Chapter 28: Taehyung

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I woke up to my body tangled with hers. Memories of last night flooded through my mind and I smiled fondly at them.

"You're awake." She grinned mischievously.
I hummed contently.

"How are you feeling?" I asked her. I hope I wasn't too rough last night.
"A bit sore but nothing I can't handle." She spoke as if she was proud.
"Sorry." I said as I massaged the back of my neck awkwardly.
"Oh come on. I asked for it." She smirked.

I got up and convinced her to rest for a little longer while I made some sandwiches.

Oh yes, sandwiches truly don't suit a mafia.

We ate breakfast peacefully, making a joke here and there. I truly was happy.

"I think we should get out of here." She suggested.
"Whyyyyyy" I dragged out the word dramatically, "It's so nice in here."
She chuckled at my reaction.

"It sure is, love. But we can't stay here forever. We have to face whatever it is that's out there."

Yeah, she had a point.

We agreed to sneak outside quietly when it would be a bit dark outside.

At evening, we cautiously made our way up the creaky metal staircase. I couldn't shake off the feeling that danger lurked around every corner.

I opened the door and my eyes scanned the forest, searching for any signs of danger.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the shadows, causing both of us to freeze. It was a silhouette, tall and imposing, wielding a weapon. We instinctively ducked behind a tree.

The figure, however, recognized us and shouted, "It's me, guys! Don't shoot!"

Hera's eyes widened, and I slowly peeked out from our hiding spot. The figure stepped closer, and we recognized the voice- it was Jungkook.

"Jungkook? Is that really you?" Hera asked, her voice a mix of relief and disbelief.

He grinned, dropping his weapon and holding up his hands. "Yeah, it's me! Surprise!" He exclaimed, his tone brimming with mischievous humor.

The first thing Hera did was hit him in the stomach as he tumbled over. He looked at her with such surprise that honestly it was hard for me to not laugh.

"I have been so damn worried. Where the fuck were you?" She asked him, fuming.
"Hey, Hey." He held his hands up in surrender, "Brought you a little gift." He said as he took something out of his pocket. A pen drive.

"It has the cctv footage of our base. Grabbed it the last minute and god damn it, this secret underground hideout of yours is so hard to find." He said exasperated.

We hurried down again, eager to see what it contained.

Hera attached the drive to the tv and we all sat in anticipation. We saw a few people who start to choke before dropping dead. Then a guy came into the camera's view.

His hand was raised. And that's how I knew. Even if the face wasn't same, it was him. Notus.

Even if I have lived for so long, I still find it hard to believe the kind of life I live.

Lover with supernatural powers? Lover's twin with supernatural powers? Both being reincarnated and gaining their memories? Me being immortal? I adore the universe. (No I don't.)

"Isn't that the same guy who first accused Taehyung of these murders in our meeting?" Jungkook asked.
She just nodded in reply.

That bastard.

"So Jungkook, I know you're confused. Let me explain." She said as she turned to him, ready to explain.

I think it's safe to say that Jungkook doesn't believe in this stuff easily. He only believed us when Hera levitated some water and splashed it on his face. Sure, the splashing wasn't needed, but it was entertaining.

Our fun wasn't long-lived, though.

The floor started to shake, and within seconds, the store-room crumbled to pieces. Before the rest of the could fall apart, we hurried out of there.

Only to find him waiting for us with two more men.

"It's been a long time, Hera." The guy, or shall I say, Notus smirked.

Jungkook and I were about to attack but the two guys cornered us, making Hera an easy target for Notus.

I took a steady stance, my eyes focused. The man in front of me approached me with a cocky grin.

"Not my best friend, you nutcase." I heard Jungkook say as he delivered a punch to the second guy.

I glanced over at Hera. Her long brown hair cascading down her back, she stood confidently in her all-black attire.
She circled around Notus cautiously, assessing her opponent's every move.
"Go off best friend." She cheered, not looking away from Notus.

So she was his best friend now?

Taking advantage of my momentarily distraction, the first guy launched a strike, a rapid combination of punches aimed at my chest. But I have been around a long time indeed. I effortlessly sidestepped each blow, my movements fluid and precise. I delivered a powerful palm strike to the guy's abdomen, forcing him back several steps.

Some feet away from me, Jungkook stood confidently, his muscles flexing beneath a fitted black t-shirt. The second guy, slightly shorter, stepped forward, a smug grin playing on his bruised face.

My opponent tried to kick me, aiming for my legs. But I gracefully evaded the onslaught, ducking and weaving, my body seemingly one with the rhythm of the fight.

Meanwhile, Hera took the initiative, aiming a swift kick toward her brother's midsection. He skillfully blocks the strike, instead grabbing her hand and muttering something. She twisted his hand to get away from him.

"Guys, whatever he wants, he needs physical contact to do it." She screamed as she fought back.

"Then stay away from him." Jungkook screamed back. The second guy lunged forward with a fast jab, aiming for Jungkook's jaw. But the taller one effortlessly dodged the blow, swiftly ducking and countering with a powerful uppercut. The impact sent the guy sprawling backward, crashing against the trunk of a tree, passing out.

I grabbed the head of the guy in front of me and hit it hard on the ground. An audible crack was heard. Piece of cake.

Meanwhile, Hera seized an opportunity and executed a quick leg sweep, attempting to knock her brother off balance. He fell face-first onto the ground.

"Great advice, Jungkook." She said sarcastically while she kicked Notus in the stomach.
"I know." I heard his reply.

Seriously? Sarcasm in the middle of a fight?

I ran over to her, ready to kill him for once and all. But he used that weapon again.

Jungkook and I fell to our knees, gasping for air, while Notus launched at Hera again.

Suddenly, his hand went to his neck, pulling out a syringe. In a few seconds, he fainted.

I looked at where the syringe came from, and from the shadows emerged a short pale guy and a taller guy with muscular build.

Yoongi Hyung. Namjoon Hyung.

"C'mon. Get in the car. The syringe only lasts for a minute." Yoongi screamed as we hurried to get inside the car they had brought with them.


god action isn't my strongest suit fr💀
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