ten: october 4 2020

36 4 0

"We aren't the only ones searching for the next clue," Jameson said as the sun began to set, "I saw Grayson with a map of the woods."

"Thea's tailing me," Avery said, ripping off a piece of tape. "The only way I can shake her is when she sees an opportunity to mess with Xander."
I hummed, following Jameson as he marked off the next tree over.

"Thea holds a grudge, and when she and Xander broke up, it was ugly."

"They dated?" I stopped in my tracks as Avery started: "Thea is practically your cousin."

"Constantine is Zara's second husband. The marriage is recent, and Xander's always been a fan of loopholes."
Wow, the Hawthorne family was complicated...

Since we'd worked our way to the centre of the forest, the trees were spread farther apart. Up ahead, a large open space was seen- the only place where grass was able to grow in the Blackwood forest.

Avery's back was to Jameson, she moved to a new tree as I observed her. She ran her hands over the bark as she called our names softly, "Jameson, Aurora."

It wasn't pitch-dark yet,but there was little enough light in the woods that I couldn't entirely see but when Jameson appeared behind us, shining an extra light. Avery's fingers ran along the name carved into the tree.

Tobias Hawthorne II

These letters weren't smooth. The carving seemed like it was carved by a child.

"The I's at the end are a Roman numeral" Jameson said, his voice going electric.

"Tobias Hawthorne the Second" I thought out loud, approaching the bark closer to see it closely.
I heard a crack and a deafening echo followed. In a reflex, I tackled Avery to the ground and tried to grab Jameson too.

"Get down!" Jameson yelled.
I heard him, faintly, but still heard him. The only thing I could see as I glanced at Avery was something wet and dark. Blood. Was the only word that came to mind.
Whose was it? Jameson's? Avery's? Oh God, if it was Avery's she could lose her fortune. I made my way off Avery, Jameson grabbed her so I stood there, clueless and puzzled. The next thing I know, a gunshot rang out. Instantly, my body was backed up against the bark. I yelped, a pain shooting through my back and to my shoulder where I felt something wet ooze out. Blood. Blood. My blood? My blood...

"Stay down!" I heard Avery's bodyguard, Oren.

They were talking and talking when my eyes closed. Automatically. The world swallowed me whole. The last thing I remember is Jameson yelling something. My name? Avery? Oren? What did he yell? Am I dying? I am dying....

{455 words}

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