Chapter 17: Jungkook

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I was sitting in my chair, waiting for the meeting to start. I looked at Hera, who was sitting beside me. She had a small bruise on her lips. She didn't even notice I was looking at her, too busy staring into nothingness. I sighed. She had killed 15 terrorists the past two months. She was too busy running from her emotions.

Taehyung? He was a mess. Betrayed by the one person he cared the most about, he has now given up on all the businesses he once led with a passion. He's now back at his base and all we do there is sit idly. We don't get any orders from him anymore.

To be honest, why were they both like this over a week long... friendship? Bond? Fling? Love?

I nudged her shoulders, bringing her back to the meeting. She blinked a few times before looking at me questioningly. Really?
"The meeting is about to start. You know it's serious, right?"
"Right. I'll pay attention, thanks." She tried to smile but it came off as a rather dry half-smile.

We all stood up as Ms Romanoff entered the meeting room.
"Let's just get straight to the point." I'd like that. Everybody was tense.
"So you all know the murders that have been happening since the last two months. Let's recall, shall we?" Her tone was so monotonous, as if she was trying to hold her true emotions back.

"So 8 of our people have been found dead alone in random rooms. All died of choking. The thing is, there is no sign of it. No fingerprints, no plastic bags. No cctv footage. It's as if the air was drained out of their bodies."

One of our members raised his hand to speak and she nodded.
"Taehyung could be behind them. It all started after the day we got Hera out of there." He spoke and I looked at the girl mentioned. She looked as if she was about to rain fire on him any second.

"Could be possible. He had also spared us that day, which was so out of character for someone like him. Maybe he was planning a better revenge on us." Another one spoke. They both had valid points, though.

"You are right. We can't rule him out of the suspects yet." She threw an apologetic stare at Hera. Wow. So she did catch up on what happened.

"Well, that's it then. Come up with a solution and try to not be alone. You all are dismissed." As we all rose up from our seats, I watched as Hera quickly got out of the room. I guess she still needs a bit of space.

I found her slumped against a tree some feet away from our base, deep in thought. It had been an hour since the meeting.

Well, guess I have to do this now. I walked up to where she was sitting and slumped beside her lazily, spreading my legs. She arched an eye brow at me, intrigued by what I was trying to do.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked her, unsure where to start. We hadn't exactly been the best of friends. She exhaled and remained silent for a few moments before answering.
"You know already". She was smiling at me. A genuine smile. That was rare.

"I do, but I'd like for you to say it."
"Since when did you start doing therapy?" She chuckled, as if suddenly I was a long lost friend of hers.

Technically, I was.

"Since you stopped glaring at me." I joked and she stopped fidgeting with the grass.
"I don't remember glaring at you." She said, avoiding eye contact.
"Sureeeeeeee." I dragged the word for a dramatic effect.

After a few minutes of sitting in silence, she finally answered my question.
"I didn't want to hurt him, Jungkook. I don't know how he has been these months and it is..." Killing her from inside.
"You could have asked me." I eyed her.
"I know but I was just feeling too... too... I don't know. I don't think I deserve to know about him." Guilt.

"It's okay. I believe you two will get the chance to start over." I smiled at her as a gush of wind flew across us, messing both our hairs. I shook the hair out of my face while she struggled to get the curls out of her eyes.

It was so peaceful. I laid down on the grass, taking in the cool shade of the tree. She followed suit. I closed my eyes and felt the breeze gently swishing past me.

"Thanks, you know. I haven't said this out loud to anyone before." I knew she was smiling.
"Of course." I hummed, content with this moment.


Back to pretending it is, Jungkook. Taehyung had called for me to see him. Said something about how it was important. This was weird, because even though I was in his trusted circle, he mostly kept the details to himself and his brothers. They never met. Atleast not in front of me. But they knew about everything that happened here. From every small deal to the biggest smuggling.

"Sit down." He spoke lowly as I took a seat in front of him. A drink in his hand, his legs spread across the chair. The room was dimly lit, with only a bulb hanging from the ceiling. Did he get to know about my true identity? I started getting nervous.

"I need your help, Jungkook. 8 of our people are dead." He continued.
Deja vu.
"What?" I asked in surprise.
"All dead of suffocation. It's called asphyxiation, I looked it up. But I can't find why it happened. Somebody is targeting my allies and I want you to find out about it. I'm also trying here. Make sure you don't give away that you're with me. The next victim could be you too." He said carefully. He was worried.

Now, I was too.


okay y'all, as i write this, the 10th anniversary of bts is being celebrated.
i just wanted to say they are the best thing that has ever happened to me. all the tears, all the smiles, they're worth it if i get to have this bond with them.
forever, we are young!! even if i am 90 years old and barely left with energy, i will look upon these memories i have made in my youth with a fond smile. i won't forget them. they're now a part of my existence. user badassgryffindor is not herself without them.
you're my best friend for the rest of my life, my seven💜

ps i left some foreshadowing in this chapter, let's see if you can find 'em ;)
remember to vote if you liked this chapter :)

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