Will Aria Meet Her Fate or Will Rin Save Her Or Die Trying (it is up to you)

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Make sure to read my note at the end

Rin's P.O.V.

I went back inside and saw Aria was gone. I freaked.
"ARIA" I shouted
Where the hell did she go. I run down the stairs into the cafeteria. She wants there. Shit Yukio's gonna kill me.
Out of the corner of my eye I noticed the door was opened.

Aria's P.O.V.

I woke up and I didn't see Rin any where.
"Follow me" a small voice said
I look around and saw a small shadow.
It waved for me to follow. I didn't want to move, but my body started to move by itself.
The shadow hoped out towards the door. Why I'm a following this thing? Ran through my mind. I just kept moving I had no control.
Out the door we went. I could not shout I could not talk. I just kept walking and following the shadow. I walked into the forest. What was I doing here?
"Why are you so afraid?" A deep voice said.
The shadow disappeared. I looked around. This voice. I've herd it before.
"Come my child" the voice rang through the air
I looked around me and I still saw nothing. I herd a sound of snarls and bubbling. I look back behind me. There on the ground was a portal of some kind. The Gahenna gate.
My eyes widen as I realize I was walking towards it. The gate was soon at my feet. My body didn't move for a second. I couldn't move I wanted to turn around. I felt my legs move up.
I jumped into the gate.

Rin's P.O.V

"ARIA" I kept on shouting
She was no where to be found. I went back inside and sat down on the couch.
How did I not notice she left.
I herd footsteps behind me. I turn around and see someone I didn't want to see. Yukio stood there gazing at me.
"Where is she" he said in a stern face
I stared at him for a few seconds.
I closed my eyes waiting for him to yell. Silence for a few seconds.
I herd footsteps running further and further away from me. I look back up. Yukio has ran out of the dorm.

Yukio's P.O.V.

Crap I should of hurried back sooner.
I ran into the school building and into Mephesto's office.
"Sir Aria is gone" I shouted
He looked up at me and looked at me.
"Oh... What a shame" is what escaped his lips.
"Mephesto she is gone. She has go a somewhere alone there is no trace of her."
His face turned serious. He picked up his phone and called someone.
"Brother it seams are little sister has disappeared. Do you know where she is?"
"Hmm ok yes. Oh ok got it. Thank you good bye now" is what he said before he hung up his phone
"My dear brothers has told be a shadow was sent here from our lovely home of Gahenna and has taking the poor girl to Satan."
"Crap" is all I said
"I am sorry to say, but it will take a while to try and open a gate back to home" Mephesto said
"How long." I said in a stern face
"Well..we need some ingredients that your sweet brother will have to give, but it will be much to pain full"
"What do you need" I said looking at him as he had a smerk on his face.
"Your brother will have to be stabbed and shocked so that he will give up sow one of his blood, but even though he is a demon it will hurt majorly and might even led to death"
I froze. The only way is to get Aria is if Rin plays with death. There is a good rate off survival, but there is also a chance of death. I looked back up at him and took a deep breath.
"I will talk to my brother, but there is no answer till then."
He looked at me "You may want to hurry with that. Father wants to use her for some pretty terrible things."
"Like what"
"Destruction to this realm and even the death of your sweet brother and her loving boyfriend. At this very moment I believe he is brain washing her and turning her into a monster. The longer she is there the more she might be losing her sanity and turning into a demon more and more."
I looked down. Rin might lose her. We need to do something. What if it is to late before we get their.

Aria's P.O.V.

It's dark.
"Come here to your father" that voice said again
I could see a man that looked like Rin s little but with long silvery color hair.
"Don't be afraid" it spoke up again.
His hand motioned me towards him.
My body started to move.
"It is so nice to see you in person"
"Who are you?" I said shakily as my body got closer to the figure
"That is so hale art breaking you don't know your own father"
"NO your not my father my father died." I screamed
" That is not your real father. Your father is not a demon and your mother is not a demon so how are you"
".." I said nothing
"Your father is just a person I controlled for a few seconds. Enough time for me to create you."
My eyes opens wide.
"Now come here and close your eyes"
My body moved closer. My eyes shut.
My mind froze. What was happening? My thoughts were disappearing.

Rin's P.O.V.

Yukio came back after a hour or two. "Rin we need to talk" is all he said.
He walked to the couch and sat next to me.
He looked at me and spoke. I listened carefully but also wanted to cry. Aria has gone somewhere where she shouldn't be. She doesn't belong in Gahenna.
As he finished. He tilde me that we will need to open a gate. The one of the two problems is they need my blood and to get it I will have to be stabbed and shocked. Giving my blood to create the gate.
The other is there is a chance I might die even though I am a demon.
"Rin what is your choice" he stared at me.
I want to save her but their is a chance I won't even be able to see her again.
"I choose......"

~Read it is important~

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