Rin is Safe Thank God

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Rin's P.O.V.

Aria is safe I've saved her, but now who is gonna save me. My life is disappearing. Everything I'm losing.
I was losing Aria and Aria was losing me.
I could hear her crying. Tears dripping down on to my face. My flames still around me keeping me warm.
"Rin open your eyes" Aria said through sobs
I was able to open my eyes enough to see her face. Her eyes were pink with tears.
"You can't leave me" she shouted as she hugged my body. Her flames still surrounded her . Her eyes back to a beautiful hazel eyes.
She leans down towards me. Her face right in front of mine. Her face comes closer. Our lips meet. Her tears dripping onto my face.

Yukio's P.O.V.

Aria kissed Rin. Their flames combined and together they created purple.
This flame it was brighter than red or blue.

Aria's P.O.V.
Warmth surrounded us. I parted from Rin. A bright light shined from Rin's chest. I didn't know what to do. Out the corner of my eye I could see purple flames. Rin and my flames have combined.
Rin's eyes shut, but his breathing started to sound normal. The light slowly dimmed.
"Rin talk to me"
He didn't reply.
"Rin" I said as more tears came out of my eyes.
His breathing was normal, but he wasn't talking to me or opening his eyes.
I started to shake him "Rin please"
"Aria stop what are you doing" Yukio yelled at me
Out of no where you hear a light snore and then a murmur of sukiyaki.
"RIN" I shout again.
His eyes slowly open.
"Yeah I was dreaming about eating Sukiyaki with you." He said as his eyes fully opened.
Purple flames still surrounded us.
"Rin" I cried I couldn't say anything else.
"Aria I'm sorry if I scared you"
Rin slowly sat up in front of me.
He wrapped his arms around me.
"Stupid you scared me" I stated as he kept his arms around me.
"Rin I'm sorry I didn't know. I couldn't see." I said through my sobs again.
"It is not your fault. It was Satan's fault. Don't worry I will kick his ass for what he did to the old man and you."
I smiled as he talked
I will make up for what I have done.
During the fight Rin's sword was knocked out of his hands. Leaving his flames behind.
I got off the ground and decided to take my ring off. My katana appeared in my hand. Flames still surrounded me. I transformed my katana back into my ring, but the flames remained and so did everything else.
"R.Rin, Y..Yukio" I stared up at them terrified.
"Ahh seems that we have a problem on our hands" a annoying voice came from no where.
Mephesto and his weirdness.
"Our poor little sister seems to be a demon now looks like u have to conceal your powers once again. Man you are a pain."
Mephesto snapped his fingers and my flames seemed to seep back into my ring leaving my tail, ears, and fangs.
Rin finally got up and sheathed his katana. His flames soon demolished as well leaving him in the same position I'm in.
I ran over to Rin wrapping my arms around him squeezing him.
"Mr.Okumura since you were here longer you will need to report this to the branch." Mephesto said in his clown like voice
Yukio nodded and walked away in a quick pase.
"For now everyone just go back to your dorms. School will be out tomorrow as we fix some of the destruction caused by little miss demon." He started at me and grinned.
Rin picked me up bridal style
"Come on miss demon I think you need the most sleep out of us." Rin stated
"No I think you deserve it you were the one who was hurt." Tears prick at my eyes
"Aria trust me I am fine I'm all healed. All except a hole in my shirt as big as a fist that's all."
"You promise?"
"Yes I promise"
He kisses me lightly and carries me back to our dorms.
I still don't feel like it. I can see he is alright, but I still feel like I hurt him or even myself.
~Time Skip~
Rin and I slowly approach the dorms. I still lay in his arms. No words were exchanged during the whole walk back. We enter the dorm and head up the stairs. Rin drops me off at my room.
"You can take a shower. I have to go talk to Yukio." Rin said as he shut the door.
Rin's P.O.V.
I leave Aria at her room. Heading back down stairs and out to the dark filled sky. My shirt was completely ruined now. I pulled out my phone. Thank god it wasn't cracked. I dialed Yukio. The phone rings for a few seconds and then he picks up.
"What Rin?"
"Hey I need to talk about Aria"
"Ok, I need to tell you something as well."
"You go first."
"Satan is after you"
Yukio said bluntly
"What the hell"
~Time Skip A Few Days~
Everything still seems like it went back to normal.
"Hey Rin"
Aria shouted running up along side me.
We talked backed and forth about stupid little things.
"So what you doing Friday night"
I bite my lip waiting for her to answer.
"Hmm I don't think I have anything planned why?"
"Oh I wanted to know if you would like to go on a date to the movies"
"Sure why not"
I smile at her and she smiles back.
Maybe things will go back to normal.


Hey guys I really am sorry it took me so long, but I'm gonna start a new thing I will start recommending new animes to you guys.

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