Chapter 30: Taehyung

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We all spread across the space, hiding behind trees. I could see Jungkook from my side and he nodded firmly, as if reassuring me that he won't let anything happen to her.

I watched as Hera walked to the place we had encountered Notus this evening. It was almost midnight, and there was little to no visibility.

Notus emerged out from the underground base, smirking.

"Let's end this for once and all, my brother." Hera said firmly, taking a fighting stance.
"You were foolish to come here alone." He smirked.
"You were foolish to think I was alone." She said, headbutting him.

He fell to the ground with a groan and she wiped her lips. As he was about to raise hia hand, a syringe was shot at him. I looked over to see Yoongi coming out of the shadows.

We all circled around him as he slowly lost his consciousness.

"What did you do?" He screamed as he woke up, blindfolded and paralyzed in the room we had decided.

We smirked at each other as we watched him panic through the cameras.

"Good morning. It's your dear sister Hera." An intimidating voice rang through the speakers.

The plan was working. He couldn't figure out our location and thus was unable to curse us.

His face trembled in fear as he tried to move his body again in vain.

"Relax, I just want some answers. For now." She smirked from beside me as she spoke into the microphone.

"Why do you want my powers?" She asked and he stilled, keeping his mouth shut.
"No?" She looked at one of his fingers and it caught fire. We heard a loud shriek erupt from the room he was in.

"How about now, my dear brother?" She asked.
"I told you already. They aren't your powers. They're mine." He snarled.
"And what exactly would you achieve if you get them?" She pressed.
"Superiority. I want to be the most powerful person on this planet." The fire on his finger stopped.

We all looked at each other, surprised by his nonsensical motives.

"How can you get your powers from me?" Hera inquired, her words laced with authority.
"I... I have to drain you of your powers. And I will." He panted.
She chuckled at hearing that.

"I'm assuming I got the same face as Velma because you cursed me to meet Taehyung again." She spoke and damn, I hadn't thought of that.
"Yeah. You're right." He groaned at the pain he was feeling.

"Guess you're of no use to me now." She smirked, and set his eyes on fire.
I would have turned around if this was some other man, but this was the guy who had started all this.

All these years of suffering.

"No. No. Please spare me." He cried, screaming in agony.
"Nope." She then set his right leg ablaze.

"You..." He choked out, "You're weak. Trying to kill me when I'm helpless. A coward."

"Maybe. But let me clear one thing, I'm not trying to kill you. I am killing you." With that, she ignited his whole body on fire.

Talk about deja vu.

And then, she looked over to smile at me before falling to the ground with a thud.

We rushed to the hospital, but somehow I knew she was okay. I felt it inside of me.

The doctor said that she was overwhelmed with a lot of energy and that's why she fainted.

The sterile hospital room was illuminated by soft daylight streaming through the windows.

Hera slowly opened her eyes, groaning as she woke up. Her disheveled hair made her look even prettier.

"How are you-" I began to say but she shushed me off.

She squinted at the unfamiliar surroundings, blinking away the remnants of sleep. She pushed herself up, clutching the white sheets, and noticed something.

Her eyes widened in shock as she tried to conjure a ball of fire in her palm, only to find nothing but a tiny wisp of smoke.

"I... I" She gasped, "My powers are gone."
She looked over to me, still surprised.

Immediately, I pulled out a small pocket knife from my back pocket. Taking a deep breath, I gently slid the blade across my forearm, revealing a shallow cut. Both of us stared at it intently.

"What are you doing?" She asked, confused.
"Testing a theory, my love. Brace yourself." I looked up at her.

Hera watched anxiously as seconds turn into minutes. The cut remained, refusing to close up or heal. A realization dawned on both of us simultaneously.

"You... you're not healing! That means..." She gasped as a mixture of excitement and happiness overtook her.
"I'm not immortal anymore." I said, grinning.

Her eyes widened, and a mix of astonishment and delight dancing in her gaze.
"So, the infamous Heartbroken Prince is finally mortal, huh?" She teased.
"Oh no! I've lost my eternal youth! What will I do now?" I say, in mock shock.

We both burst into laughter, our worries finally ending. I joined Hera on the bed, intertwining our fingers, a mix of love and playfulness in my eyes.

"Does this mean we get to normally live our lives?" She asked and I nodded.
She clicked her tongue.
"Too bad. I could have used my powers in my work. I bet they would have been pretty useful." She smirked.

My finger traced the outline of her jaw, and something in her eyes changed.

"I love you, Kim Taehyung. I think I have known for a while, but I don't know why I didn't tell you." She whispered.
I was taken aback by her sudden confession, but that was quickly replaced with the immense happiness I felt.

"Oh god. I love you more than you will ever know." I reply, before capturing her lips in a passionate kiss. My hands travelled to caress her waist.

We were lost in our kiss when the hospital room door suddenly swung open. Jungkook, the new master of impeccable timing, stood frozen in the doorway, eyes widening in shock.
"Whoa! Am I interrupting something?" Jungkook said, gaping.

We hastily broke apart, our faces flushed with embarrassment. Hera tried to compose herself, smoothing down her ruffled hair.

"Jungkook! I... uh... We were just..." Hera said, but he quickly interrupted.
"Oh, I see. "Just" engaging in some fiery hospital romance, were you?"

He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, unable to suppress his mischievous grin. I jumped to my feet, my cheeks still flushed.

Jungkook burst into laughter, unable to contain himself.

Well, I must say, this is quite the entertaining way to find out that Hera is ready to be discharged from the hospital. I'll just wait outside and give you lovebirds some privacy." He chuckled.

He playfully mimed zipping his lips, then turned to leave, still laughing. Hera rolled her eyes at his antics.

"Well, that was quite the grand entrance, wasn't it? We can add "Kissed in front of Best Friend" to our list of memorable moments." I looked at her, unable to control my laughter.

"Oh, absolutely! Right next to "Lost Superpowers" and "Discovered Mortality." Our lives are becoming quite the story, aren't they?" She joined in my laughter.


so we're almost at the end, i hope you enjoyed this with me *hugs*
remember to vote if you liked this chapter :)

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