Chapter 98

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  At sunset, Uncle Li's house.

Women and boys are busy in the kitchen, while men are sitting in the yard, chatting or playing with the children.

It was very peaceful.

Li Lerong came to the door with the child in his arms, "Why, I'm not from the Li family anymore, why don't you call me if you cook delicious food!

" Yingxi was so excited that she was so busy picking up her grandson, "You don't have a share in the delicious food at home!" "Isn't it a holiday

today? Call you here, and your mother-in-law can't chase me all over the street!"

Li Lerong Grinning, he coaxed the crying son in Liu Guiying's arms and said, "Mother, you are thinking too much, my mother-in-law smelled the smell of meat at home, so she sent Ye'er and me over to have a meal!"

Ye'er is the boy of Li Lerong and Wu Shengsheng. Li Lerong was married at the end of the year, and now he will say he will leave. Big fat boy, you can be loved by others, Li Lerong's mother-in-law is so happy, she has grandchildren every day, and the family is left to Li Lerong to take care of.

Therefore, Li Lerong's married life is quite comfortable.

As soon as he said this, everyone in the courtyard laughed.

"That's all right, once you come, the whole family will be complete!"

"Second aunt missed it." Wu Sheng, who was one step behind his husband and son because of mentioning the ceremony, said as soon as he entered the door: "There is also a nephew and son-in-law."

His deliberately protracted scholarly tone was quite amusing, causing the people in the courtyard to laugh out loud again, which was very unpleasant.

After drinking for three rounds, the men at the table chatted about their future plans.

Li Qingjiang said that he wanted to save money to buy land, and Li Qinghe said that he wanted to find a piece of land at the foot of the mountain to build a pigsty in the coming year, so as to expand his pig raising scale.

Wu Sheng is going to take the talent test in March next year, and Li Qingshan is going to buy a shop and real estate in the city.

After Uncle Li heard this, he happily drank two glasses of wine. The children had a stable job and no worries about food and drink, and the starting point for the grandchildren was high.

Reading and literacy, sooner or later their Li family will produce a scholar.

It's just that Xianhu, the eldest of his grandchildren, can't be counted on. He has been studying in private school for three years, and he still can't speak the thousand-character prose.

Li Qingshan and the others all agreed after hearing this, they pushed and changed glasses again, Li Qingshan just put down his wine glass to grab two bites of food.

He heard Che'er shouting: "Daddy help!"

Li Qingshan raised his head, it turned out that Brother Jin was chasing Che'er behind.

Che'er ran towards him and shouted: "Daddy help!"

Li Qingshan couldn't help laughing, he put down his chopsticks in a hurry, turned sideways and opened his arms to welcome Che'er.

Che'er threw herself into the arms of her very secure father with a "swish", and said anxiously: "My brother wants to give me some flower tin, don't want it!" Li Qingshan wanted to laugh more and more, but he didn't have time to say

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