All Eyes On Rin

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Rin's P.O.V.
3 Months Later

I wake up to the sun shining brightly. Man I feel great. I can't believe Aria is my girlfriend. I got everything I could wish for. Mine and Yukio's birthday was a week ago I'm now 15. Life is great.
I walk over to Aria's room to see what she was up to. I knock on the door gently before opening it. She was still asleep. I sneak over to her sleeping figure and slides into the bed with her. I stare at her sleeping face. She is even cute when she sleeps. I smile.
"What are you smiling at?" "Aria you startled me." "What are you doing in my bed?" "Well I came to check on you and you just looked so peaceful and I was going to join you." I smiled hopefully she didn't think I was going to do something. I wasn't I swear.
Aria sits up and stretches. I move up and out of her bed so she can get up.
I look out the window.
"Aria what's that" I point towards the window. These little black things were flying everywhere outside. "What are you talking about?" She doesn't see them "Nothing never mind"
I exist her room and go outside. What the hell are these things.

Aria's P.O.V.

"What was Rin talking about?" I stair out the window and nothing. Maybe he is going crazy. I go down stairs remembering Yukio left for his high school earlier this morning.
Shiro walked up to me. "Hi Aria I need to speak to you about something important."
I nod and get up I follow him to his pedestal. He takes a key out and says some weird words. The pedistal slides to the left. Down was a stair case leading down into darkness. I follow Shiro down.
In front of us was a box. Shiro opened it and appeared a sword. "Do you know what this is?" "Yes it's a Katana sword" "No not just any kind of sword it's a demon sword."
There was a piece of paper on the sword. It was in half and smoke rose from it.
"This sword it special we must not let anything happen to it." I nod my head not knowing why. "Be prepared" we walk out with not a word. We went our own ways. I went back to my room to process everything. Ok so something is coming.

Rin's P.O.V.

I ran into these guys who I beat up a few days ago. We were in an alley way.
"So about yesterday we don't want that to slip out so here is some money." "I won't tell keep the money." The conversation kept going on. Next think I know I'm on the ground.
"An eye for an eye" this dude does not look human. The hot iron rod got closer and closer to my face.
"NO!" I screamed blue flames erupted from my body covering me. "Get back" the two people said and Ran.
"Hello young Prince"
Out of no where dad appeared. He was saying something. The monster looking person ran towards Dad. Dad graved a hold of his arm and said something else. With that this weird shadow like think came out of his body and disappeared.
"So you can see them too" he said blowing one of those weird things away
"Wh...what are these things?"
"There demons" "Why can I see them"
all of a sudden everything around me changed."There are two dimensions like opposite mirror 1 dimensioned names Asiah where life is people like us and the other dimension is Gehenna where the demons are and now your awaken demons will come after you." "Awakening what do you mean by that." "Rin you are not normal you are the son of a demon, but not just any demon your a Bastard child your the son of Satan himself."
I froze in shock. It can't be. "We need to go now!"

Aria's P.O.V.

Shiro ran out of the Monastery "PUT UP THE DEMON BARRIER HE IS AWAKENED." He yelled as the door slammed shut.
"What's going on?" I yelled. All the Priests were running around graving jugs of water. One of the priests ran up to me and put prayer beads on me. He said a weird chant. "This should protect you." "Protect me from what?" He just ran away helping the other Priests.
Soon Rin and Shiro came running in. They ran to the pedistal and opened it.
"Aria come here" Shiro waved me to the pedestal. He lead us down he handed Rin the sword and gave him a phone.
"Take this and call the number on it. He will take you in" Rin was yelling.
Shiro shut the pedistal. Rin was running around and found a window. " Rin are you going" "I'm going to help dad" I followed Rin out the window. He ran back into the Monetary. "Rin I told you to go" "No I'm not leaving."
"Why didn't you tell me. Your not my real father your a lie." Shiro smacked Rin on the face. "Go to your room and get packed.
I walked up to Shiro, but then he started to laugh. "What's so funny"
"Aria get away from me." Rin ran to grave me he pulled me into his arms.
"Dad" "Aw how sweet your rember your poor old dad." Shiro said in a raspy voice. "Aria go" Rin yelled at me.
"No I'm not leaving you" "Ah how sweet you have a lover. Get out of here you low life demon my son is coming with me." it said
It smacked me. "Aria" Rin yelled after me. I flew back against the wall. I blacked out.

Rin's P.O.V.

I watched as Aria for fling back.
The man snapped his fingers and blood poured out. It created a big circle.
He said something and he said this is a Gehenna Gate.
He picked me up and threw me in it.
"You will not touch my son" I herd Dad's voice.
He took the Exorcist pin on his chest and stabbed himself in the heart.
He fell into the gate. I tried to pull myself out but I was stuck. I reached for the sword and I put my hand on the handle.
I stopped and thought but then I remembered Aria is alone I'm all she has. I draw the sword out and blue flames covered my body. I stabbed the gate with the sword and it disappeared. Shiro was lying on the ground dead.
I cried and cried.

Aria's P.O.V.

I began to wake up to see Rin bent over crying with a tail. I wobble over to Rin to stool see tears running down his face. I hug him. "It's alright." I hold him in my lap as tears continue down his face.
He began to become heavy as his body became limp. He was sleeping. Yukio came running in and ran up to Shiro's lifeless body.

~Time Skip~

Rin woke up. I kissed him on the forehead. He opened his eyes "Hi Rin how you feeling?" He continued to stare at me. "Rin what happened."
He got up from my lap and sat next to me. He wrapped his arms around me and put me in a hug. He told me everything that happens and what he is."I know you might hate me know since I'm a demon." "Rin I don't hate you" "You don't" "No" "Just because this happened does make a difference on how I feel for you" "I will protect you Aria." "I know" "I love you" "i love you too"
Rin kissed me on the lips and hugged me again.


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