Chapter 36

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It was cold, and the child was not carried out just after the full moon.

Those who went to the big dealer's house to seal Xiqian and watch the children were all female relatives or husbands, and Li Qingshan's family sent Liu Yu as a representative.

Liu Yu went home and changed the clothes that were used as banquet noodles, and changed into the new blue jacket she was wearing yesterday, and went to seal the happy money. The villagers usually give thirty coins, and those who have a good relationship seal sixty.

Li Qingshan has a good relationship with Dazhuang, and they have been neighbors for many years. They put two pieces of money, one is the seal of Cong Chunhua, the elder, and the other is the seal of Li Qingshan and Liu Yu, which is 100.

This gift money is not light, when Liu Yu sprinkled the money in the wedding bowl, others looked at the cotton on his body and saw that it was a beautiful color that can only be seen in the city, and they knew that Li Qingshan's life is not bad now .

Many people whose surname is not Li regret it, why didn't they tell Qingshan about their girl or brother at the beginning.

At noon, the banquet starts on time.

First serve pork skin jelly, peanuts, snacks, candies, fish as a head dish, then a handful of meat, then vegetarian dishes, followed by a large bowl of hot dishes one after another, and wait for the brown sugar glutinous rice eight treasure rice and fungus egg soup I know that all the dishes on this table are finished.

A woman at one of the tables said: "The noodles made by Chunhua are delicious. When my son gets married, I will ask her to do it too!

" It was still in the twelfth lunar month, and it was freezing cold.

The big banquet usually sits at a table with a relatively close relationship. The person next to her heard it, looked around and asked her in a low voice: "Aren't you taboo?" "What taboo?

" Eat, "Looking at the current life of Ren Qingshan's family, I think that in the long run, no family in our village will have a good life like him."

No, Qingshan himself is capable, and the young man he married can embroider, and the youth balls he made are now sold in the whole county, and the young couple grabs money together.

"I'm not lucky yet. I live in a brick and tile house and eat meat all day long. It's better than anyone else. Besides, I haven't seen anyone in the restaurants she runs..." In the end, it was

all She was brought up by rumors. Of course, the main reason she chose Cong Chunhua for the banquet was to save money and do things beautifully.

Let's not talk about the virtues of the Diao chef, but when Du Yulan's son got married, he seemed to be a cook invited from the county town. He cooked whole chickens and fish, and some dishes were beautifully arranged. But it's not true. For the owner, a whole chicken costs money for a table. For those who eat, people don't like it if it looks good and the portion is not enough.

And the roast chicken on the table was really not tasty, it only smelled a little on the scalp, but the inside was fishy and woody, which is not as good as such a small fried chicken.

She felt that the banquet at the big dealer was pretty good today, and when she went to the big dealer to find out how much it cost, she would just follow the banquet.

Others heard it was true, but the people in his own village were sincere in doing things. That tricky cook was called by Du Yulan's family to the village head to ask for an explanation, but was rejected by Liang Xiucai, saying that he did not want to let treacherous people like him touch his hands. After what happened at home, people were shocked, after all, that was what scholars said.

For a table of ten people, twelve dishes are big, and there are leftovers on some plates, and the leftovers are given to the helpers to take home. The other vegetable soups were mixed together, and each family divided them and kept them for feeding the pigs.

The piglets ate very well.

A total of seventeen tables were seated, and Cong Chunhua got two hundred and fifty-five Wen, because the pork was sold to Da Zhuang at the cost price, which saved him a lot of money, so she took Cong Chunhua's salary as it was.

But she is happy, the money her son earns is enough to buy a mule cart, and what she earns is enough for the family's oil, salt and lamp oil for more than a month.

There are quite a lot of things to clean up after the banquet, and it takes a long time to wash the dishes and pans, so it is a tossing to hold a wedding in the cold weather.

After putting everything back together and cleaning the village ancestral hall, it's almost time for dinner. However, I was a bit tired of eating at noon, and the family didn't have much appetite at night. Liu Yu cooked some corn porridge, and each of them drank a little, and they had a hasty dinner.

Yesterday Liu Yu was thinking about what kind of shop to open in the future, but today she has some ideas.

"Several noodle restaurants in the city can still be kept open. My mother is so good at cooking big dishes, and the toppings I make must taste good. I think it would be good for me to open a noodle restaurant with my mother in the future!" In fact, Liuyu is like this

now He was just joking, he just gained some confidence in opening a shop in the future through today's meeting. If it sounded a bit whimsical in the past, he would never tell Li Qingshan, but now that he has something on his mind and an idea, he likes to talk to Li Qingshan.

Li Qingshan was also very kind, hugged him and said: "Then let's work hard to save money together!" "

Yeah!" Liu Yu snuggled into Li Qingshan's arms, almost bursting out with joy.

Sure enough, in the last two Yangzhuang fairs, there was also a youth group seller, but the willow fish was sold there early, and many people still looked for his stall. Although it is not like before when you can sell fifty or sixty youth groups in a big fair, but you can earn more than twenty yuan if you sell twenty or thirty at a time. It is good to add gas money and salt money to the family. .

