Chapter 10: Hera

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I don't know if I'm trying to get close to him because of my mission or because I want to, anymore. The line between being rivals and being... acquaintances is starting to blur, and I'm not sure if I even want to stop that.

The night fell and it was time to get back to work. I sneaked out of my room with Jungkook's help. No guards in sight. Perfect.

I wondered how he even managed to get them away from my side of the hideout. It was probably because they deemed me too weak.

This time, I had to one up my game. Get into his room. It probably won't be easy but I had to try. As I neared his room, I saw him drag his feet out of the room tiredly. He was going for a midnight snack or maybe water. I knew the kitchen wasn't that close to his room so it would take atleast 5 minutes for him to come back. Perfect.

I entered his room and left the door open an inch so I could hear if somebody comes. I started runmaging through his stuff, trying to find any official paper or documents that could help us find more about him and what he does.

My eyes fell upon a drawer that had a lock on it. Fuck. It said I only had 5 tries before the alarm would go off.
"Kim Taehyung"
Incorrect. Well, ouch.
To be honest, what was I even expecting.

I thought of some phrases he would frequently mention.
"No Jams"

For a small moment, I wondered what this 'No jams' thing actually meant. He would be all serious one moment and the next moment he would say "He has no jams" or something like that.

I opened the drawer and found some documents. Finally.

What was inside them confused me even further. All of them were identity cards or death certificates. Ranging from 1873 to the current year. Some other documents contained details about brothels that needed help or recruiting children with no families. Stuff that didn't matter.

That's when I heard the sound of his footsteps. I put all those documents back in their place. I looked around and found the cupboard to be big enough to fit me. I quickly hid inside it, closing it as slowly as I could. I ignored the pain that was shooting through my stomach.

I watched from the tiny gaps as he walked to his bed and plummeted straight into the bedsheets, entangling himself in them. Within a few minutes, I heard light snores coming from him.

I probably waited there for half an hour before deciding that he was asleep and slowly got out of the cupboard. I tiptoed through his room when I suddenly heard his voice.

"I will... I will wait, my love." He whispered as he twisted into the bedsheets. Oh, a dream.

I mentally sighed and got out of his room. It wasn't hard to sneak back into my room too, as everybody was probably asleep, unsuspecting.

When I finally got into my bed, I allowed my brain to finally think about the things that I saw.

Birth certificates and death certificates about him? Maybe he needed multiple identities but why from 1873? Was that a weird obsession? Or something else? His words echoed through my head.

He said that he had been in this field "Longer than you can think of." Was this what he meant? But it didn't make sense.

My love. He said he was waiting for someone. Was this 'my love' the one he was waiting for? I felt a pang of jealousy but I ignored it.

I relayed all this information to Jungkook the next morning. He was as confused as I was. He told me he will inform Ms Romanoff about all this and in the meantime I should try to get more information out of him. I was planning to do exactly that.


i want the rest of the bts members too so maybe i'll give them all cameos cus i love love love them
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