Chapter 8

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After the craziness of the past few days, I was really looking forward to my first classes. I made my way past the greenhouses where I saw Jackson wearing a flannel shirt and jeans. As usual, he was digging in the dirt. I swear, you can't take an earth elemental anywhere without them playing in the dirt. I walked down the hallway and into the potions classroom. It had wall to wall shelves full of ingredients and small orbs of light floated around the room which itself was like a dungeon made of sandstone. As everyone took their seats I noticed Grace and David in a corner bickering. I sat down at their table whereas everyone else was wisely staying away. "Hey James" they said before going back to bickering. A tall woman in dark green robes, who had curly red hair and bright blue eyes who looked about 35 walked into the middle of the room. "Welcome to the first potions class of the year!" she said excitedly while bouncing on the balls of her feet. "You may call me Ms. Rosa. Or Professor Rosa, or madame Rosa, yes that has a nice ring to it!" she said. "You may call me Madame Rosa. And today we will be learning how to brew a healing potion." I looked over at David, who was using his finger to draw air circles next to his temple while pointing at Madame Rosa. Grace noticed this and slapped his arm. "Don't be rude." she snapped at him. "All right students," Madame Rosa started, seeming not to have noticed David or Grace. "We will be using a sprig of mint, a vial of basilisk venom, a bottle of high fructose corn syrup, and two dragon fangs." As soon as she finished speaking, the ingredients she listed appeared in front of us. "Now be careful, if you put in too much high fructose corn syrup, you could mess up the potion. The corn syrup is very vital. That stuff is in everything." after saying that Madame Rosa began running through the potion instructions. I grabbed a pestle and bowl then placed the mint and one pearly white dragon tooth into the bowl and then grinded it into a fine opal-colored paste-like substance. I took a knife and cut the second dragon tooth in half horizontally and hollowed out the larger half. I poured the paste and five drops of high fructose corn syrup into the larger half . Then I carefully placed the larger half of the tooth into the bowl then poured the vial of basilisk venom into the bowl which melted the dragon tooth. With the melted dragon tooth, the paste and the dark blue basilisk venom the glowing liquid was now a blueish white. I looked over at Grace and David who had just finished their potions and had apparently decided to go back to bickering. "Okie dokie class, if you finished your potion you can leave. Ta-ta!" Madame Rosa said. I was beginning to agree with David about Madame Rosa being crazy, only someone truly deranged would say "Okie dokie". David, Grace and I walked quickly out of the potions classroom and made our way to the arena which was halfway across campus. We ran as fast as we could until Grace remembered she could fly and she took off after grabbing our wrists, carrying us two feet off the ground. Unfortunately we ran into another  flying person. "Hey! It's common knowledge that flyers with passengers have the right of way buddy!" Grace yelled at the other person. The other guy yelled some very unflattering things about Grace's parentage. "Take that back you dead beat or I'll shock you into next week!" She yelled. The air around us was now charged with ozone. I had encountered enough storm elementals to know this wasn't going to turn out good for anyone, especially not anyone caught in the crossfire... wait... oh styx. "Um, Grace. Can this wait until later? Maybe we can just-" I started before Grace dropped me and David. Grace rolled up the sleeves of her dark gray hoodie. I realized her eyes were glowing blue and she was emitting blue sparks. "I heard about sparks flying but I never thought that it was a real thing." David said. "I'll deal with you later." Grace snapped at the other guy before she stormed off. I turned my attention to the other guy. "Who do you think you are?" I snapped at him. He had brown hair that went down to his chin level and brown eyes. He had on an oversized dark blue sweater and khaki pants. "Im Logan Anthony Kallaher, son of a nobleman in the storm realm and 50th in line for the throne." he said proudly. When I said proudly I meant obnoxiously, and I've met my fair share of obnoxious people when I spent the past 11 school years at Jackson's earth realm palace. "James! David! Get your butts over here this instant!" Grace yelled. "Coming!" David called as he ran off. I glared at Logan. "No one picks on my friends and gets away with it." I said. I felt a tugging feeling in my gut as some water from a fountain in the courtyard to my left flew up and covered Logan's feet without him noticing. I held out my hand and clenched my fist, turning the water to ice that was several layers thick. "Good luck getting to class on time." I said I walked away. "What do you mean-" he looked down at the ice covering his feet. "Oh come on!" he yelled. The last I saw of him he was trying to pull his feet free of the ice.

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