Something is Going On

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Rin's P.O.V.

We decide to take a break after all the things that has happened a specially to Aria. I feel horrible for her. Why does this have to happen to her?
I lay in my bed as I think about it. I will still protect her even if it might get tuff. I have to help her.
I finally get my butt out of bed and walk out of the door of are room into the bathroom. I reach for my toothbrush in the jar and pull it out. I get the toothpaste and began to brush my teeth. I decided to brush my teeth first before I get dressed.
I then walk back into my room and get dressed. Yukio already went to school so it's just Aria and I in the dorm.
I he'd down the stairs into the cafeteria of the dorm. Where is Aria? I didn't hear her leave.
I walk back upstairs in front of her door. I hear crying. I barge open the door I see her sitting in a corner balling her eyes out.
I run to her side facing her. Her hair covering her face. I wrap my arms around her. She reaches out towards me as tears still run down her face.
"Aria what's wrong" I say worried about her
".." She says nothing
I don't speak anymore. Something has happened. I pick her up and carry her to her bed. She curls up along the wall.
I look around and get up and leave her room.
I take out my phone and dial Yukio.
"What Rin your going to be late!" Yukio exclaimed clearly pissed at me
"Hey, Yukio I'm not gonna be able to go to school today" I say hoping he wouldn't be pissed any more
"Rin what the hell can be more important"
"Aria was crying when I came into her room. She isn't talking to me. I want to stay and help her and find out what's wrong."
"Fine Rin this better not be a joke"
"K bye"
I hang up my phone and walk back into her room. You could hear Aria lightly snoring.
I sit on the side of her bed tears have stained her face. What happens that was so bad it made her cry?

~Time Skip: 4 Hours~

I woke up and when did I fall asleep.
I get up slowly knowing that Aria was still sleeping. As soon as I was sitting up she opened her eyes.
I stare into her eyes. What happened?
She sat up and looked at me. Her eyes as glossy as a clean tile floor.
Tears held in her eyes that could be noticed.
"I'm sorry." Is what the first thing that came out of her mouth
The in-shed tears showed themselves as they rolled down her face.
"Aria what's wrong" I say as I continue to stare at her solemnly
"I destroyed everyone, even you" she said through her tears.
"No you didn't. See I'm right here."
"NO!" She yelled
She wrapped her arms around me. Her head in my chest. 
"Aria, you can't hurt me remember I'm the son of Satan" I chuckle
She looks at my face. Hers still covered with tears. I lift up her chin and kiss her softly and pull away.
"Don't worry"
I smile at her as I wiped away her tears.
"Come on let's go down stairs and watch some movies."
She nods slowly as she climbs over me and gets up. I walk to the door so I could get out so she could change into some normal clothes.
"Meet you down stairs."
I walk into my dorm and gal off my uniform replacing it with dark blue jeans and a white shirt.
I then make my way down stairs with a thin blanket in my arms. Might as well bring a blanket if we are going o watch movies.
I wait patently. It takes her a few minutes to get finished and come sit on the couch next to me.
I turn on the TV and look for some sort of movie. Aria's face was still pink from the tears she had shed.
The movie "The Nightmare before Christmas" I kind of figured these kind of movies would of came on due to the fact it's close to Halloween.
We curl up under the blanket as it played.
We talked through out it. She hasn't said anything about why she was crying in s corner. I want to know why. I want to help her.
The time went by as everything was forgotten. The movie ended. Once again Aria has fallen asleep.
I slide out from next to her and climb up to the roof.
I should probably talk to Yukio.
I reach into my pocket where my phone was and dialed him once again.
His phone was off weird.
Where is he?
Time has flown by and cram school should of ended by now.
Maybe he is on a mission.

Yukio's P.O.V.

"Sir Mephesto, I need to talk to you" I say as I knock on his office door
"Come in" he sang in his cheery voice
I walk in and he just a sits at his desk as normal.
"Something is wrong with Aria." I state
"Well what is wrong"
"She has been hearing voices and seeing things"
"Like what"
"She has hers voices calling to her to come to Gahenna and she has been seeing shadows and demons"
Mephesto didn't say anything for a few seconds
"Father must be trying to get her to come home" I hear him murmur under his breath
"Sir what do you mean"
"Mr.Okumura you have nothing to worry. I will figure this out. Just keep an eye on her and don't let her go anywhere alone."
"Yes sir I understand"
"Good day Mr.Okumura"
I leave the room in silence.
"What the heck is going on. Why won't he tell me." Plays through my mind
I would of called Rin to see how Aria is, but my phone died and I can't do anything till I get back to the dorm.
I need to make sure Aria doesn't leave.


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