Is Rin Gonna Die?

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Rin'S P.O.V.

"I choose to open the gate"

It's been a few days now. Since Aria has gone through the gate. Mephesto told us it will take a while to set everything up.
Ahhh! I hate this. She could be over there losing her mind. She might forget about me if we don't hurry.
School carried out as normal we waited as everything unfolded.
I sat through my normal classes of in a daze. Cram came along.
Everyone noticed Aria was gone the day she never showed. We didn't do anything. GOD WHY CANT WE SAVE HER NOW.
"Hey, Okumura come her" Bon said
I now sat in the back of the classroom.
I got up slowly dragging my feet across the wooden floor.
"What you want" I said with no emotion in my voice
"She will be safe. Don't worry about it"
Bon claimed with remorse
I shook my head and walked back to my seat.
Hours went by and all I thought about was Aria. Why? Why couldn't I have watched her? Why did I let her out of my site?
Class was soon over. Yukio and I walked back to our dorms. No one else just us.
I walked into Aria's room. I missed her. I walked over to her bed and sat down. Her pillow smelled like her. I just want her back.
My phone started to vibrate in my pocket. It was Mephesto.
"What's up" I say trying to hide my voice full of sorrow
"Good Okumura you answered. I would like to talk to you about the way we are going to open the gate"
"Ok I'm listening"
"Good! Before I continue I want you to know this will be a very painful way."
"I understand"
"We are going to be tying you down and giving you electric shocks at a immense level of volts. You should be able to cough up your blood. Your sword will be unsheathed so we will no it's your demon blood. I will say the chant only then. We will free you to go through the gate. It will be harder to get you out of Gahenna than to get you in. You will have to try to open it yourself."
I thought for a few minutes.
"How long until we can put this in action?"
"In about a week or two"
"That's to long"
"Well we have to collect demons blood as well so it might take a while"
"Try and hurry up" I yelled as I slammed my phone shut
I pay my head on her pillow and hope all this is just a dream.
I slipped off into a deep sleep dreaming about Aria as if she was still here.

Aria's P.O.V.

I don't know how long it's been since I came to this place. I feel so confused. I don't know what's real. I feel a fire burning inside of me. It feels like it wants me to destroy. I feel as if my humanity is slowly drifting away just out of my grasp.
I can't remember much anymore about the world above. The world where people were who I know or who I used to know. I remember their names, their faces, or even their voice.
"Sweet daughter" his voice ranged through the small cell I was put in.
"Still not talking to me oh well. Anyways it's time for you to be reborn and become who you were supposed to be. A demon of destruction. That is why I wanted you back here. So I can rule both Gahenna and Ashia."
He walked up to me slowly. I have forgotten so much, but losing my humanity and all of my memories I do have. Is just torture. Tears slipped down my face spilling down on to my clothes.
"Now don't cry this won't hurt that much I promise." He laughed darkly as he raised his hand to my head graving it tightly.
A pulse of heat went through my head. The heat soon turned to shock and then to pain.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I screamed as agonizing pain shot through my head and all over my body.
Everything slowly faded away.

Rin's P.O.V.

*BEEP BEEP BEEP* her alarm still went off as normal never touched only when I had to turn it off.
It was another day of school.
I got up slowly. Still in my uniform from yesterday.
I walked across the hall back into Yukio's and my room. Yukio already left. I grave my uniform out of my closet and change throwing the dirty ones in the basket.
I sluggishly walk into the bathroom. My hair looked like crap. I brushed my teeth and went back to trying to do my hair. I fixed my hair as much as I could still not giving a damn on how it looked.

~Hours Past~

Once again back in the classroom of exorcist noting changed. Everything still the same.
The ground started to shake as a big loud sound came out of nowhere. The sound was deafening.
Bon,Shima,Koneko,Shemi,Eye Brows,Yukio, and I all ran out of the academy. We open the door and start to look around. We missed one thing. All the demons flying around.
A gate has appeared in the field of the Academy.
A figure rose out of the ground. A figure so familiar. Yet so different.  Red flames around the small yet powerful figure. Hair whipped around her head.
My jaw dropped.
"ARIA" I screamed as I ran up to her.
As I got close. It was her, but it wasn't. Her eyes have turned bright red.
She laughed at me. The laugh was hard and dark.
"Yes, Aria is my name" she laughed historically
"You're ok"
"Who are you"
My heart snapped. She forgot about me.
"Satan has ordered me to come and destroy this place. So he can be ruler and I his princess. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA"
This isn't my Aria. She may look like her but she is not herself
She later her head to the side and gave a goofy grin.
No sword in site, but flames covered her. Her teeth sharp and ears pointed. Her tail flailing about.
She took one step towards me and swung her arms at me nails sharp as all hell. I drew my katana out.
My flames covered me as tears dared to slip down my cheeks.
"Aria please stop this." I yelled at her
All she did was smile and laugh. She swiped at me back and forth her nails cut my face leaving a trail of blood.
I couldn't swing my katana. I can't hurt her.
I stood there as she came at me again. Not long of fighting. Her hand outstretched aiming for my chest.

Aria's P.O.V.

I could hear someone's voice. Like before I couldn't control myself. I stuck my hand out and felt something warm spilling over my hands.
What is this that smell.
"Argh" I herd and then rouged coughing
My vision cleared as I herd laughter in my head.
" I manipulated you. Thank you for killing my eldest son"
His eldest son Rin.
Tears run down my face.
I see a body laying in front of me.
"Rin no"
I'm scramble to the side of his body. His eyes were shut.
He breathed lightly.
"It looks like I saved you." His voice raspy


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