would quickly get bored of you and leave you. It was a horrible paradox that was eating you up. Logically that didn't make sense he was your boyfriend and you had been good friend way before that. He chose to be with you. He was happy. Wasn't he?

You were sitting at the counter behind the register. No really allowed to be back there but the owner just simply rolled his eyes, knowing that you were going to distract his best employee from his job. Your legs were swinging lightly as you thought, not noticing his concerned looks. He was an arm distance away from you and let you play with the strings of his apron or sometime tracing the lines in his fingers if there weren't any customers.

"What up with you?" He said as he stepped between your legs. Softly cradling your head in the palms of his hands and rubbing your noses together in an Eskimo kiss.

"Nothing." You whisper quietly.

"Oh really. Because you haven't kissed me once in over forty minutes. I am starting to worry. What happed to my girl hm?"

"Really it's nothing. Just get back to your work."

"Nah. You see this right here. This isn't right I demand my kisses."


"So now do you not want to kiss me? What's next are you not going to visit me at work?"

"I don't know."

"Alright. I'll bite. What happend?"

"I already told you nothing."

"So you just don't want to kiss me silly?" For the first time she looked into his eyes. They were kind and light and playful. You eyebrows scrunched up and your lips slightly pouted in an adorable frown. Your mind racing at fifteen different directions. You grabbed his shirt and planted your lips firmly against his. He huffed a laugh as he kissed you back. Your heart stopped racing and your mind calmed. Why? Why were you like this? Why did you have to always touch him in some way or claim kisses most of time?

"There she is. I was wondering if you were abducted by aliens." He said as he continued kissing you. You let out a wet laugh. His heart flattered at the sound of it. He wanted to make you happy, steal your laugh or record it so that he could listen to it again and again. He wasn't the most self confident person, but around you he felt enough. The way would always seek him in a room full of people, the way you hand fitting in his, the way you lips molded together, familiar with each other. He always craved your company. "Storage room?"

You nodded as you grabbed his arm and eagerly pushed him into the small room. Something you might have done more times than it was acceptable. He pushed you against the wall. His kiss demanding and asking for more. Your lips were puffy and stung, your lungs screaming for air and your head getting slightly dizzy. His hands firmly on your waist and your hair. Travelling beneath your shirt. He lowered his head to your neck, sucking on the already bruised skin there that was concilled with make up, but he didn't need to see were he had marked you. He knew it by heart.

Things were getting dangerous now as he slowly lifted your shirt. You were in his work for God's sake to visit him and jeep him company not jump his bones in a small closet that barely fitted you. It wasn't the fact that you hadn't had sex yet. You had and it was ... mind-blowing. And you weren't exposed to the public. You had a sliver of privacy.

Breathy moans filled his ears and missed the sound of a customer asking if there was someone on the store. He wanted to ignore it desperately. But he knew he couldn't. He needed to have his money, not for college as he had said to you. But to buy you that dress he had seen in a store on his way to work. He imagined it on you as you straddled him and bounced on his lap. He had to make that fantasy real or he was going to lose his mind.

He regretfully ended the kiss and placed his forehead on yours. You were both gasping for air trying to calm your bodies down. He wanted nothing more than to carry you to his truck and take you home and promptly spent the remaining day between your legs, on top of you, or underneath you. He didn't care he just wanted you. With a heavy sigh he kissed the crown of your head lightly and whispered "I have to go. We will finish this later."

The mischief that danced in his eyes had your heart racing at an impossible pace. He smirked at you as he left you in the small room to gather yourself before you eventually came to find him.

Because you always came to find him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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