Another gratifying thing is that Cong Chunhua has received another order for a banquet. In the twelfth lunar month, it is still a wedding banquet!

A wedding banquet is different from a full moon banquet. There are two meals, and the number of tables will be more, so the money will naturally be more.

Because this family took the lead, other families gradually took the lead, so they asked Cong Chunhua about the affairs of Ximian. But these people are holding weddings after the beginning of spring, and it's still far away, and there are variables if there is no decision, but this is a good momentum, which makes Cong Chunhua smile all day for several days.

It's already November, and it's getting colder when you get up early, and you can see the white mist when you speak. It's really thanks to the kang at home, otherwise Liu Yu felt that he and grandma would not be able to survive here in winter.

When the weather is cold, there is no need to cook with noodles every day. They are all cooked for several days at a time, and then eaten slowly afterward.

Yesterday I wrapped some steamed buns with sauerkraut and tofu. Liu Yu scooped up some water and put them in the big pot in the main room to heat up the steamed buns first.

The chickens I bought before are not yet ready to lay eggs, so now the three hens still rely on the original three hens to eat eggs at home, sometimes laying two and sometimes laying three. The four in the family are still not enough, and they are all vying to make eggs The one that doesn't eat.

Compared to rice porridge that tastes bland, Li Qingshan prefers to drink flavorful egg drop soup, and the willow fish simply boils the soup for drinking. Saute the green onions until fragrant, add the fungus, stir fry for a while, add water to boil, beat two eggs at a time, add salt, vinegar, and sesame oil to taste, and sprinkle a pinch of coriander before serving, it is sour and has a unique aroma of sesame oil. It's an appetizer.

The stove in the kitchen room is connected to a small stove. Liuyu burns some oil. After the oil is hot, let it dry for a while, and pour it directly into the small bowl he prepared in advance with chili noodles, white sesame seeds and salt. Splashing it, the stove is full of fragrance, Li Qingshan and Cong Chunhua can't eat without this steamed stuffed bun.

The soup was ready, Cong Chunhua helped carry it into the house, and Li Qingshan was also busy loading the meat onto the cart when he walked down the corridor, Cong Chunhua said: "Qingshan, leave me a pig's front leg, I'll visit you later Family."

Cong Erji's Yi brother's wedding day is coming soon, Cong Chunhua, a nun, has to go to see how the dowry is being prepared, and take a look at how the family is doing.

In the past, her family was poor, and she didn't have the money to buy heavy gifts when she returned to her natal family. Now that Li Qingshan is a butcher, she naturally has to pay more attention to the gifts.

Congjia Village is a little far from Taoyuan Village, and Cong Chunhua will stay there for two more days this time, so she won't ask Liu Yu to go with her.

Mrs. Guan used to be an embroiderer in Xiuzhuang, and she has seen some worldly experiences, so she can make some simple mung bean cakes, chestnut cakes, and willow fish, and the taste is no worse than that of dim sum shops.

So after Li Qingshan went out, Liu Yu made some called Cong Chunhua to take with her, as gifts for visiting relatives and friends, they were handy and beautiful.

Cong Chunhua proudly said: "Our brother Yu is dexterous."

Taoyuan Village is in the south of Yunshui County, and Congjia Village is in the north, which are two directions, but far away. Back then, it was also Li Qingshan's father who met Cong Chunhua once in the county, fell in love, and married after a lot of effort. Otherwise, two villages that are so far away usually do not intermarry.

Cong Chunhua walked for a while, and when she arrived at the official road, she met a mule cart specially designed to pull passengers. The place she went was far away, and the big piggyback basket on her back took up space, and she had to pay for it, which cost three Wen in total.

In the past, she was reluctant to sit down, but now that the family has a stable income, it is different from the previous days.

But this mule cart was faster, her legs were less tired, and she was really bumpy when she sat up. When she got off the cart at the village head of Congjia Village, she was still dizzy.

She had been married for more than twenty years in a flash, and not many of the juniors in the village knew her. When she entered the village with a basket on her back, many people looked at her directly.

When they arrived at the alley of Cong's house, Heiwa, the eldest grandson of Cong Boss who was playing in the alley, saw her and rushed home to report, "Grandma, grandma, my aunt is here!

" The family was separated, and the surviving Mrs. Cong lived with Boss Cong, and Cong Chunhua naturally came here first.

The old lady Cong heard it in the house, but she was so desperate that she had to go down to the kang to meet her daughter.

She only has one daughter who is still the youngest, but she is the darling of her heart. She also chose it when she got married, but who can predict what happened later.

She was getting older, and her daughter married a little farther away, and she couldn't come back often. It was because she didn't see each other one time. Mrs. Cong stood at the door and looked at her older daughter and wiped her tears.

Cong Chunhua walked up to her and tried her best to smile to make her happy, but before she could speak, her nose was sore and her eyes were full of water.

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