Chapter 23: The Ice Temple

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"Peach!" Rosalina calls, once everyone has left and it is quiet.

"Yes?" I respond.

"It is time," She says.

I know immediately what she is taking about. She is talking about finding the Cosmic Shard. And going to the long lost Ice Temple of the legends of the star people.

"OK," I tell her.

I'm a bit worried about going to this Ice Temple. According to Rosalina's stories it sounds quite scary.

But I must go anyway, and I know that.

"I've managed to locate the entrance. All you need to do is follow me," Rosalina says.

"Wait. Shouldn't we get Lavender and Toadlia first?" I ask.

"Yes, you're right," she says.

I head off to find them. Luckily, they are not far.

"Wow! We're really going? I can't wait!" Lavender says excitedly.

Toadlia looks more worried about going to the Ice Temple than Lavender. Maybe she is just like me.

"I don't know... It sounds quite scary. I'm not sure about it," Toadlia says.

"We must go. We must do this for Mario!" I say to her.

Toadlia nods.

"OK!" She says.

Rosalina takes us to Star kingdom, her galaxy kingdom in the sky. She then leads us to a quiet, cold looking star far away from all the Lumas. There is a massive icy door, with a girl standing in front of it. She is holding a huge sword, but she does not seem like a normal girl to me.

"Who are you?" I ask her.

"I am Blizzard, guardian of the Ice Temple. Who are YOU?" The girl asks.

"I'm Princess Peach of the Mushroom kingdom," I tell her.

"And why do you wish to enter the Ice Temple?" She asks.

"Because I wish to locate the long lost treasure!" I tell her.

"Ah. And do you think that you are worthy of finding it?" Blizzard asks me.

I don't like the way that she is quizzing me, but I am too scared to not answer her questions.

"I-I don't know," I say to her.

She looks at me.

"You seem to posses the power of air...," she says.

"Yes. That's right," I tell her.

"I too have a power, you know. But not one as special as yours... I am the spirit of the Ice. I am here to guard the Ice Temple until someone worthy of finding the Cosmic Shard claims it...," she says.

I knew that she was no ordinary girl.

"A spirit?" I ask.

"Yes, that's right. I am the spirit of the Ice. I am one of two spirits...," Blizzard says, then suddenly stops.

"Who is the other?" I ask.

"Wisp, the spirit of Darkness. She is evil and cannot be trusted," Blizzard says.

"Wisp?" Rosalina asks.

"Yes. She was imprisoned in the Shadow Temple long ago...," Blizzard says.

"The Shadow Temple?" Rosalina asks.

Blizzard nods.

"You seem worthy of finding the treasure... So I will tell you. The treasure you seek is hidden in the Shadow Temple... But to find it, you will have to face Wisp first," Blizzard says.

"And Wisp? Is she powerful?" I ask.

"Yes," Blizzard says sadly.

"Then, how do we defeat her?" I ask.

"If you manage to get past all of her traps in the Shadow Temple she will reward you with the treasure you have been looking for," Blizzard says.

"OK!" Lavender says.

"That's all we need to do? We don't need to battle her?" I ask.

"No, you don't. But I'll warn you now. It will not be easy to get past all of her traps. So be very careful," Blizzard says.

"Can we get the Cosmic Shard?" I ask Blizzard.

"Oh yeah. That's why you came here. OK. You may enter," Blizzatd says.

We enter the massive icy door and find ourselves in a huge room. It is again, very icy, but with three pillars sticking out of the frozen floor.

Two of them have letters on them, and one has a pale blue glowing object on it.

"The Cosmic Shard!" Rosalina says.

"Yes. But to get it, you must pass my test," Blizzard says.

"What is your test?" Toadlia asks.

"Peach must tell me which of these letters were written by Mario!" Blizzard says.

Oh great. A test for me.

Good thing I know Mario so well.

"OK," I tell her.

"Excellent," Blizzard says.

I read each of the letters. They are both so similar. I have no idea which one has been written by Mario.... Ugh!

"What happens if I choose the wrong one?" I ask Blizzard.

"Then you and your friends will be locked in here forever. So choose carefully," Blizzard says.

Oh no. I should not have accepted this challenge.

I reread the two notes. I still have no idea.

Then a thought comes to me.

It's worth a try. Even if I get locked in here forever, I'll know that I did it for Mario. Anyway, it's not like I'm missing anything.

"Neither of the notes were written by Mario," I tell her.

Rosalina gasps.

"No, Peach! It must be one of them! Quick, change your answer!" She says.

"No. I am certain," I tell her.

Rosalina prepares to be locked in the Ice Temple.

"Well, this is it, then. It's been fun, though," Rosalina says.

"It isn't over yet!" Toadlia says.

"It is," Rosalina replies.

"Well done, Peach. You are correct," Blizzard says.

She then hands me the Cosmic Shard.


OK. The story will end soon! There's still going to be a bit more to come, but I've finally got the ending planned out.
And yes, I've decided to add in my OC Blizzard! See you next chapter!


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