The Start Of A Long Friendship

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3 person P.O.V.

On a bright sunny day, a girl roamed around on the out skirts of her town, and came across a vast field of grass. She walked to what seemed to be the middle of the field.
The wind blew lightly as her light brown hair flew in the wind. She laid down on top of the grass, and closed her eyes as she laid there while the sun warmed her body.
A boy with dark blue hair and beautiful blue eyes which were full of mystery came across this field as well. He walked around, and came across this girl just basking in the sunlight.
He wondered what this girl was doing here. He walked up to the side of her, and looked at her. He saw how peaceful she looked.
He sat next to her, and just gazed upon her in wonder. "What is her name?, What is she doing out here?, How old is she?" All these questions ran through the boys mind.
The girl opened her eyes to see another pair staring back at her. They gazed into each other's eyes as questions fill her head as well.
The girl sits up still looking at the boy.
"What is your name?" the boy asks curiously.
"My name is Aria Okihema. What's yours?" Aria replied.
"My name is Rin Okumura. Nice to meet you." Rin replied with a smile.
Aria and Rin chatted back and forth.
"So, how old are you"
"I'm 14. How about you?"
"Do you have any siblings?"
"No I'm an only child. You?"
"I have a younger twin brother."
"Must be nice having a brother."
"Yeah, but he treats me like I'm the younger brother."
"So, do you wanna be friends?"
They continued talking and learning more about each other, but to Aria, time flew by, and soon it became night. It was cold and dark. The night was brisk.
"Hey, Aria, want me to walk you home?"
"No, I think I'll be good. Thanks though."
"See you later."
They went in their own directions.

Aria's P.O.V.

After Rin and I split up, I began to walk home. The street lights flickered. I felt as if something was watching me. I turned my head, and looked down a dark alley way. What I saw scared me. Two figurers emerged out of the darkness.
One of them grabbed me by my arm, and wrapped his arm around my neck. I started to scream as tears flowed down my cheeks.
I heard footsteps coming towards us, and then a loud voice, "LEAVE HER ALONE!" It was Rin. He punched the guy who was choking me in the face. The man let go, and dropped me on the cold ground.
The guy started throwing punches at Rin, and kept missing. While the other guy ran, Rin punched him in the stomach, and the man fell over. Coughing hard, he wobbled up on his feet, and took off in the other direction. I ran to Rin, and buried my face into his chest. Tears still flowing down, and on to his blue shirt.
He hugged me tight.
"Shhh, everything is alright. I'm here."
I was glad that Rin was there to help me. I noticed his hands were bleeding. "Rin!, your bleeding." I quickly grabbed his hand, and searched for the handkerchief I keep on me. I found it in my back pocket, and grabbed it out. I gently started to clean the blood off of his hands.
"Aria, I'm alright."
I looked up at him, and began to cry again.
More tears flowed down my already tear stained cheek.
"Why are you crying?" he looked at me in the eyes.
"Because you got hurt because of me."
"Don't worry."
I nodded, and continued cleaning off the blood.
"Hey, where do you live, Aria ?"
"On the other side of town."
"That's pretty far."
"Yeah, I know."
Rin grabbed my hand, and we started walking in the same direction he came from.
"My house is the other way, Rin"
"It's too dark, and too far for us to go over there. You can stay at my house tonight, and go home tomorrow morning."
"Oh, ok."
I smiled just a little. I mean I had just meet him, and I was going to staying the night at his house.
"When we get to my house, you can call your parents, and tell them you're staying at a friend's house. Ok?"
We continued walking for a bit, and came across a monastery. I look in as I glare at the big building. Rin continued to tug me inside, as we are greeted by a man with small glasses on a chain.
"Rin, why is there a girl here?" the man said.
"Well I meet her earlier, and she was being mugged, and she lives all the way across town, and it was dark, and our house was close, so I thought she could stay, and head home when it's light out!?"
The man sighed, and looked at me. "Hello, I'm Shiro Fujimoto, but you can call me Father Fujimoto. What is your name?"
"My name is Aria Okihema. Nice to meet you, Father Fujimoto."
"Rin, get her settled in. Ok?"
Rin showed me were everything was, and showed me where the phone was. I called my parents, and said I would be staying at a friend's that night, and they told me ok.
Rin made my bed on a couch, and told me if I needed anything to just go to his room, and ask.
Hours passed, and I just could not sleep. I was scared. I tiptoed up the stairs to Rin's room, and opened the door quietly. I snuck over to his bed, and shook him. He opened his eyes, and looked at me.
"What's wrong?" he whispered.
"I can't sleep. I'm too scared."
He looked at me, and sighed.
He scouted over in his bed, and patted the bed.
"Come on."
I sit on the bed, and slide in next to him. I snuggle up to him.
"You're warm," I tell him.
He blushes a light shade of pink. I slide closer to him, and close my eyes.
"Night, Aria."
"Night, Rin." I soon pass out.

~The Next Day~

I woke up to someone talking to Rin.
I didn't open my eyes; I just listened to them talking.
"Rin, why is there a girl sleeping in your bed with you!?"
"Be quiet, Yukio."
So he is talking to his brother, I think.
"She was scared, so I had her sleep with me."
"You better not have done anything to her, or father will be mad."
"Shut up, or you'll wake her!"
I started to move about.
"See, Yukio, you woke her up."
I snuggled closer to Rin, and wrapped my arms around Rin's arm. It was just to see what he would do. Rin wrapped his arms around me, and I smiled.
"Rin, what are you doing?" he said blushing.
"What do you think I'm doing? I'm keeping her warm. Yukio, why are you blushing?"
"I'm not!"
"Are too!"
Rin pulled me even closer to the point that I was literally touching him, and I noticed he does not have a shirt on. I smiled.
"Well, should we get up?"
I nod, and slide out slowly, and Rin followed. As soon as my skin hit the air around us, I began to shiver. It was cold. I walked up to Rin, and hugged him. He was still warm, even without a shirt on.
"What are you doing?"
"It's cold."
I began to shiver. Rin went to his closet, and handed me a jacket.
"Here, put this on."
He threw the jacket at me, and I slide it on. It was warm, and it smelled like Rin. I walked out while Rin changed, and he came out when he was done. He made food for us, and walked me home. He held my hand as we walked the streets.

~Time Skip To Aria's House~

Rin walked me to my door.
"Rin, do you want your jacket back?"
"No, it's ok, you can have it for now."
"Oh, ok."
What happened next really surprised me. Rin leaned in, and kissed me on the cheek.
"Be safe." That's all he said before he turned around, and walked away.
"Did he just kiss me ? Does this mean we are a couple? But we only just meet," I thought to myself.
I smelled the jacket again, and smiled.
"Do I like him?"

Hey, guys thought I would do a different kind of fanfic. So let me know if you like it so far. So look forward to the next update. Bye!!!>.<

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