Chapter 14

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A/N: I'm so sorry for the late update! The internet connection was really bad and I'm on a trip to my home country so I might not be able to update for a few days  -_- (tho I probably will lmao)


Brightness didn't feel terrified. She stood emotionlessly as  Penguin shot a blast of frostbreath at her. Brightness was entranced by the light blue mist. She reached out to touch it, but shrank back as it froze her claws.

Brightness could feel hatred and fury rolling off the hybrid, IceWing, and SandWing, and she wondered what she'd done to make them burst limes.

Barb swung her tail at her, and at last, Brightness recognized the barb that had made Visioner feel so much pain. She dodged the blow, only to be met with a punch in the chest.

They hate me, Brightness realized. Just because I'm me. As if they're any better.

An unexpected burst of fury made her curl her claws, and she lashed out at Penguin. Her claws ripped a long gash across one eye, and the IceWing let out a howl of pain. Penguin prepared to blast her with frostbreath again, but Brightness scorched his snout with fire. Cyprus roared, the pale liquid bursting out of his mouth. It splashed on Brightness's arm, and it immediately froze, locking her arm in place. Brightness lunged forward, biting down on Cyprus's tail. She stood up, her attacks wild with anger.

You hate me. You hate me for being myself. You think you can beat me. But guess what? I'm more powerful than both of you can imagine.

I can kill you with a single thought.

She grabbed onto Penguin's wing, biting and clawing at the fragile, thin scales. She could taste the metallic taste of blood in her mouth, and a huge grin split her face. 

I'm more powerful than anyone in the world. 

This is too easy.

Cyprus lunged at her, opening his mouth to spray his deadly weapon at her. Brightness held out a talon, clamping his jaws shut. She grabbed hold of his horns and snapped his neck with a crack. Brightness pushed his limp body away, and gripped tightly onto Barb's tail. 

Rip this SandWing's tail-barb out, and let her never recover from the injury.


Tsunami sighed.

Three dragonets from the Gold Winglet had been severely injured, and another had been killed. Brightness, Visioner's twin sister, didn't have a lot of injuries, but Tsunami wasn't sure Barb would survive from her lost tail-barb. 

It was lucky that the art class had heard their screams, although Barb had already been unconscious, and Cyprus was lying on the ground, his neck twisted horribly. Tsunami didn't want to think what would have happened if no one had discovered them. She shivered as she remembered all those years ago, when she had been forced to fight in Scarlet's arena. The feel of bone crunching under her talons.

Pushing the terrible memories away, Tsunami returned to the present.

Penguin had no memory of what had happened, Cyprus was dead, Barb was still unconscious, and Brightness...

Tsunami let out another sigh. 

"Sunny," The SeaWing called. "Get Moon here."

A few moments later, Sunny returned with the mind-reading NightWing. 

"You wanted to see me?" Moon asked. 

"Yeah," Tsunami said. "Tell me what you see in Brightness's mind. She's been attacked along with three other dragonets from the Gold Winglet, and I want to know what she knows."

"I- Is that-" Moon stammered. "I mean, I shouldn't- It's wrong, isn't it-?"

"Just do it," Tsunami snapped. "She might know something."

Moon nodded, and hurried out of the cave. 

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