twelve: 9 october 2020

49 4 2

Four days after the shooting or whatever. I didn't remember anything. I couldn't. I tried so, so hard. I gave up. Stopped trying.

I haven't even taken a glimpse of my phone since the shooting, many messages and calls. I couldn't be bothered. I haven't gone to school. I wasn't going to until it healed. I ignored everyone except my family. I was in pain. I couldn't remember. Did I almost die? Yes. Did I remember anything from it? Absolutely nothing. I hoped at least that it'll all come. That I'd revive all my memories back from that afternoon. I didn't. I couldn't. It was difficult. I struggled. It strangled me. Strangled. Choked. Killed. I am dying. Maybe not physically. Mentally. I couldn't. I was sick. I was hurt. I am weak.

"Hey, want some tea?" Chris asked, I stopped staring at my phone.
I glimpsed up, nodding.

"Okay, black?"
I hummed, my mind blank. I forgot every word. Every single word. I didn't panic. Why didn't I panic? Why was I calm? Why...

The doorbell rang. No one close ever used it, only strangers. My head shot up, I gulped when I heard Chris announcing that I should answer it.

Dingggggg, dong!






"Aurora! You okay?" Chris cautioned, rubbing my shoulder.

My right shoulder. My healthy shoulder.

Answer it.

Those were the only words I remembered then.

My knees were far too weak for me to stand up from the chair.

It hurt.

My shoulder.

The left one.

The shot one.


Shut up.

S hut up.

S h ut up.

S h u t up.

S h u t up.

S h u t u p.

"Open the door! Please?" Someone begged.

A male voice.

My legs worked. I just betrayed my mind into thinking they don't. They wouldn't. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid!

"Morning" I gulped.

"Aurora, are you alright?"

Who was this?

"Who... what are you doing here?"

"It's Max... your friend."

Max? Who was Max?


"Yes, Rora, it's me."

"My name's Aurora."

"Ro- Aurora..."

Who was he? Was I stupid? Was I forgetting? Am I dumb?

"Aurora..." the blond boy repeated in a sotto voce.

"I'm sorry."

Slamming the door in front of the blond's face, I gasped, my throat starting to choke me. A salty waterfall flew down my cheeks, my lips quivering. I darted to my room, the stairs hurting my feet as I stomped.

Another slamming door. My bedroom door. I panicked. Panic. Panic. Why? Why? Wh-

The room closed. It closed me. It turned dark. Dark. Pitch. Ditch. Fitch. Nitch. Litch...

{433 words}

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