Chapter 13

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It was a huge city full of extremely tall buildings and a polluted river far on the horizon. The air was full of smoke and there were no visible trees. It seemed like there was nothing beyond the river though it was hard to tell. In the center of the city there was a circular concrete clearing with a huge spiral-like citadel in the center. The ship was about to descend into a large rectangular opening that had opened in the ground. "We have to get out of here." I said. I tapped the ground with my wand then thrust it upward, opening a portal that looked like a tear in the universe, to an alley. "Not exactly what I was hoping for but this will work," I said as the soldiers and emperor woke from their daze. "Run!" I yelled before the six of us ran through the portal. As soon as we ran through the portal I waved my hand in front of it and it disappeared. Instantly a large rectangular cube on wheels roared as it ran past. The dark alley had a dumpster and fire escapes on either side leading down to a dead end. I looked over at my friends and noticed that Jackson, Grace and Trinity had turned sickly pale, I myself didn't feel too good either. I felt weak and nauseous. Just then a few of the guards walked by the alley and did a double take. They aimed their guns at us and three hooded people jumped down from the second story of the fire escape and one of the hooded people took out the same pistols from my dream and shot the guards. My friends and I huddled together, Madelynn and David shielding Trinity, Jackson, Grace and I since they were the only ones not nauseous. The three strangers turned towards us, the bottom halves of their faces hidden by black bandanas. "Let's take them back to base," said the one in the middle. The one on the left walked over to the wall and tapped a crack in the wall that looked like any other. Instantly, a glowing white mark appeared. ᛞ, Dagaz, the rune of change, new beginnings and doorways, I remembered. Around the rune a metal doorway appeared which the strangers opened and walked through. My friends and I looked at each other nervously but eventually we decided we couldn't be any less safe there than out here. We ran through the doorway and rushed down metal stairs, the door disappearing behind us. At the end of the staircase was another door which the other stranger placed his hand on. When he removed his hand a glowing outline of it was on the door which lowered itself into the ground. We walked through and what I saw surprised me. There was a pool of crystal clear water in the far right corner, a greenhouse on the left side of the room, strange devices all over the place, and a large circular table in the center . "Those are air purifiers," said the leader. From what I could see the leader had brown eyes and brown hair, he had the same voice and the same clothing as the kid from my dream. The shorter one had black hair and dark brown eyes and the other was a lithe guy with greased back brown hair and green eyes. The three of them took off their masks and I caught my breath. My suspicions were correct, the leader was the same person from my dream. It was only then I realized that I no longer felt sick to my stomach, Trinity, Grace and Jackson looked better too. Trinity was wearing jeans and a gray sweatshirt. Around her neck was what I thought was a thick dark brown scarf until the head of a sea otter popped its head up, yawned, then went back to sleep. Trinity ran her fingers down its back and it became a hooded dark brown ninja-style cowl. The leader walked towards me. "My name is Aiden Grayson. These are my friends Keith Williams," he gestured toward the shorter boy. "And Brady Smith." he gestured toward the lithe boy. "We're the rebels." he said. 

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