Chapter 22: Taehyung

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I finally understood.

Once I was sure Hera was okay and in good hands, I quickly left to get Hobi Hyung.

It waa definitely him.

I had been careful when her and I first met, but he never showed up. I was wrong to assume that the threat was no longer there.

The murders. It was him all along.

I figured her memories were coming back when she whispered something about Notus when I was getting her admitted to the hospital.

Which meant, he could be back any moment too.

In fact, he was already back.

I barged in Hobi Hyung's room, finding him asleep on the bed. I woke up him up, which was, to be honest, a difficult task.

"Get ready. Jimin and Jin are here. You three need to leave. I will explain later." I said as I threw a shirt and jeans on him.
"Be ready in five minutes. I will drive." I closed the door and went to take out my car from the garage. I had to drive them all to the airport as soon as possible.

He couldn't know that my loved ones were here in the city. For all I know, his next target could be any of my brothers.

The thought of it made me want to die.

I drove him to the hospital and we both practically ran to where Hera was. He was definitely confused but went along with it.

"You two need to leave and go as far as possible." I said, panting.

From behind me, Hobi Hyung entered the room, his eyes taking in everyone. As soon as his eyes met Jin Hyung and Jimin's, all three of them lept into a tight hug.

"But we were just getting to know her. What's so urgent?" Jimin pouted.
Hobi Hyung looked at Hera and something clicked in his mind.

He extended his hand to shake hers. His smile was contagious so she smiled in return too.
"Nice to meet you finally. I'm Hoseok."
"I'm Hera. Nice to see you." She said, shaking his hand.

"We don't have time for this. I can't tell you everything but you three need to leave and only come back when I tell you it is safe." I said, my voice unwavering.

They knew better than to question my thinking.

"Okay, okay. We will leave." Jin said, before turning to Hera, "It was nice meeting you. We  will see each other again.". He smiled and she nodded.

"Oh yes, I will see you at the wedding." Hobi Hyung said cheerfully.
"Wedding?" She asked.
"Yours and Taehyung's, of course." He gave a last smile to her while she stared at him dumbfounded.

"Hera, as much as I like you, Taehyung is my best friend. Don't hurt him." Jimin warned and she glared.
God, these three were surely a handful.

Jimin then turned to me, "Taehyung, if you hurt her, then... I will steal her from you. What do you say, Hera?" He smirked and winked at her. In return, she rose her eyebrows in surprise, a small smile on her lips.

"Sounds good." She replied.

Now it was my turn to glare at both of them.

"C'mon. Let's go." I said as I grabbed my keys and the other followed.
Jungkook nodded, understanding that he was supposed to watch her in the meantime.

In the car, Jin Hyung stared at me like I had done a crime.

"So are you going to tell us what this is about or should we call Yoongi?" He threatened.
Oh no, not Yoongi Hyung.

"It's... It is something related to her. People have been found dead. I can't tell you everything as I'm still not totally sure. All I know is you all can't be here for a month atleast." I spoke and he nodded, understanding my situation.

"It was nice of you all to come, though. You are like a lucky charm for sure. I met her again only when you came back in the city." I smiled and Hobi Hyung chuckled.

"You're welcome, Taehyung." Jimin ruffled my hair. I had missed them. My family.

"While we are at it, why are Yoongi and Namjoon Hyung not with you?" I asked and Jin muttered something about how they both were on an assassination mission. I could tell that he was frustrated by their lack of presence.

"By the way, why haven't you asked her out yet? Do you want to test my charm?" Jimin asked, smirking.
No doubt in that. He could steal my girl if he wanted to, but not her. I believe in her.

"She's not interested. A betrayal is a big no from her side." I muttered.
I still held a bit of hope though.

"I can see it in her eyes when she looks at you. This is love, my friend. I can smell it from a mile away. It's the scent of heart-shaped balloons and sappy love songs." Jin Hyung teased.
I could feel a blush rise up my neck.

"Maybe our friend here thinks he's too cool for love. Or maybe he's just too scared to admit that Cupid finally caught up with him." Jimin continued.
"Admit it, buddy. You're head over heels for someone, and you're too chicken to confess. You've gone from "tough guy" to "fluff guy"!" Hobi Hyung joined.

I sighed. "Let's see. I will try." I told them.

"Just promise to bring us along when you ask her for marriage. You know I can predict future right? We want front-row seats for this romantic rollercoaster." Jin said excitedly.

"Absolutely! We'll be your love cheerleaders, chanting your name as you take the leap into the unknown world of love and butterflies." Jimin imitated a butterfly.
"And don't worry, even if things don't go as planned, we'll be here to cheer you up with ice cream, pizza, and a full-on marathon of funny movies." Hobi said as he patted my shoulder.

Looks like it was time to say yes to the deal Jungkook and Hera proposed yesterday.

Working with the two people who betrayed me? Count me in. I am always up for some entertainment in this boring long-ass life anyways.

And maybe. Just maybe. I could get closer to her again. I know she is the same person I fell in love with. And I still do admire her passion for doing the right thing.

She is the beginning of all my dreams and one day, she will be the end of all my dreams.


let's see when joon and yoongi will make an entry🏃‍♀️
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