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"𝐒𝐡𝐞,𝐬 𝐚 𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫
𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐢𝐭 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬
𝐒𝐡𝐞,𝐬 𝐚 𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫
𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐦𝐲 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲"

SARAH WATCHED SADLY AS SHE AND LINDA SAT DOWN at their usual table for lunch. Sarah watched the group of Varsity players tease a student that was a lot smaller then them.

Linda and Sarah placed their trays down and were about to sit down before they were stopped by a group of cheerleaders.

"This seat is taken."She spoke.

"No one's sitting in it?"Linda said looking at the girl.

"Well, this is a cheerleading section. Warrior cheerleaders only."She said. "Are you a cheerleader?"

"Do i look like an idiot?"Linda remarked before she grabbed her tray and walked away with Sarah following her.

"bitch."Sarah muttered making Linda laugh as they took a seat at an empty table.

The next thing they see is three boys running while the varsity players are chasing them and the cheerleaders squeal in disgusting and run away from their table and run past linda and Sarah's table.

"thanks for not letting us sit there!"Linda yelled.


"my rides here. you sure your okay with taking the bus?"Linda asked standing up from the bench she and Sarah were sitting on waiting for Sarah's bus.

"i'm sure."Sarah laughed.

"okay, i'll call you later.bye."Linda and and Sarah waved and muttered a "bye."

Sarah took a deep breath in and sighed now returning to her homework. "seat taken?"A voice beside her spoke.

She looked up and Charlie from yesterday with the petition, same one from history, and the same one from the assembly.

Sarah looked at him then the bench then back up at him before turning to her text book making him laugh slightly and take the seat.

"you know you really interest me."Charlie said and she laughed and looked up at him.

"yeah?"She asked and he nodded his head. "how so?"

"Well,you seem really smart and are obviously very beautiful."He spoke. "but when it comes to talking to you, it's like a mystery."

"we've only talked once besides now."Sarah said closing her pen accepting the fact he wasn't going to leave anytime soon. "plus i hardly know you why would i tell you everything about me."

"Oh yeah?"he asked her making her laugh and shake her head. "well, try me. Hi, i'm Charlie Conway. I'm a fourteen year old almost six-foot, nonsmoking leo. i like hockey, pizza, and music and i dislike everything about that school. Expect maybe you."He finished and flashed her a smile which she couldn't help but return one. "now you try."

"I'm Sarah. i don't like it here either."Sarah replied and he nodded his head.

"and pizza?"He questioned her.

"i like pizza."


"of course i like music who doesn't?"She laughed and shrugged her shoulders. "i like pantera."

"No way! i love pantera."Charlie said making her playfully roll her eyes at him while keeping a smile that couldn't seem to go away on her face." so the only thing we don't agree on is hockey. to violent? don't understand the rules?"

"i have to admit i've never been to a game."Sarah said and watched his face turn into disappointment. "and it's a fine sport i don't mind it i just don't care enough to see a game."

"you've never heard of the anaheim mighty ducks?"He asked in disbelief as she shook her head. "They named a pro team after us."

"sorry."She said with a shrug.

"oh man."He sighed making her let out a soft laugh. "well we have a game on Friday. and... i was just thinking that maybe you could come down and we can snag a coke or something afterwards?"

"i still don't know you that well."Sarah let out a a hiss of air and pursed her lips.

"well did i tell you i'm allergic to nuts?"He added on making her laugh. "any kinda of nut. i swear. i blow it. it's kinda gross."

"i'm sure it is."She said and he laughed.

"and R.E.M?"He continued. "John Woo movies?" He said and she hummed with a smile. "and i really like talking to you."

"what else?"He asked.

"mhm i don't know."She said and opened her pen back up and held her hand out for his. He quickly placed his hand on her palm allowing her to write something on it and then put her pen away and notice the bus had approached them. "but keep talking."She said and entered into the bus with him following.


"oh my god i'm so happy for you."Linda said over the phone. "but come on, a jock?"

"Linda, i respect your hatred for jocks but trust me, he isn't like them."Sarah said as she held the phone against her ear.

"mmm okay."Linda was hesitant. "so where you guys going?"

"oh right by the way."Sarah said. "you're coming with me to the hockey game friday."


"okay love you byeeeeee."

"Sarah what the hell!"


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