Chapter 21: Hera

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I picked up the letter that was left near the plant I watered daily. The cover looked beautiful. Somehow, the sender managed to stick sand on it in the pattern of waves.

Just then, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist from behind me. Taehyung laid a kiss on my shoulders as he exhaled contently.

"What is it, sweetheart?" He whispered in my ears as I chuckled due to the tickling. I turned to face him, a beautiful smile covering his face.

"It's a letter addressed to me. But there's no name."
He looked at me confused but gestured me to open it.

"It's a nice morning, Velma. Isn't it?

You must be confused about who I am. Of course. I was too nervous to face you like this so I decided to write you a letter.

I am your twin brother.

As you might already know, our parents died when we were just 2. You got adopted by a wealthy couple, who turned out to be The King and Queen of Sol.

I, on the other hand, got the bad side of the deal.

I wasn't adopted. I have lived on the streets for most of my life until I got to know that I had a twin sister.

I'd like to meet you, Velma. And if possible, I'd like for us to be a family again.

Please come alone, as I am still nervous.

The Prometheus Hills. 9 am.

I will be waiting for you, my sister.

Yours Lovingly,

I was in shock for a few seconds. I looked up at Taehyung who was smiling pleasantly at me.

"I... I have a brother, Taehyung." I said breathlessly and then broke into a grin.
He hugged me tightly, rubbing his hands along the length of my back.

"I'm so happy for you, Velma."

I woke up with a groan and twisted around in my bed. Everything was so white. A hospital.

"Are you okay?" I heard Jungkook's voice echo through my brain.
"Yeah, yeah." I whispered.

I opened my eyes slowly to see Taehyung leaving in a hurry.
Well, someone is not happy to see me I guess.

"Good, good. Don't try to get up. I'm right here if you need me."
I nodded.
It was nice to see Jungkook's caring side.

Just then I noticed two guys watching me carefully from the corner of the room.
"Who... are they?"

Jungkook was about to answer but the shorter of the two cut him off.

"Jimin at your service, Hera." He bowed as if he were in a movie. Even in my dazed state, I could see that charisma oozed from every part of his body. He had black hair that perfectly framed his face and siren-like eyes. He was smirking, as if he knew what I was thinking about.

"I am Jin, and I won't be surprised if you left Taehyung for me." The taller of them spoke, breaking me out of my thoughts. To be honest, he had a point. A perfectly sculpted face and a lean build. He was definitely every other girl's dream. Not to mention the confidence.

Jungkook's phone started to ring and it looked like the call was important.
"Can you watch her for a few minutes. I gotta take this call." He asked and the other two nodded.

As he left, they shuffled near me. Both were looking at me as if I were some rare occurrence.

"We know everything that happened, you know." Jin spoke, sensing my confusion.
"You have to win him back. I know it's going to be difficult-" Jimin was about to complete his sentence but Jin cut him off again.
"-But you are going to be difficulter." He chuckled.

I couldn't help but smile at these two. It looked like they were pretty close to Taehyung. Despite what I did to him, they didn't seem to hate me either.

"So, we're on duty to take care of our friend's girlfriend? This is gonna be interesting." Jin said as he plopped down on the sofa.
"I'm not his-" I tried to say but Jimin cut me off. These two had a habit of doing that, I guess.

"Yeah, I never thought I'd be in charge of applying Band-Aids and fluffing pillows. Do we need a medical license for this?" He said as he sat beside the taller guy, leaning against his shoulders.
It's just for a few minutes. Why are they being so dramatic? It was a nice distraction, though. Maybe I should go with it.

"Just promise me you won't turn me into a mummy with all those bandages." I spoke loud enough for them to hear.
"Well, if we do, at least we'll have the best-wrapped patient award in the hospital." They both broke into laughter.

"And who needs a nurse when you have us? We're experts in the art of making terrible jokes to distract you from the pain." Jin had a point.
"Lucky me. Stuck with two comedians. Just make sure to refill the laughter prescription every hour." I said appreciatively.

"So, what's our game plan for taking care of her? Should we start with a magic trick or maybe a dance routine?" Jimin asked excitedly, as if this was a party. Dance routine? That doesn't sound too bad.

"I was thinking we could bring her a get-well-soon card that plays obnoxiously loud music when you open it. Hospital-friendly, of course." Jin replied, thinking hard.

"Great idea, Jin. More noise pollution. Just what the doctors ordered. They will love us. Maybe they will be kind enough to not kick my ass when they throw us out of the hospital." I joined in.

"I like her." Jimin whispered and Jin nodded. I still heard it, though. I smiled at their antics.

"I heard they have those fancy adjustable beds in the hospital. Can we turn hers into a personal rollercoaster?" Jimin started the string of ideas again.
"That would definitely speed up her recovery. Just strap her in and let gravity do its thing. We'll call it The Healing Coaster Express."

They are definitely taking this 'entertainment while healing' thing to the next level.

"As much as I appreciate the thought, I'd rather not have my hospital bed mistaken for an amusement park ride. Let's keep it low-key, guys." I teased them.

"Fine, no rollercoaster. But what about organizing a hospital room karaoke night? We can invite the whole floor to join in."
Sounds fun, to be honest. They both had great ideas.

"Yeah, it'll be like "The Voice: Hospital Edition." I can already see the doctors lining up to audition."
I chuckled and both their eyes lit up. Oh, so this was all just an attempt to make laugh.

"What audition?" Jungkook asked as he entered the room. They both just shrugged.

Just then, Taehyung burst into the room.

"You two need to leave and go as far as possible." He pointed at Jimin and Jin. From behind him, another guy peeked in, smiling awkwardly.



let's see where this goes👀
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