Chapter 12: An old rival

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I opened my eyes. The teleport had worked. I standing in the middle of Toad Square.

I noticed a crowd of Toads at one of the corners of the square, clapping and cheering. But it wasn't directed to me. Or Bowser. No, they had their backs turned to both of us. They were cheering to Pauline.


Pauline is my arch enemy. She's always trying to get Mario away from me, and fails every time. She's so annoying, and she never gives up. I wondered what she was up to this time. Probably no good, I thought.

"Pauline! Pauline!" The Toads shouted.

"Why thank you, fans!" Pauline said, posing to the Toads.

She spotted me staring. And she also spotted Bowser.

"Aw, look Toads! How about we tell poor Peach what's going on!" Pauline said.

"Pauline! Pauline!" The Toads continued to cheer.

Pauline blew kisses into the air. Yuck. She's so IRRATITING!

"So, then? What's going on?" I asked her.

"Well, my little Peachy, there's going to be a few changes around here," Pauline said.

"What kind of changes?" I asked her.

"Well, how about you tell her?" She said, pointing to an important-looking Toad standing taking notes in a corner.

"Well... Princess... You haven't exactly been the best ruler in these, hard, hard times," the Toad said.

"What do you mean?" I asked nervously.

"Pauline wants to be ruler. And she is braver, stronger and more willing to help us," the Toad said.

"What!?" I asked angrily.

"Just sign this," Pauline said.

"What does this do?" I asked.

"Makes me Princess," Pauline said.

"Never!" I shouted.

"Right, then, hyponitising," Pauline said.

A creepy-looking Toad came towards me dangling this little watch. I screamed out for help.

Bowser watched us. He then breathed fire at Pauline and the Toad trying to hypnotise me. They both screamed, and the Toad ran off.

"Ha ha ha. Peach has a friend. But we all know the real reason he's helping her...," Pauline said.

Then she walked off.

"Thanks," I said, even though I wasn't sure whether I really meant it.

"No problem," Bowser said.

I asked Bowser to leave me alone, and amazingly he agreed. I ran towards Dr. Toadley's clinic. If anyone can give me answers, it's him. He laughed when I came in.

"Back again, Peach Toadstool?" He said.

"Yeah," I sighed.

"Things not getting any better?" He asked.

"Nope. They're getting worse," I said.

"Well, then, I guess I know what you're after?" He said.

"Information on the third bro, as usual," I said.

He just smiled.

"Peach, I don't think I should do that this time. I mean, this third bro isn't going to bring a miracle, Peach. No. You need to believe in yourself, because you have power. Hidden inside you. Waiting for you to unleash it," Dr. Toadley said.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Yes, your power, Peach. It is waiting to reveal itself," Dr. Toadley said.

"How do I use it?" I asked.

"Think about your power, think about being powerful, and brave, and everything you want, and your power will show itself," Dr. Toadley said.

I listened. I thought about me, sorting things out, getting rid of Pauline and Bowser. I lifted my hand, and to my amazement, and whirlwind appeared, sucking up Dr. Toadley, who spun around quickly several times. I noticed and lowered my hand, and he dropped onto the floor with a loud thud.

"Ouch," he said.

"Sorry," I said, still amazed at my unknown power.

"Wow, Princess! You did it!" Dr. Toadley said happily.

"I know!" I said.

"Now, Peach, this Pauline, she has a plan, you know," Dr. Toadley said.

"Oh?" I asked.

"She is planning to make you look like a terrible ruler so she can take over. Don't let that happen!" He said.

I gasped.

"What's she doing?" I asked.

"She's trying to make you leave the kingdom as much as possible, do nothing to help the Toads, and also make you look selfish as stupid," Dr. Toadley said.

"No way that's ever going to happen!" I shouted.

"You must stop her, Peach! She would be a terrible ruler! And she also blames you for Mario's death!" He said.

I gasped even more, and a few tears came into my eye.

"No!" I said, my mouth dry.

"Princess, you must prove that you're not useless. Show off your power. Make all evil stay away from the kingdom, and help toad families. You can do it!" Dr. Toadley said.

"And I will!" I said.

I sighed. I had a lot to do, but I hoped Dr. Toadley's plan would work out. I set off from Toad Town straight away to find it in ruins, and almost demolished. I certainly did have a lot to do.

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